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Thursday, 26. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Mi primer State of the Map LatAm en Belém, Pará, Brasil en el 2024

Hace unos días estuve en el State of the Map LatAm, que esta vez fue en Belém de Pará, en Brasil, cerca de la desembocadura del río Amazonas. Fue el primer evento relativo a OpenStreetMap al que asisto y fue muy enriquecedor para mí.

Llevo varios años contribuyendo al proyecto OSM de diferentes formas: he fortalecido y empoderado a la comunidad de Colombia, he promovido junto con mi amig

Hace unos días estuve en el State of the Map LatAm, que esta vez fue en Belém de Pará, en Brasil, cerca de la desembocadura del río Amazonas. Fue el primer evento relativo a OpenStreetMap al que asisto y fue muy enriquecedor para mí.

Llevo varios años contribuyendo al proyecto OSM de diferentes formas: he fortalecido y empoderado a la comunidad de Colombia, he promovido junto con mi amigo Rafael Isturiz la resolución de notas, he hecho eventos de diferente naturaleza, varios de los cuales me ha acompañado mi señora, mi hijo, a veces mi mamá y hasta mis sobrinos y hermanos. Pero siempre habían sido en Bogotá, o cerca de la capital, como el último que hicimos en Duitama.

Para el SotM LatAm apoyé en ciertas cosas en la organización, como su propuesta inicial (que utilizó las herramientas que habíamos configurado para las juntas LatAm) y en algunos temas de TI.

Desde hace un tiempo, había querido aprender un cuarto idioma, y había intentado entre el Latín y el Esperanto. Pero debido a que era un evento en Brasil, además que ya había viajado 2 veces allá, decidí aprender Portugués. Comencé con Duolingo (y aún sigo, al igual que otros amigos que fueron al SotM) y tomé clases en el IBRACO. Con esto al menos podría interactuar con los locales más fácilmente.

Para preparar el viaje, me tocó alistar la vacuna de la fiebre amarilla, desempolvar los pasaportes, y recordar que la última vez que había salido del país fue a Francia para presidir el matrimonio de mis amigos Magali y Noel (si, yo los casé).

En la preparación del vuelo, una persona que admiro mucho, Leonardo Gutiérrez, me dijo que iba a tomar el mismo vuelo y los mismos hoteles que yo. Esto ya pintaba bueno, porque con Leo nos la llevamos muy bien y viajar bien acompañado vale oro.

Ya cuando se acercaba el día del vuelo, la mejor pareja mapeadora, Angie y Juancho, me dijeron que iban a tomar el mismo vuelo. Ya en este punto dije: será un viaje genial.

Llegó el día del viaje, había protestas en el aeropuerto Eldorado, por lo que Angie y Juancho llegaron con 6 horas de anterioridad, y me dijeron que no había problema para pasar al muelle internacional. Entonces, me “relajé” y como yo sabía que Leo que venía de Duitama en bus, y llegaba en Transmilenio (el bus BRT de Bogotá) decidí tomar el mismo bus. ¡Fue una Odisea! Primero ajustar el trayecto para tomar el mismo bus expreso. Cuando llegué a la estación donde paraba (llegué corriendo). El bus estaba lleno, además, yo llevaba una maleta grande, y el sombrero que mi amigo Salim me había pedido (un sombrero aguadeño espectacular, que también me voy a comprar). Iba tan lleno el bus, que me tocó pedirle a algunas personas que estaban fuera del bus que me empujaran, para poder entrar (al estilo japonés con los pushers, aunque aquí sin guantes blancos).

Dentro del bus, le pasé el sombrero a Leo, que estaba “lejos” pero mejor posicionado que yo - en la puerta, y las personas me ayudaron con esto. Ya más adelante comenzamos a hablar, y no paramos durante los 5 días del evento.

Cuando llegamos al aeropuerto, comenzamos a calentar motores, con una cerveza en Crepes & Waffles mientras cenábamos. Después fuimos a emigración, y claro, como hace rato no salía del país, me tocó hacer una fila de 1 hora para el control, ya que no tengo control biométrico. Ya después de pasar emigración, Angie y Juan nos esperaban con varias cervezas. ¡Cerveza a 5000 en el muelle internacional! Con eso la espera del avión fue muy buena. Ahí fue que les dije, esto es como un viaje de Prom, porque tenía amigos que me cuidaban, y yo a ellos.

Más tarde se unió Mishell, y aceptó muy contenta una cerveza que le teníamos. Lo único fue que en el vuelo de Avianca de Bogotá a Manaos no pudimos tomárnoslas, por lo que decidimos dormir en el avión. Iba tan desocupado que cada uno tomó una banca de 3 personas, por lo que pudimos descansar acostados.

Durante todo el viaje, les pedí a ellos que me ayudaran a cuidar el sombrero de Salim, y casi que, en vez de estar pendiente de las maletas, estábamos pendiente de que el sombrero no se quedara en algún lado, ni fuera lastimado.

Ya en Manaos, yo debía recoger mi maleta, y esperar 4 horas para el otro vuelo. ¿Cómo esperar? pues tomando unas cervezas, así hasta las 6 de la mañana, después desayunamos, y tomamos el otro vuelo.

Finalmente, en Belén, después de una noche muy interrumpida, en un vuelo con turbulencias, llegamos al hotel. Un hotel cerca de la ubicación inicial del evento, del Hangar, pero muy lejos del nuevo lugar, el Palacete do Pinho.

Nos encontramos con Leo, fuimos donde estaba Jonathan y Graeme, los expedicionarios del Amazonas (tomaron barco desde Iquitos hasta Belém de lo cual escribieron varias entradas en el diario de OSM) y se nos unió Julieth, una chica de Medellín.

El siguiente día era para un evento sencillo en la mañana (ya que no había terminado el FOSS4G), que consistía en el registro y después una walk-a-thon. Llegué temprano, saludé a Juan Arellano, con quien habíamos cuadrado varios eventos, y a Cati, que es una chica con la que siempre puedo contar, y me encanta ese apoyo incondicional.

Posteriormente vino la que pudo haber sido la parte más emocionante para mí. Empecé a saludar gente que conocía de hace años, grandes amigos, pero no había tenido la oportunidad de conocerlos en persona. El primero fue Salim, que gusto poder estar ahí con él, y hablamos bastante. Después saludé a Céline; fue un caluroso abrazo, de una gran amiga. Después de muchos años de hablarnos, no había tenido la oportunidad de compartir con ella, que “chevere”. Posteriormente vino Vitor, con quien hemos apoyado la construcción de la comunidad de LatAm. Entonces, me dije, estos momentos hay que guardarlos, y comencé a tomar una selfie con cada persona que saludaba.

Así fue como saludé o conocí a Willie, Patricia Llanos, Dolores, Kaue, Ariel Anthieni, Mishell Catucuamba, los chicos de SAGEMA Paulina, Julieth, Yéssica, Camilo y la sorpresa, Sebastián Bravo - quien no había confirmado que viajaba a Belém. Finalmente llegaron las TomTom girls, unas personas magníficas con las que había hablado mucho, María José y Zorca, quienes me presentaron a Leticia. Puede que haya saludado a más personas, pero no lo recuerdo.

Nos tomamos la primera selfie del evento, y así vinieron varias fotos. Salimos, nos dividimos en 2 grupos, y comenzamos a mapear. Algunos con StreetComplete, otros con Every Door, Angie y yo con las cámaras 360, otras personas tomaban fotos y videos para Mapillary. Ahí aprendimos mucho.

Esa noche, fuimos algunos a tomar unas cervezas en el hotel, y Leonardo estaba haciendo lo que nos dijo que hacía Agustín Codazzi, quedarse en el agua todo el día, y atender desde ahí; en este caso, él hablándonos y tomando cerveza desde la piscina. Qué buen plan.

Después fuimos al Hangar, para la presentación de las personas que participábamos del SotM, algo corto, y ahí identifiqué que OSM es muy amplio, para diferentes propósitos. Después nos fuimos “los viejos” (como nos llamó Kaue) a las Docas, el antiguo puerto de la ciudad, y nos encontramos con otras personas de OSM. Compartimos con la gente de TomTom, nos dijeron que tocaba comer un helado tradicional ahí, y la pasamos muy bien. El no “viejo”, Kaue, fue el primero en irse al hotel por estar cansado.

Al siguiente día, nos tocó ir al otro lugar, al palacete do Pinho, y junto con Leo identificamos que realmente nuestro hotel estaba muy lejos. Pero ya que podíamos hacer.

La primera presentación fue del Board de la OSMF, una sorpresa tener a alguien de la organización que soporta OSM en el evento de LatAm, y qué mejor que una presentación en español, dada por Daniela, lo cual empoderó mucho a las personas. Para apoyar las membresías, creamos unos códigos QR (Rafa me apoyó con esto remotamente) y sabemos que muchas personas se inscribieron. Estamos esperando estadísticas actualizadas de membresía por país y así crecer la participación de LatAm.

Después vino la presentación de TomTom, algo muy bien logrado, en diferentes idiomas, inglés, español y portugués, donde el público entendió por qué esta organización está tan interesada en fortalecer la comunidad.

La siguiente presentación era de Juan Melo y su mapeo en Araracuara. Él ya me había contado cosas de lo exigente que fue, pero no había visto eso en fotos, y es admirable el trabajo que hace él en HOTOSM, y los riesgos a los que se expone.

En este punto le di a Salim, la bandera y el sombrero aguadeño después de todo ese trayecto. En ese momento me pidió que nos tomáramos una foto con todos lo que veníamos de Colombia, y ahí me di cuenta de que éramos la delegación más numerosa después de la local (inclusive puede que hayamos sido más numerosa que la de Brasil).

En este momento, Vitor se me acercó y me entregó el premio que me habían “dado” en el State of the Map 2024 en Kenya, al cual no había ido, y que se lo habían dado a Maya, después a Willie, y finalmente a Vitor. Gracias a ustedes por llevar ese galardón, ya que no es pequeño. Aproveché y le pedí a alguien a HOTOSM que me lo entregara para la foto oficial, y así fue como Juan Arellano posó conmigo para la entrega del premio: Community Organizer of the Year – Latin America and the Caribbean 2024 – In recognition of your oustanding leadership and organization in building and supporting a vibrant open mapping community in Latin America and the Caribbean region.

Era la hora del almuerzo y nos recibieron con una feijoada, el plato típico de Brasil, el que produce mucha “Saudade” y ya entendimos por qué.

Después del almuerzo, vino la presentación que más estábamos esperando, la presentación de Angie. Esto debido a que estaba nerviosa, y era su debut en presentaciones. Es cierto que Angie conoce muy bien de OSM, y siempre está explicando cosas, pero era la primera vez que precedía una charla. Fue algo genial, un tema que poco se trata por lo común que es, como son los caminos-highways, pero al mismo tiempo, lo poco discutido en comunidad. La charla aclaró muchas dudas, salieron preguntas, hubo discusión, se integró con otros temas como el transporte. En fin, muy buen taller. Felicidades, Angie, espero que siguas haciendo muchas presentaciones.

Después vinieron más conferencias, donde las GeoChicas nos presentaron lo que hacen para promover el mapeo por mujeres; OvertureMaps nos invitó a usar sus datos, donde usan diferentes fuentes. Esto último tiene mucho potencial para fortalecer el mapa.

Ya era el momento de charlas paralelas, teníamos 3 tracks, y ahí di mi taller de mapeo de ríos. Quise presentar eso porque es lo que estoy trabajando, de corregir ríos gracias a la página creada por Amapanda. Y pues fue algo muy discutido, lo cual es muy bueno para que comencemos a mapear de la misma forma y logremos tener verdaderas cuencas en LatAm.

Ya en la noche, queríamos ir a tomar algo. Y pues no sabíamos a donde ir. Finalmente, entramos a un establecimiento cerca que tenía música en vivo, lo cual animaba mucho. Ahí tomamos unas cervezas y pudimos compartir con muchas personas. En otros contextos se llaman GeoBeer, y considero que es el espacio ideal para fortalecer lazos, para conocer personas, para compartir, y debe estar bien definido para que no se pierda esa esencia, ya que, si bien es un grupo de personas trabajando a miles de kilómetros de distancia, también somos una comunidad, y un grupo de amigos. Aproveché para tomar otras selfies, con Graeme, Edoardo Nerhut, Jonathan Rupirre, Iván Gayton, Andrés Duhour, Jaime Gutiérrez, Maya, Carolina García, Dani Waltersdorfer, Severin Menard, Adrien.

Al siguiente día, había un taller de drones, el cual permitió a varias personas manejar un drone. Este tipo de actividades permiten quitarle el miedo, y aventurarse con estas herramientas de mapeo. Además, que se presentó junto a DroneTM, que permite dividir una zona para tomar fotos entre varios pilotos/drones. También hubo otros talleres, pero no pude asistir, principalmente los de YouthMappers, donde mostraban todo lo que han hecho, y como había varios de Colombia eran muy buenos.

Por la tarde era el taller de mi amigo Leo, el cual era sobre cómo su trabajo de generar rutas de transporte y cómo generar los GTFS a partir de esto. Una charla bastante técnica, que tuvo gran acogida. Lo malo fue la temperatura que nos hizo transpirar a todos, ya que no había aire acondicionado. Leo casi se me derrite.

Ya en este punto se empezaban a hacer los actos protocolarios de cierre, entre esos la foto grupal. Rodrigo tomó la foto más conocida del evento que ha rodado en redes sociales. Posteriormente, Juancho me dio su drone para hacer la foto desde el aire. Me tocó poner a prueba mis dotes de piloto de drone certificado, sobre todo, que había unos cables cercanos por ahí.

Volvimos al auditorio, y Juancho hizo la última presentación, del mapeo de ciclovías de Bogotá. Este fue un proyecto que hicimos hace un tiempo con Jorge Aguirre-JAAS, Angie, Juancho y yo, y qué bueno recordar todo eso que hicimos, que definimos, las discusiones, las salidas a terreno, los datos que recolectamos, y lo mejor de todo, tener esa presentación cuando se cumplen 40 años de la ciclovía en Bogotá, pionera en el mundo de bloquear los carros y motos algunas vías por unas horas, para dejar circular bicicletas, peatones, y demás transporte ligero.

Para terminar el evento, Juando (CyberJuan) me dijo que presentara la postulación de Medellín como sede del próximo State of the Map LatAm. Ya habían preparado unas diapositivas exquisitas, muy bien organizadas, pero mi discurso puede que no estuviera al mismo nivel. Hice mi mejor esfuerzo, presenté en español, inglés, e um poquinho de português. A la gente le gustó y aceptó esta ciudad.

Ya el último día en Belém, después del evento, lo pasé con el mismo grupo que llegué, Leo, Angie y Juan. Para encontrarnos, tomé el bus público con Leo, ya que le toca tomar bus a donde vaya, por su rol en Trufi. Fue una aventura, primero porque había bloqueos, y después porque me tocó hablar en portugués con el que cobra, y explicarle por qué estaba tomando un bus que no nos servía. Me sentí orgulloso de haber aprendido portugués y de la cultura brasileña.

Para terminar la aventura, con Leo, nos separamos de Angie y Juan en el centro de la ciudad, para vernos en el aeropuerto. Fuimos a recoger las maletas, después al aeropuerto, y pasamos los controles. En el momento del control de maletas, nos estábamos arreglando, tomando nuestras maletas, y encontramos una maleta pequeña como las que nos había dado TomTom. Ahí me dije fijo es de alguien de nosotros, se lo comenté a Leo, y él la tomó de una. Llamamos a Angie y Juan, les preguntamos si tenían todas sus cosas, y se dieron cuenta que se les había quedado esa maleta. Bueno, por eso es por lo que se viaja entre amigos, para protegerse entre todos y disfrutar más el viaje.

Entonces, nos vemos el próximo año en Medellín, la ciudad de la eterna primavera donde tendremos más de estas aventuras.


OsmAnd 4.9 (iOS)

Hello OsmAnd Users!

Hello OsmAnd Users!

We are excited to introduce OsmAnd version 4.9 for iOS, a major update designed to elevate your navigation experience. Whether you're navigating urban streets, heading off the beaten path, or analyzing your trip statistics, this release has something for everyone.

Key highlights include enhanced compass functionality, a streamlined search experience, and improved visuals for tracks and widgets. We've focused on making the app more intuitive and visually appealing, helping you explore with confidence and ease.

🔄 Update Now!

Upgrade your app today to explore new quick actions, refined map features, and much more. As always, thank you for choosing OsmAnd as your trusted navigation companion.

Happy exploring!

OsmAnd iOS Update

What's new

New Compass Behavior

The compass button has been updated to provide more intuitive and user-friendly functionality. These improvements make the compass easier to use, help you navigate better, and optimize map orientation control during navigation.

Compass button:

  • Single tap. Reorients the map to the North regardless of the current orientation mode. In Compass direction mode, the map briefly aligns to the North before returning to the dynamic orientation.
  • Double tap. Cycles through orientation modes, such as GPS direction or device rotation. This function replaces the previous Single tap behavior for switching modes.
  • Long tap. Opens a menu with all map orientation modes, letting you choose your preferred setting.

Locked Map Rotation

North is up

A much-requested feature, locked map rotation, now ensures the map remains consistently oriented with North at the top when the compass is set to the North is up mode.

In this configuration, map rotation is disabled, but you can still zoom in and out freely. This enhancement is perfect if you prefer a stable reference point while navigating.

Search by Brand Names

Brand name iOS

We're excited to introduce a new brand search feature in OsmAnd, designed to help you find specific places by allowing searches for POIs using brand names.

Whether you're looking for a favorite coffee shop, hotel, or a trusted supermarket, this addition makes locating more efficient. Instead of typing generic categories, you can search directly for brands, personalizing your search results to better fit your needs. This feature not only saves time but also enhances the overall navigation experience.

Widget Context Menu

Widget Context menu iOS

The widget context menu empowers you to manage and customize widgets directly from the map screen.

With a long tap on any widget, you can access its context menu to adjust settings or reconfigure layouts without navigating away from the map. This streamlined approach keeps your focus on navigation while providing the flexibility to personalize the map screen on the go.

Redesigned Graphs

Graph iOS

Elevation graphs have been redesigned to improve clarity. One significant enhancement is the repositioning of Y-axis labels to eliminate overlap with the graph lines, ensuring all data remains readable at a glance.

This visual update makes it easier to analyze elevation changes and other graph-based information while planning routes or reviewing tracks.

Track Menu Updates

The latest OsmAnd version introduces exciting updates to the Track Menu, making it easier to organize, search, and review your tracks efficiently.

Total Tracks Statistics

Track stats iOS

You can now view comprehensive tracks statistics right at the bottom of each folder. These details include:

  • Number of tracks
  • Total distance
  • Uphill and downhill elevation
  • Duration
  • Overall folder size

For example:
Tracks – 4, distance – 246.6 km, uphill – 325 m, downhill – 456 m, duration – 08:50:35, Total size – 14 MB.

This feature simplifies keeping track of your activities at a glance!

Track filters iOS

Finding specific tracks is more convenient than ever with the new track filters. You can filter results based on criteria like duration and length, ensuring you locate the exact track you need.

Sort Subfolders

Track filters iOS Track filters iOS

Improved sorting functionality in the Tracks tab, now enables you to organize subfolders systematically. Sorting options make it effortless to navigate your tracks, whether grouped by activity, location, or other preferences.

Updates for Map Mode Menu

Map mode iOS

The map mode menu now includes an auto-theme switch that adapts to your app’s light or dark mode settings. This ensures that your map view matches the app’s overall theme seamlessly, improving visual consistency and reducing eye strain during night or daytime navigation.

Grouped Tags

To streamline the Context menu, all POI tags and translations are now consolidated under a single item. This grouping includes fields such as:

  • name
  • alt name
  • old name

This makes it easier to find relevant information about points of interest without unnecessary clutter.

Profile Appearance Redesign

The profile appearance has been redesigned for better usability and visual appeal.

Key updates:

  • Customization tools. New icon and color selection options for profiles.

  • Map redesign. Improved interface for selecting location icons on the map.

  • Default 3D icons. Modernized design elements for a fresh look.

  • Additional visual elements for the Resting and Navigation positions below my location icon:

    • View angle. Displays a cone-shaped area that shows the direction you are currently facing.
      Status: Off,  Resting position,  Navigation position,  Rest & navigation position.

    • Location radius. Shows a circular area around your icon, representing the accuracy of your current location.
      Status: Off,  Resting position,  Navigation position,  Rest & navigation position.

Quick Action Updates

Location Position on Screen

Menu → Configure screen → Custom buttons → + → Add button → Add action → Settings → Location position on screen

Widget page

A new Quick Action button allows changing the Location position on screen. You can enable or disable the display of the previously selected My Location cursor position on the map.

Switch Between Terrain Styles

In this release, we have added the ability to switch between terrain color palettes, similar to switching between layers. This can be done using the Quick Actions tool.

How to set it up:
Menu → Configure screen → Custom buttons → + → Add button → Add action → Configure map → Terrain color scheme

Touch Screen Lock

Menu → Configure screen → Custom buttons → + → Add action → Interface → Lock screen

Lock screen

We've added an incredibly useful new Touch Screen Lock option to the Quick Actions menu that helps you easily lock and unlock the map interface.

CarPlay Improvements

This release brings several CarPlay enhancements:

Downloading dialog

Downloading dialog iOS

The newly introduced downloading dialog for Maps & Resources, Context menus, and the First start screen improves user experience by streamlining these interactions.

Show Along the Route

The Show along the route option is now a dedicated item in the Navigation Settings Menu for easier customization.

How to access:
Menu → Navigation → Settings → Show along the route

Optional Updates

This release includes several additional improvements and fixes:

If you have suggestions for improving the iOS version of the app, please get in touch with us. We appreciate and welcome your contribution to the further development of OsmAnd.

 Apple AppStore

Wednesday, 25. December 2024

Pascal Neis

Unmapped Places of the OpenStreetMap World – 2024

In 2010, I first conducted a study which identified regions (places) in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Germany that still had potential for more detailed mapping. Later, in 2016, this analysis was repeated and extended to the entire world. I have since regularly carried out these studies and published the results. The algorithm and some […]

In 2010, I first conducted a study which identified regions (places) in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Germany that still had potential for more detailed mapping. Later, in 2016, this analysis was repeated and extended to the entire world. I have since regularly carried out these studies and published the results. The algorithm and some more details are documented in an earlier blog post of mine.

For the year 2024, I have recalculated this analysis and published the results on my website: “Unmapped Places of OpenStreetMap“. For the study, the OSM Planet File in PBF format from Dec. 7th was used. It can be downloaded here.


Currently, there are about 8.6 million elements in the OpenStreetMap project that use the place-key, representing either the center or the outline of a named place. Approximately 1.5 million place nodes are registered as villages, defined as “A village/town with up to 10,000 inhabitants.“. More details about the place-keys can be found in the OSM wiki. Depending on which type of street is used as a filter in my search, there are currently at least 170,000 places (villages) in OSM that are unmapped.

How is the number distributed across continents? Currently, 67% of the unmapped places are in Asia, followed by 30% in Africa. The remaining approx. 3 percent are distributed across the rest of the world. The detailed figures:

  • Asia: 113,895 (67%)
  • Africa: 51,443 (30%)
  • South America: 2,282
  • Oceania: 804
  • Europe: 637
  • North America: 484
  • Antarctica: 3

In the past the data from my studies have been used for MapRoulette, HOTOSM, MissingMaps, or similar mapathons or challenges. If anyone is interested in the individual layers of the visualization, they can be downloaded here directly as a JS file (track, minor, major). I would appreciate appropriate attribution if my data is used. Please feel free to leave a comment on my OSM diary page, where I have cross-posted this article.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Unmapped Places of the OpenStreetMap World - 2024

In 2010, I first conducted a study which identified regions (places) in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Germany that still had potential for more detailed mapping. Later, in 2016, this analysis was repeated and extended to the entire world. I have since regularly carried out these studies and published the results. The algorithm and some more details are documented in an earlier blog post of

In 2010, I first conducted a study which identified regions (places) in the OpenStreetMap (OSM) project in Germany that still had potential for more detailed mapping. Later, in 2016, this analysis was repeated and extended to the entire world. I have since regularly carried out these studies and published the results. The algorithm and some more details are documented in an earlier blog post of mine.

For the year 2024, I have recalculated this analysis and published the results on my website: “Unmapped Places of OpenStreetMap”. For the study, the OSM Planet File in PBF format from Dec. 7th was used. It can be downloaded here.

Currently, there are about 8.6 million elements in the OpenStreetMap project that use the place-key, representing either the center or the outline of a named place. Approximately 1.5 million place nodes are registered as villages, defined as “A village/town with up to 10,000 inhabitants.”. More details about the place-keys can be found in the OSM wiki. Depending on which type of street is used as a filter in my search, there are currently at least 170,000 places (villages) in OSM that are unmapped.

How is the number distributed across continents? Currently, 67% of the unmapped places are in Asia, followed by 30% in Africa. The remaining approx. 3 percent are distributed across the rest of the world. The detailed figures:

  • Asia: 113,895 (67%)
  • Africa: 51,443 (30%)
  • South America: 2,282
  • Oceania: 804
  • Europe: 637
  • North America: 484
  • Antarctica: 3

In the past the data from my studies have been used for MapRoulette, HOTOSM, MissingMaps, or similar mapathons or challenges. If anyone is interested in the individual layers of the visualization, they can be downloaded here directly as a JS file (track, minor, major). I would appreciate appropriate attribution if my data is used.

Tuesday, 24. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Rechts abbiegen Richtung "Trüppl" - Abkürzungen auf Wegweisern und Ausfahrttafeln

Es kommt immer mal wieder vor, dass Ortsnamen auf Wegweisern abgekürzt werden. Hier ein Beispiel:

♦ Auch häufig abgekürzt werden Städtenamen mit Stadtteilen, wie z.B. “B-Lichtenberg” für “Berlin-Lichtenberg”.

Inhalte von Wegweisern in destination=-Tags zu mappen ermöglicht es Navigationsprogrammen beim Abbiegen die ausgeschilderten Ziele vorzulesen, und damit Fehler in Abbiegevor

Es kommt immer mal wieder vor, dass Ortsnamen auf Wegweisern abgekürzt werden. Hier ein Beispiel:

Wegweiser mit Richtungsangaben, Geradeaus Richtung Burg, rechts zum als TrÜbPl ausgezeichneten Truppenübungsplatz Altengrabow Auch häufig abgekürzt werden Städtenamen mit Stadtteilen, wie z.B. “B-Lichtenberg” für “Berlin-Lichtenberg”.

Inhalte von Wegweisern in destination=-Tags zu mappen ermöglicht es Navigationsprogrammen beim Abbiegen die ausgeschilderten Ziele vorzulesen, und damit Fehler in Abbiegevorgängen zu vermeiden.

Schlüsselwort im letzten Abschnitt ist vorlesen. Es ist wenig hilfreich, wenn sich die Vorlesefunktion mit Abkürzungen abstottert. Die Richtungsangabe zum Truppenübungsplatz aus dem Bild oben wird von der Navigationssoftware vorgelesen als “Rechts abbiegen Richtung Trüppel Altengrabov”, statt “Richtung Truppenübungsplatz Altengrabov”. Teilweise auch einfach nur “Richtung Trüppel” an anderen Kreuzungen im Umkreis. Also was Eintragen? Das Schild 1:1 abtippen, oder offensichtliche Abkürzungen von Orten expandieren?

Meine persönliche Richtlinie ist Abkürzungen von Ortsnamen (HB, OB, OH, etc…) und Wörtern aus dem Wörterbuch, wie den Truppenübungsplatz aus dem Titel, zu expandieren, und Akronyme von Eigennamen als Akronym beizubehalten (z.B. GETEC-Arena). Demnach würde der Platz in allen destination-Tags als “Truppenübungsplatz” oder “Truppenübungsplatz Altengrabov” eingetragen.

Der Wiki-Eintrag zu Abkürzungen ist leider nicht sehr hilfreich dazu. Er sagt gleichzeitig, dass Namen ausgeschrieben werden sollen, und dass Schilder Vorrang haben.

Leider führt letzteres häufig dazu, dass ausgeschriebene Städtenamen oder Abkürzungen durch schlechter (vor-)lesbare Abkürzungen ersetzt werden.

Mein Wunsch für bessere Vorlesbarkeit wäre es, einfach Abkürzungen auszuschreiben, und die Schilder in diesem Kontext nicht als Gospel zu behandeln. (Dabei natürlich als Eigennamen benutzte Abkürzungen wie TÜV beizubehalten, wie der Wiki-Eintrag dazu bereits beschreibt.)

Aniversario de OpenStreetMap número 1


¡Hoy es mi primer aniversario en OpenStreetMap!

Ha sido maravilloso. He conocido muchas personas en este camino que han hecho que esta experiencia sea mejor de lo esperado. En especial a @AngocA y a @se_bras.

Nunca pensé que desde las cosas que me gusta hacer pudiera contribuir (por lo menos un poquito) a la construcción y al fortalecimiento de las comunidades.


¡Hoy es mi primer aniversario en OpenStreetMap!

Ha sido maravilloso. He conocido muchas personas en este camino que han hecho que esta experiencia sea mejor de lo esperado. En especial a @AngocA y a @se_bras.

Nunca pensé que desde las cosas que me gusta hacer pudiera contribuir (por lo menos un poquito) a la construcción y al fortalecimiento de las comunidades.

Espero que el año que viene siga lleno de buenas experiencias y, por supuesto, de mucho mapeo.

¿Qué debería hacer el próximo año?

Actualización del proyecto de mapeo de Marinilla

Hablando con la comunidad a través del canal de Telegram, caí en la cuenta de la necesidad de realizar los trámites respectivos para el uso de información geográfica oficial. En meses pasados agregué las veredas de Marinilla con base en la cartografía que tengo disponible. Sin embargo, lo correcto habría sido solicitar el permiso de uso, ya que su uso en OpenStreetMap, si bien no está textualmente prohibido, tampoco está textualmente permitido. Procuraré realizar el trámite pertinente en los próximos días. Pasa algo similar con la inclusión de las sedes educativas. Primero haré la solicitud formal con el esquema de datos de OSM para poder incluirlas sin ningún problema, y hacerlo de manera masiva. Por el momento, ya creé el nuevo proyecto en el HOT Tasking Manager. Inteté hacerlo con DAMN, pero damn!, es demasiado complicado por el momento. Cuando tenga más experiencia, migraremos a esta plataforma. Por el momento, el proyecto avanzará como se había planeado.

Monday, 23. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Rapid v2.5 released today!

Rapid v2.5 released today!

Happy Festivus from the Rapid Team! Today we released v2.5 of the Rapid editor for OpenStreetMap just in time for the “Feats of Strength” 💪

Here’s 4 new features that we’re really proud of!… ♦

🧚‍♂️ Pixi v8 Upgrade!

We upgraded Rapid’s render to use the latest version of PixiJS game engine. This version gives Rapid a welcome performance boost - if you’v

Rapid v2.5 released today!

Happy Festivus from the Rapid Team! Today we released v2.5 of the Rapid editor for OpenStreetMap just in time for the “Feats of Strength” 💪

Here’s 4 new features that we’re really proud of!… lets rumble

🧚‍♂️ Pixi v8 Upgrade!

We upgraded Rapid’s render to use the latest version of PixiJS game engine. This version gives Rapid a welcome performance boost - if you’ve aired any grievances about Rapid being laggy, the new Rapid should perform much better for you!

buildings and addresses

👨‍🦽‍➡️ New Curb Validator

Rapid can now detect whether curb ramps can been mapped at road crossings and prompt the user to add them with a one-click fix. These suggestions look different from the previous warnings raised by our validator - they show up with a small upgrade symbol ⬆️

adding missing curbs

🌎 New Overture Places Dataset

Another Festivus miracle! Overture Places is an open dataset of over 50 million places. We’ve added this dataset to Rapid as a read-only preview to make it easier to contribute missing businesses and points-of-interest to OpenStreetMap.

Overture Places

👣 New Open Footways Dataset

Meta has collected openly licensed data in 5 cities (more to come!) to make it easy to add missing sidewalks to OpenStreetMap. You can find this new dataset in the Rapid menu too!

Read more here:

open map data footways

Use Rapid!

☝️ Switch to Rapid! Bookmark and make it your editor of choice. ✌️ Want to help us make Rapid better? Follow us on Github at or find us on our social media or OpenStreetMap community channels.

And now, the airing of grievances!



Яндекс Панорамы - настоящий клад! В Красноярске есть пешие панорамы, на которых отчетливо видно таблички на дверях организаций. Уже заливаю через EveryDoor

Яндекс Панорамы - настоящий клад! В Красноярске есть пешие панорамы, на которых отчетливо видно таблички на дверях организаций. Уже заливаю через EveryDoor

Sunday, 22. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Mapping Eastvale 2024

Our agency has decided to contribute our mapping expertise to Eastvale, California, through the end of 2024. Eastvale has been without address data for turn-by-turn navigation apps for quite some time, and we’re committed to helping fill this gap.

~ B2VMarketing

Our agency has decided to contribute our mapping expertise to Eastvale, California, through the end of 2024. Eastvale has been without address data for turn-by-turn navigation apps for quite some time, and we’re committed to helping fill this gap.

~ B2VMarketing

SoTM Asia 2024: An Experience to Remember, to Cherish

Ah, State of the Map! The pinnacle annual gathering of our own kind, where we, the OSM community, come together to exchange insights, celebrate achievements, and explore the latest advancements in technology.

How was my experience overall, you may ask? Eight days of relentless effort—rushing between offices to complete my passport and visa, and spending countless hours traveling on vario

Ah, State of the Map! The pinnacle annual gathering of our own kind, where we, the OSM community, come together to exchange insights, celebrate achievements, and explore the latest advancements in technology.

How was my experience overall, you may ask? Eight days of relentless effort—rushing between offices to complete my passport and visa, and spending countless hours traveling on various modes of transport—just to attend a weekend-long conference. Was it worth it? Absolutely, without a doubt! In fact, I’d gladly go through it all again in a heartbeat.

This experience was nothing short of incredible. It was a joy and privilege to finally meet Mikko Tamura, Honey Fombuena, Harry Mahardhika, Nama Raj Budhathoki from HOT, and so many other inspiring individuals from the Bangladesh and Nepal OSM communities, as well as the vibrant YouthMappers network. Their boundless energy, unwavering passion for improving OpenStreetMap (OSM), and commitment to encouraging mass adoption left a profound impression on me.

Connecting with them wasn’t just about OSM; it was about engaging with a group of extraordinary people whose enthusiasm and vision resonate deeply. Their drive to create positive change is quite something, and I am more motivated than ever to channel that same spirit into my own initiatives in the near future.

The weekend wasn’t just a conference—it was a gathering of minds, a celebration of shared purpose, and an unforgettable opportunity to be part of a community that genuinely inspires. I am immensely grateful for every moment of it.


weeklyOSM 752

12/12/2024-18/12/2024 “Notes?!? Firefishy has a CLIPBOARD!” – This historic clipboard details the OSM’s recent ISP migration to Equinix Internet, as an effort to mitigate the 57-hour OSM outage caused by a router failure in Amsterdam (IPv6 was added later in the day). [1] | © Firefishy Mapping The proposal to add oneway:foot=*, for marking one-way…

Continue read


lead picture

“Notes?!? Firefishy has a CLIPBOARD!” – This historic clipboard details the OSM’s recent ISP migration to Equinix Internet, as an effort to mitigate the 57-hour OSM outage caused by a router failure in Amsterdam (IPv6 was added later in the day). [1] | © Firefishy


  • The proposal to add oneway:foot=*, for marking one-way restrictions on pedestrian paths and improving data for routing in areas with controlled pedestrian movement, is open for voting until Tuesday 31 December.


  • Inspired by meeting someone at a conference in Ireland who teaches in Indianola, Anne-Karoline Distel decided to map the city of Indianola, Iowa, United States, on OpenStreetMap. She ended up mapping over 5000 buildings and 775 trees.
  • Le_Sharkoïste has compiled a collection of OSM objects named after world-renowned music artists.
  • Curious about the OSM element with the highest tag count in Belgium, M!dgard downloaded Belgium’s OSM .pbf file from Geofabrik and created a Python script to find an answer. The results were: Belgium, Brussels, the Council of the European Union, the River Meuse, the Irish Embassy, and a certain maritime beacon in the River Scheldt.
  • Raquel Dezidério has posted, in her OSM user diary, a retrospective of the YouthMappers UFRJ’s activities in 2024 and thanked their partners and collaborators.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • [1] On Sunday 15 December OpenStreetMap and related services went offline at approximately 04:00 UTC due to a router hardware failure affecting Internet Service Provider (ISP) servers in Amsterdam. The OSM Operations Team (one permanent and volunteers) reported on the OSM Community forum about the progress to get back online.
    • The ISP had confirmed the issue and was waiting for a replacement router shipped from California to the Amsterdam site.
    • OSM’s infrastructure includes a primary database in Amsterdam and follower databases in Dublin, synchronised through asynchronous replication. The uplink failure in Amsterdam led to a minor amount of map data being unsynced with Dublin. To avoid data loss, the Dublin database was not promoted to the primary role. Manual synchronisation over a 4G VPN was also deemed too risky, so as a precaution, OSM was placed in read-only mode to maintain data integrity.
    • In the meantime, the OSM operations were successful in moving to a new ISP for deployment in Amsterdam and Dublin, while awaiting the expedited delivery and installation of the replacement router.
    • On Tuesday 17 December, around 13:24:48 UTC, all services were back up and running again. OSM is now operating with a new IPv4 internet provider: Equinix Internet, IPv6 is also operational. The first historical changeset after this 57-hour outage was the mapping of a staircase in Lüneburg, Germany, made by KTim, using StreetComplete.
  • Meta has donated 178,710 EUR to the OpenStreetMap Foundation to enhance its infrastructure and operations, support events like States of the Map, and promote collaborative mapping initiatives.


OSM research

  • Researchers have utilised OpenStreetMap data, specifically building footprints with height tags, to validate a global urban building height model. OSM data played a key role in regions such as Brazil and China, showcasing its value in scientific research and enhancing its credibility for advanced geospatial applications.
  • Do you have good examples of where community mapping and OpenStreetMap have contributed to urban climate adaptation or development planning and implementation? A coalition of open mapping advocates is looking for case studies to use as evidence in journal articles arguing for the increased use of open community mapping as an effective route in gathering accurate geospatial data and community knowledge.

Humanitarian OSM

  • Gendy54 announced , on the OSM France forum, that there is a humanitarian mapping project in response to Cyclone Chido, which recently impacted Mayotte, a French overseas territory off the southeastern coast of Africa.


  • ButterflyOfFire wrote about a geoportal for the tourism sector in Algeria. You can watch this video, in French, to learn more about the project.
  • Wolfmond has developed Fedikarte, a shared interactive map where Fediverse users can self-identify their location data.
  • geoObserver reported on Amanda McCann’s WaterwayMap. This successful global watershed interactive map uses OpenStreetMap data as a basis and provides visualisations of the structures and courses of rivers worldwide.

Open Data

  • Trufi Association mentions that their public transport data (GTFS) generated from OSM has passed the rigorous Mobility Database tests.


  • Transform Transport has released its ’15 min City Score Toolkit’ and the results can be accessed through an interactive map, which shows the advantages of the tool in the optimisation of proximity services analysis, or with the web map displayed on PTV.
  • Bastian Greshake Tzovaras has been working on creating a Docker-based version of Amanda McCann’s Mapping party before–after tool. The goal is to allow people to create before/after comparison maps, without having to install all dependencies by hand.
  • Thibault Molleman learnt that the OpenStreetMap Router Project has a debug layer and it can be viewed by mode, for example a car.


  • Jeremy Keith discussed progressively enhancing the maps on ‘The Session’ (a community website dedicated to Irish traditional music) by leveraging the Cache API and service workers to switch between lightweight bitmap map tiles and more detailed vector tiles from OpenFreeMap, while maintaining performance and flexibility by caching JavaScript off-thread.
  • Jin Igarashi has added a new measure control to maplibre-gl-terradraw. You can add it to MapLibre with only one line of code and there is a demo on the MapLibre GL Terra Draw website. It is licensed under the CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 International.
  • Romika Thapa is working on a project that focuses on creating an interactive OpenStreetMap-based web application that integrates dynamic mapping, visualisation, and data interactivity. This interactive web app, built with Leaflet, offers the ability to visualise geographical layers, including districts, municipalities, and states, perform student location searches by name, integrate real-time weather data into map pop-ups, and display nearby schools using custom map markers.
  • Miles Alan has built Mobroute, an open-source public transportation trip planner that can directly ingest GTFS data from the Mobility Database.
  • Ellen Poe has developed Farebox, a Rust-based implementation of the RAPTOR algorithm tailored for multi-criteria journey planning on public transit networks. Designed to operate efficiently on memory-constrained devices, Farebox is built on top of Valhalla, an open-source routing engine that leverages OpenStreetMap data.


  • A new version of MapLibre Android with Vulkan Support was released on 12 December. You can get the package android-sdk-vulkan 11.7.0 from the maven central repository.
  • HeiGIT has celebrated the release of openrouteservice version 9.0.0. This update featured several integral changes for users that run their own openrouteservice instance.

OSM in the media

  • This feature from Die Sendung mit der Maus explored how traffic light systems are controlled, highlighting Cologne’s use of OpenStreetMap for monitoring and decision-making in coordination with traffic management centres.
  • Newsweek (as usual) has utilised an OpenStreetMap-based interactive map to illustrate the range of the Russian tactical nuclear weapons recently deployed in Belarus.

Other “geo” things

  • Ryan Abernathey has published the book Earth and Environmental Data Science. The content is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 International.
  • Framasoft, which maintains the Framacarte and many other interesting projects, is celebrating 20 years (just like OpenStreetMap). We wish you a long life.
  • nordmagazin reported > on an incident where the Altenpleen Fire Department in Germany was unable to reach the site of an emergency due to inaccurate data on Google Maps. Despite repeated requests from local authorities over the past five years, Google has yet to update its maps to reflect these changes.
  • Caitlin Dempsey blogged on the subject of ‘Mapping Methane: the Launch of MethaneSAT and the Limitations of Satellite Data’, discussing the advantages and limitations of using hyper-spectral images to acquire data about methane emissions.
  • Overture Maps has released a new update featuring 500 GB of monthly refreshed global geospatial datasets. Mark Litwintschik took a look at what it takes to join the various datasets together.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Jevíčko 2. jevíčský mapathon 2024-12-20 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2024-12-20
gmina Krośniewice Świąteczne mapowanie 2024-12-20 flag
Bengaluru OSM Bengaluru Mapping Party 2024-12-21 flag
Hamburg OSM@38C3 2024-12-27 – 2024-12-30 flag
Düsseldorf Düsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online) 2024-12-27 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2025-01-03
Moers Community-Hackday vom 3. – 5. Januar 2024 im JuNo, Moers Repelen 2025-01-03 – 2025-01-05 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Grass-snake, MatthiasMatthias, PierZen, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, kabarmaz, mcliquid.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Tag:natural=shrubbery を知った。

Tag:natural=shrubbery のタグを知りました。


OSMおける shrubberyは、管理されている植物(木や植物による区切り、庭園」)を示していると推測します。

日本語版の解説サイトは、まだありません。 EN Tag:natural=shrubbery

Tag:natural=shrubbery のタグを知りました。


OSMおける shrubberyは、管理されている植物(木や植物による区切り、庭園」)を示していると推測します。

日本語版の解説サイトは、まだありません。 EN Tag:natural=shrubbery

Friday, 20. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Dodajanje hišnih številk in zgradb

## Dol pod Gojko * 20. gruden 2024: hišne številke 1 - 4 s soležečimi zgradbami

eProstor - Javni vpogled

## Dol pod Gojko * 20. gruden 2024: hišne številke 1 - 4 s soležečimi zgradbami

Heiden Hof Putbus Insel Buja Rujan Rügen

Ragnaröck 855 Jh. nach dem Fall von Arcona Insel Rujan Bujan Rügen Muttländer Heide Paul Paulssohn

Ragnaröck 855 Jh. nach dem Fall von Arcona Insel Rujan Bujan Rügen Muttländer Heide Paul Paulssohn

OpenStreetMap Blog

Sovereign Tech Fund Invests in OpenStreetMap

We are thrilled to announce that the OpenStreetMap Foundation has been selected by the Sovereign Tech Agency for a service agreement in the amount of 384,000 EUR over two years to ensure the stability, growth and modernization of OpenStreetMap’s core software. The Sovereign Tech Fund — a program of the newly established Sovereign Tech Agency […]

We are thrilled to announce that the OpenStreetMap Foundation has been selected by the Sovereign Tech Agency for a service agreement in the amount of 384,000 EUR over two years to ensure the stability, growth and modernization of OpenStreetMap’s core software.

The Sovereign Tech Fund — a program of the newly established Sovereign Tech Agency — invests in the development, improvement, and maintenance of open digital base technologies worldwide. OpenStreetMap is a global, collaborative, open source intiative, providing vital geospatial data for public use, private sector services, humanitarian response, and an incredible number of diverse applications. OSM has become the global infrastructure for digital map data.

The commissioned work will focus on updating and modernizing code to current standards, and enhancing volunteer contributions through improved documentation and testing infrastructure. It will also identify ways OSM’s core infrastructure can improve, including forward-looking research in topics potentially like responding to vandalism and new ways to interact with OSM data.

As a result of this contract, OSMF will be creating two new roles. The first role to be recruited will be the OSM Core Software Development Facilitator. They will help the growing team of developers of the OpenStreetMap core software to coordinate and organise their work, establish a space for the community to contribute productively, and ensure good communication across the community.

Watch this space for a job position in early January and consider applying or sharing it with a good candidate.

The OSMF board is grateful to the Sovereign Tech Agency for their investment at a critical moment of growth for OpenStreetMap.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Interior and northern Alaska NHD import

I’ve been mapping in Alaska for quite some time now, with a specific interest in mapping national parks, forests, and other protected areas. It has become apparent to me that much of the state, with the exception of southeast Alaska, lacks sufficient hydrographic data in the map. I’ve been working on chipping away at this problem intermittently, adding lakes and named waterways. However, given t

I’ve been mapping in Alaska for quite some time now, with a specific interest in mapping national parks, forests, and other protected areas. It has become apparent to me that much of the state, with the exception of southeast Alaska, lacks sufficient hydrographic data in the map. I’ve been working on chipping away at this problem intermittently, adding lakes and named waterways. However, given the size of interior Alaska’s national and state parks, attempting large scale additions by hand would be prohibitively time consuming.

I’ve gained a good deal of familiarity over the years with the software needed to perform an import of USGS National Hydrographic Dataset data to fill this gap. My current idea is to download the needed NHD dataset from the USGS website, convert it to .shp in QGIS, delete all tags from the data and split it to smaller files. I would then load the raw shapes into JOSM using the opendata plugin and add tags manually. I would avoid conflicts with existing data by loading it into the editor prior to loading the .shp, thus allowing me to integrate the data more seamlessly.

I am aware that it is customary to receive community buy in before beginning an import project. I’ve run into some confusion on this as Alaska has a very small OSM community that is not well established. I could contact a few mappers individually, but I am not sure if that alone would satisfy the need for community buy in.

I’m curious as to what input people have on this

Thursday, 19. December 2024

OpenStreetMap Blog

Meta Contributes to 178K EUR to OpenStreetMap

The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board is excited to announce Meta has made a major contribution of 178,710 Euros to support the OpenStreetMap community and core infrastructure. This critical funding is directed to OSM operations and infrastructure, and helping to bring the OSM community together around the world. The major part of these funds will be directed […]

The OpenStreetMap Foundation Board is excited to announce Meta has made a major contribution of 178,710 Euros to support the OpenStreetMap community and core infrastructure. This critical funding is directed to OSM operations and infrastructure, and helping to bring the OSM community together around the world.

The major part of these funds will be directed to meet growing user and data demand, and improve our technical infrastructure and software development. A portion of the funds have already been deployed to sponsor the global State of the Map in Nairobi, and over a half dozen regional and local OSM events around the world. And Meta steps up to a Platinum Corporate Membership, a commitment to OSM in the years ahead.

Meta contributes and participates in OSM in multifaceted ways. Their editors have had particular focus on detecting and fixing errors and vandalism. Meta develops the Rapid editor to enable human-in-the-loop AI assisted mapping. Meta’s Mapillary platform has collected and made available street level imagery for OSM for years, a super valuable resource for mapping. Recently, Meta has focused on pedestrian mapping, engaging the OSM community to improving data like sidewalks and crosswalks.

The OSMF Board is grateful for Meta’s donation and the many contributions to OpenStreetMap.

The OSMF welcomes in-kind support, as well as financial support for OSM’s technical development, operations, and community:

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. Our volunteer Working Groups and a very small core staff are the primary support for the OpenStreetMap project. Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation for just £15 a year or for free if you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

State of the Map Latin America 2024 at Belém

I have not participated in so many State of the Map conferences, only in two LATAM conferences, the first one being Sao Paulo in 2016, historical for me since the Geochicas were founded on this occasion and the following year in 2017 in Lima. I also participated in a Global conference in Milan (2018).

These conferences have seemed fundamental to me because of the links they generate, str

I have not participated in so many State of the Map conferences, only in two LATAM conferences, the first one being Sao Paulo in 2016, historical for me since the Geochicas were founded on this occasion and the following year in 2017 in Lima. I also participated in a Global conference in Milan (2018).

These conferences have seemed fundamental to me because of the links they generate, strengthen and activate. The OSM universe has a remote reality where in a somewhat miraculous way very strong human bonds of friendship, collaboration, emulation, creation, where it is possible to generate governance issues, where it is possible to build agendas and develop them. However, the face-to-face coexistence brings to this an additional unfailing strength: the friends we make at the State of the Map conferences remain forever. In addition, obviously, we discover themes, ways of impacting reality thanks to collaborative mapping, we update ourselves, we connect with people, companies, institutions and we all grow together.

That powerful sub-communities like Geochicas have emerged stimulated by one of these conferences is telling, Geochicas now being recognized globally for the actions and leadership it builds, and for what it manages to bring to the open technology communities of the geospatial world.

By connecting with people at these conferences, we also build bridges between national and regional communities allowing individuals to bring valuable knowledge in other contexts. I think of my connection with Jorge PB from Cuba, from SOTM Sao Paulo, which has led me to participate in other conferences in Cuba contributing there, I hope, some grain of sand.

From what I remember from the State of the map in Lima, many exchanges around the urban issue of mobility, pedestrian and cyclist accessibility with a gender perspective and also the discovery of an initiative that marked me and that I continue to pursue in other countries: the search for the gradual construction of a national coordination of drone operators (DronePeru) for their immediate, distributed reactivity in case of disaster.

With these memories I want to underline how the State of the Map conferences really succeed in connecting minds, practices, and transferring knowledge, enabling spin-offs, and continuing to build together the main lines of action of the sector surrounding OpenStreetMap.

State of the Map Belém

SOTM opening 07/12/2024

Being a collaborator of HOT, I voluntarily abstained myself from participating in the organization of the event, seeking to avoid criticism that always comes from individuals in the community, despite my other hats from which I am very active from a personal point of view. I let my colleagues from Geochicas lead the participation of women and the development of inclusive codes in this conference and I only made a few interventions: - A talk presenting HOT’s humanitarian mapping activities in the region and in Rio Grande do Sul, - and the moderation of a panel inviting all the people in the assembly who had mapping experiences with Amazonian communities from all countries to comment on their experience and how they solve the difficulties of digital barriers in these contexts.

I rediscovered the works of fellow community members, updating myself, better understanding other issues that I had not been able to give much thought to, such as Overture, and I even discovered from new angles the works of my own HOT colleagues.

I witnessed with great pleasure a particularly large participation of young people, members or not of the Youthmappers network and also a participation never seen before of women who have been in this case a numerical majority of attendees and participants. It is important to highlight this achievement!!! Among these people I discovered with pleasure new leaderships, strong leaderships! that show their passion towards the theme that unites us. I love it! It gives me back an energy that multiplies my own!!!!

Texto alternativo

To end on this note, what this LATAM conference in Belém has achieved in my perspective, was to bring together an unprecedented diversity of people, without having forced it, and to demonstrate that the OpenStreetMap community of today, is this same: diverse, with many women and young people, along with people from the old benevolent guard, with constructive presence of the private sector as well (TomTom, Meta, Development Seed), and that makes us want to strive to keep it that way: to continue to bring together the conditions so that people with this level of diversity want to come, can come, feel comfortable to share and also develop the passion that these conferences give us back.

Texto alternativo

What am I leaving with?

With an even greater conviction of wanting to follow this path of building diversity and building the renewal of the community, this for the very benefit of the map and the impact it has on people’s lives. I leave with new friendships, with great respect for many of the people I met and saw again. In addition to that and feeling appreciated by this community, it gives me even more desire to lead impact projects, to contribute to this map that changes lives, to act creating bridges between reality and data, to continue promoting public policy with data made by the people.

State of the Map América Latina 2024 en Belém

No he participado en tantas conferencias de State of the Map, únicamente en dos conferencias LATAM, la primera siendo Sao Paulo en 2016, histórica para mí ya que se fundaron las Geochicas en esta ocasión y el año siguiente en 2017 en Lima. También participé en una conferencia Global en Milán (2018).

Estas conferencias me han parecido fundamentales por los vínculos que generan, fortalecen

No he participado en tantas conferencias de State of the Map, únicamente en dos conferencias LATAM, la primera siendo Sao Paulo en 2016, histórica para mí ya que se fundaron las Geochicas en esta ocasión y el año siguiente en 2017 en Lima. También participé en una conferencia Global en Milán (2018).

Estas conferencias me han parecido fundamentales por los vínculos que generan, fortalecen y activan. El universo de OSM tiene una realidad remota donde de manera algo milagrosa se logran vínculos humanos muy fuertes, de amistad, colaboración, emulación, creación, donde se logra generar temas de gobernanza, donde se logra construir agendas y desarrollarlas. Sin embargo la convivencia presencial aporta a eso una fuerza adicional indefectible: los amigos que nos hacemos en las conferencias de State of the Map quedan para siempre. Adicionalmente, obviamente, descubrimos temáticas, formas de impacto en la realidad gracias a la cartografía colaborativa, nos actualizamos, conectamos con personas, empresas, instituciones y crecemos todos en conjunto.

Que sub-comunidades poderosas como Geochicas hayan aparecido estimuladas por una de estas conferencias es revelador, Geochicas siendo reconocida globalmente ahora por las acciones y liderazgos que construye, y por lo que logra aportar en las comunidades de tecnologías abiertas del mundo geoespacial.

Al conectar con personas en estas conferencias, también creamos puentes entre comunidades nacionales y regionales permitiendo que individuos aporten conocimientos valioso en otros contextos. Pienso en mi conexión con Jorge PB de Cuba, desde SOTM Sao Paulo, que me ha llevado a participar en otras conferencias en Cuba aportando allí, espero, algún grano de arena.

De lo que recuerdo del State of the map de Lima, muchos intercambios alrededor de la cuestión urbana de movilidad, accesibilidad peatonal y ciclista con perspectiva de género y también el descubrimiento de una iniciativa que me marcó y que sigo persiguiendo en otros países: la búsqueda de construcción paulatina de una coordinación nacional de droneros (DronePeru) para su reactividad inmediata, distribuida, en caso de desastre.

Con esos recuerdos quiero subrayar cómo las conferencias de State of the Map logran realmente conectar mentes, prácticas, y transferir conocimientos, permitir derivaciones, y seguir construyendo entre tod@s los ejes de acción del sector que rodea OpenStreetMap.

State of the Map Belém

SOTM opening 07/12/2024

Siendo colaboradora de HOT, me abstuve voluntariamente de participar en la organización del evento, buscando evitar críticas que suelen salir siempre de individuos de la comunidad, a pesar de mis otros sombreros desde los que soy muy activa desde lo personal. Así fue y todo bien, dejé mis colegas de Geochicas liderar la participación de mujeres y el desarrollo de códigos incluyentes en esta conferencia y solo aparecí di algunas intervenciones: - Una charla presentando las actividades de mapeo humanitario de HOT en la región y en Rio Grande do Sul, - y la moderación de un panel invitando a todas las personas de la asamblea que tenían experiencias de mapeo con comunidades de la Amazonía desde todos los países, a comentar sobre su experiencia y sobre cómo solucionan las dificultades de las barreras digitales en estos contextos.

Volví a descubrir los trabajos de compañeros de la comunidad, actualizándome, entendiendo mejor otras cuestiones a las que no había podido dar mucha cabeza, como Overture, e incluso descubrí desde nuevos ángulos los trabajos de mis propios colegas de HOT.

Presencié con un enorme gusto una participación especialmente grande de jóvenes, personas integrantes o no de la red Youthmappers y también una participación jamás vista de mujeres que han sido en este caso una mayoría numérica de asistentes y participantes. Es importante remarcar este logro!!! Entre estas personas descubrí con mucho gusto nuevos liderazgos, ¡fuertes liderazgos! que demuestran su pasión hacia la temática que nos une. Me enamora!!! Me devuelve una energía que multiplica la mía propia!!!

Texto alternativo

Terminando sobre esta nota, lo que ha logrado esta conferencia LATAM de Belém en mi perspectiva, fue juntar una diversidad inédita de personas, sin tampoco haberla forzado, y demostrar que la comunidad de OpenStreetMap de hoy, es esta misma: diversa, con muchas mujeres y jóvenes, junto con gente de la vieja guardia benevolente, con presencia constructiva del sector privado también (TomTom, Meta, Development Seed), y que da ganas de esforzarnos para mantenerla así: seguir juntando las condiciones para que las personas con este nivel de diversidad quieran llegar, puedan llegar, se sientan cómod@s para compartir y desarrollen también la pasión que estas conferencias nos devuelven.

Texto alternativo

¿Con qué me voy?

Con un convencimiento aún mayor de querer seguir este camino de la construcción de diversidad y construir el renuevo de la comunidad, esto por el beneficio mismo del mapa y del impacto que éste tiene en la vida de las personas. Me voy con nuevas amistades, con gran respeto a muchas de las personas que conocí y volví a ver. Además de eso y de sentirme apapachada por esta comunidad, me da aún más ganas de liderar proyectos de impacto, abonar a este mapa que cambia vidas, accionar creando puentes entre las realidad y los datos, continuar impulsando política pública con datos hechos por la gente.

Mi profundo agradecimiento a quienes lo dieron todo organizando!

Wednesday, 18. December 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Produção do YouthMappers UFRJ em 2024 | Production of YouthMappers UFRJ in 2024

O capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ relembra suas atividades desenvolvidas em 2024 e agradece aos seus parceiros e colaboradores Retrospective of the YouthMappers UFRJ chapter activities in 2024 and thanks to our partners and collaborators
   English below ;)
Aqui estão apenas alguns dos destaques…

Nosso capítulo completou 1 ano de existência em maio de 2024 e continuam

O capítulo YouthMappers UFRJ relembra suas atividades desenvolvidas em 2024 e agradece aos seus parceiros e colaboradores

Retrospective of the YouthMappers UFRJ chapter activities in 2024 and thanks to our partners and collaborators

   English below ;)
Aqui estão apenas alguns dos destaques…

Nosso capítulo completou 1 ano de existência em maio de 2024 e continuamos a pleno vapor, com atividades abertas de mapeamento e de capacitação em OpenStreetMap. Neste ano, incorporamos o uMap no curso básico de OSM, a fim de oferecer mais recursos para quem nos acompanha. Somente em 2024, foram realizadas 17 oficinas e emitidos 700 certificados.

O nosso projeto é registrado como uma ação de extensão na Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (Brasil) e conta com a coordenação técnica do Instituto Virtual para o Desenvolvimento Sustentável - e dos laboratórios Espaço e GeoCart da UFRJ, além das parcerias externas com demais laboratórios do estado do RJ e demais grupos do HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro.

Venha fazer parte desta história! Conheça mais sobre esta iniciativa e veja a galeria de memórias:
Agradecemos aos alunos e às alunas, aos professores e às professoras e demais profissionais e colegas, que têm se dedicado ao mapeamento colaborativo.

Estimamos boas festas e feliz 2025! 🌎



Here are just some of the highlights…

Our chapter celebrated its first anniversary in May 2024 and we’re still ongoing strongly the OpenStreetMap training and related activities.

At this year, we incorporated uMap into our basic OSM course in order to offer more resources to those who follow us. Only In 2024, 17 training sessions were held and 700 certificates were issued.

Our project is registered as an extension action at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro - UFRJ (Brazil) and has the technical coordination of the Virtual Institute for Sustainable Development - and the Espaço and GeoCart laboratories at UFRJ, as well as external partnerships with other laboratories in the state of Rio de Janeiro and other groups that belong to the HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro.

Come and be part of this story! Find out more about this initiative and see the gallery of memories:
We would like to thank the students, teachers and other professionals and colleagues who have dedicated themselves to collaborative mapping. Happy holidays and happy 2025! 🌎





Habe nicht mehr existenten Fußweg hinter Dudenhöfner Weiher gelöscht




On the Horizon


From the day I heard about the program, I was eager to participate in this international conference in my homeland. The venue, Cox’s Bazar, was another triggering factor of enthusiasm for me. Moreover, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in a State of the Map Asia conference.

Though I come from


From the day I heard about the program, I was eager to participate in this international conference in my homeland. The venue, Cox’s Bazar, was another triggering factor of enthusiasm for me. Moreover, I didn’t want to miss the opportunity to participate in a State of the Map Asia conference.

Though I come from a coastal area of Bangladesh, I have never been to the Cox’s Bazar. So. the excitement to journey with my fellow chapter members was beyond description. Though I attended only one day of the conference, the day was full of gaining knowledge and experience and making new connections. Many types of people were at the conference, ranging from students to experts and specialists in different sectors.

The knowledge I gained in this short time opened my eyes. It taught me that the map we create isn’t only used for humanitarian purposes but also for many other reasons. The talks, speeches, presentations, open discussions, and workshops of both offline and online participants all were valuable for the whole open data community.

The experience of this annual conference of the Asian community will always be with me. Besides this, the culture and nature of the historic city of Cox’s Bazar will be remembered by me. Like the long stretch of the Cox’s Bazar sea beach, I realized that the horizon of this movement is vast.

This conference gave me a great chance to make valuable networks with like-minded mappers from inside and outside of Bangladesh. These people have diverse backgrounds and contribute and use the data for many purposes. These networks will help me in the future and will also help our chapter of YouthMappers to collaborate in the future.

I also had the chance to give a short talk at the event about ‘How to Print an OSM Map.’ Mainly targeting the newbies, I tried to give a Lightning talk on how to do it and how many ways the map can be downloaded. It boosted my confidence and inspired me to participate in these types of conferences in the future.

A heartfelt thanks to the organizers, volunteers, and sponsors for this fantastic event. This conference was really an eye-opener for me. After this program, I knew that many people use the data we put in the system for many purposes, for the betterment of human life.

State of the Map Asia 2024: Exposure to My First SotM Asia

The Proud Moment as a Bangladeshi

My excitement was extremely high since I had come to know that this year’s State of the Map Asia would take place in the beautiful setting of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh for the very first time. SotM Asia 2024 had let us acquaint the people from all over Asia with our country’s culture, heritage, natural beauty, and the tradition of hospitality. The co-events – St

The Proud Moment as a Bangladeshi

My excitement was extremely high since I had come to know that this year’s State of the Map Asia would take place in the beautiful setting of Cox’s Bazar in Bangladesh for the very first time. SotM Asia 2024 had let us acquaint the people from all over Asia with our country’s culture, heritage, natural beauty, and the tradition of hospitality. The co-events – State of the Map Bangladesh, YouthMappers Bangladesh Summit, HOT Open Summit – surely added extra colours to the main event. I was eager to witness this proud moment being present at the conference doing any sort of adjustments needed to my existing schedule.

The Uncertainty & Risks

As my final exams coincided with the event, my participation became uncertain. But as I mentioned before, my willingness to make adjustments to my schedule and comfort made my participation happen somehow. As a result, I could ensure my presence only on the second day of the event – 1 December 2024. I started my journey from Dhaka on 30 November night as I had an exam on that day and reached Cox’s Bazar very early next morning. Then, I attended the conference for the whole day and again left for Dhaka in the evening of the same day. Upon reaching Dhaka on 2 December morning, I again sat for another exam. That is how my trip was designed with so much risks as I was not ready to miss this historic event!

All the Hassle Was Worth It

The struggle I embraced for the sake of SotM Asia 2024 was worth it. I enjoyed my whole time there. I could connect with many new people and meet many people in-person whom we only knew via online till the conference. I loved the souvenirs from the event. I was happy to present my general talk titled ‘OSM Data: A Tool for the Monitoring of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Realization’ to the audience. Many members from our YouthMappers chapter – YouthMappers University of Dhaka – attended the conference with great enthusiasm and it was nice meeting them outside the regular chapter activities.


Being part of the ‘Open Mapping Guru’ project, I was lucky to end the day having dinner with other open mapping gurus attended the SotM Asia and the honourable representatives from the Humanitarian OpenStreetMap Team – Open Mapping Hub Asia Pacific. But unfortunately, I could not spend much time in our beautiful beach which was not the prime concern this time though.


I appreciate the ceaseless efforts of the organizers and volunteers for pulling off such an incredible and seamless conference in Bangladesh. My heartfelt thanks go to all the participants and sponsors from home and abroad for making this event a grand success through their valuable contribution. The exemption from registration fee for the speakers and the scholarship in the accommodation category facilitated my participation a great deal. I am grateful for that.

I am looking forward to having more amazing experiences like this in future. Long live State of the Map Asia! Long live Bangladesh!

~ Marzia Hossain Jamila