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OpenStreetMap Blogs

Sunday, 13. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Uređenje riječke obilaznice

Nakon obustave projekta javnog prijevoza u Rijeci i ažuriranja svih gradskih i prigradskih linija, odlučio sam se za početak novog projekta ažuriranja podataka riječke obilaznice i autoceste A7 (Rupa - Rijeka - Šmrika) u punom profilu, između graničkog prijelaza Rupa (01+000 km) do čvora Križišće (43+000 km) u oba smjera te sve prateće pristupne i prilazne ceste. Cijeli projekt obuhvaća: 1. uređ

Nakon obustave projekta javnog prijevoza u Rijeci i ažuriranja svih gradskih i prigradskih linija, odlučio sam se za početak novog projekta ažuriranja podataka riječke obilaznice i autoceste A7 (Rupa - Rijeka - Šmrika) u punom profilu, između graničkog prijelaza Rupa (01+000 km) do čvora Križišće (43+000 km) u oba smjera te sve prateće pristupne i prilazne ceste. Cijeli projekt obuhvaća: 1. uređenje postojećih čvorova (ispravak ulaznih i izlaznih krakova). 2. korekcija zelenih površina i područja za akumulaciju vode. 3. uređenje postojeće signalizacije i uvođenje pozicija LED promjenjivih displeja iznad profila kolnika. 4. ispravak ili ažuriranje podataka o trakama (broj traka, ograničenje brzine). 5. uvođenje pozicija kamera za brzinu te nadzornih kamera sa direktnom poveznicom na sliku nadzorne kamere. 6. ažuriranje daljnih cestovnih pravaca i odredišta na izlaznim i ukaznik krakovima čvorišta. 7. dodavanje informacija o tunelima, duljini, godini izgradnje i tehičkim specifikacijama iste prirode.

Do sada (zaključno sa 13.10.2024.) ažurirani su čvorovi Jurdani, Trinakstići, Učka, Rijeka zapad, Rujevica, Škurinje, Orehovica, Sveti Kuzam i Hreljin te dionice Škurinje - Orehovica i Hreljin - Križišće. Planirani završetak ažuriranja postojećih podataka je najkasnije do 15.12.2024. godine, a nakon toga planiram i ažuriranje i dodavanje podataka na dionici autoceste A6 između naplatne postaje Kikovica (Čavle) i čvora Vrata.

Kod ažuriranja podataka koristim se stranicamainternetskim stranicama Hrvatskih autocesta, GIS portalom Hrvatskih cesta, Geoportalom HAC-a, fotografijama sa Google karate (Street View), fotografijama sa terena te popisom nadzornih kamera na internetskih stranicama Hrvatskog autokluba.

Uz cijeli projekt, djelomično je ažurirana i dionica autoceste A8 (Kanfanar - Učka - Matulji) na dionici između tunela Učka i čvora Matulji.


weeklyOSM 742

03/10/2024-09/10/2024 OpenInfraMap on a globe [1] | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors About us The editorial board of weeklyOSM is celebrating ten years of sharing weekly news from the OpenStreetMap world in multiple languages. On October 2014, the first multilingual edition was published. Mapping Okainov has made a request for comments on their new proposal…

Continue reading ͛


lead picture

OpenInfraMap on a globe [1] | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors

About us

  • The editorial board of weeklyOSM is celebrating ten years of sharing weekly news from the OpenStreetMap world in multiple languages. On October 2014, the first multilingual edition was published.


  • Okainov has made a request for comments on their new proposal to standardise the mapping of airport lounges.


  • Kingsley shared his experience of attending the State of the Map 2024 in Nairobi, Kenya.
  • The OpenStreetMap Community forum is now faster. The site has received a hardware upgrade.
  • Raquel Dezidério wrote , in her diary about the 10-year anniversary of the multilingual edition of the Wochennotiz (weeklyOSM), including a link to an interview with the founders. She also gave thanks for the opportunity to be part of the team of editors for Brazilian Portuguese, along with Lívia Rios and Adriele Bernardo.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Grant Slater, the Senior Site Reliability Engineer at the OpenStreetMap Foundation, published a report outlining the progress of OSM’s infrastructure during 2023–2024.

Local chapter news

  • [1] Jochen Topf announced the launch of the newly redesigned website for the German OpenStreetMap community.


  • The FOSSGIS conference will be held 26 to 29 March 2025, at the Schloss Münster (we reported earlier). The call for participation has been made , and submissions will be accepted until Tuesday 5 November. You can also support this event by becoming a sponsor. For more information regarding sponsorship please check the sponsorship brochure.
  • Michael Reichert has published a report on the OpenStreetMap booth at the Maker Faire in Hannover, Germany, held on 17 and 18 August.
  • Matt Whilden announced that the next State of the Map US will be held in Boston from 19 to 21 June 2025.


  • Amy Plant showed in a video how to find a place from a photo using OSM, overpass turbo, and F4map.
  • Panagiotis Vasilopoulos tooted that they have written a blog on how to import OSM data into Blender.


  • The OK Lab Flensburg has downloaded data from the Open Data Portal and turned it into an interactive heritage protection map . The current state of development can be viewed on GitHub and the software can be deployed by any municipality, city, or state free of charge and licence-free.
  • OpenInfraMap is now rendered as a 3D globe with zooming and panning capabilities, using the recently released MapLibre GL v5 pre-release. The water layer has also been updated to display reservoirs, water treatment and sewerage plants, and pumping stations.
  • Netherlands’ National Road Traffic Data Portal has published an interactive map that shows the location of and detailed information about traffic signs.

OSM in action

  • Flickr recently added a map feature to their Flickr Commons Explorer. It showcases historical photographs from cultural institutions all around the world using an OpenStreetMap-based interactive map.
  • The EU Commission has made the free WiFi4EU app available, which is intended to make it easier to find free Wi-Fi hotspots. The app uses an OpenStreetMap map, but unfortunately without attribution.


  • PLATEAU is a 3D urban model development, utilisation, and open data project led by Japan’s Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport, and Tourism.
  • GeoScribbles is now available in iD editor as an overlay layer.
  • A new Panoramax instance for MapComplete is now available.
  • Jefle released ‘Public Transport Stop Analysis’, an interactive map visualising public transport stop data from the OSM database.
  • Richard Ulmer has developed ‘osmar’, a command line tool for directly querying OSM data from PBF files.


  • Michal announced the release of Locus Map 4.26, which includes several enhancements, such as improvements to the rotating map feature, offline routing engine, remaining elevation estimation, and the Garmin smartwatch add-on.

Did you know …

  • … that Organic Maps now offers native track recording ?
  • .. that the United Nations Vector Tile Toolkit is a collection of open source software to produce, host, style, and optimise vector tiles for web mapping?

Other “geo” things

  • The Kon-Tiki team has published a statistical report about the age of houses in 80 large cities in Russia. They divided the age of buildings into several historical periods: Pre-Revolutionary (up to 1917), Avant-Garde (1918 to 1929), 1930s (1930 to 1939), Military and Post-War (1940 to 1956), Khrushchyovka (1957 to 1964), Era of stagnation (1865 to 1985), Post-Perestroika (1991 to 1999), 2000s (2000 to 2009), and 2010s (2010 to 2020).
  • InsertUser noticed that osmhydrant was briefly referenced in the recent Phil Edwards video essay titled ‘The Secret Economics of Google Street View’.
  • Anton Thomas will be giving a talk, ‘Wild World: A Hand-Drawn Map Odyssey’, at Stanford University on Monday 11 November. Anton will dive deep into his story, from the endless details of Wild World to managing its popularity, and the psychological odyssey of three years drawing one map, to his search for new ideas in the Kenyan wilderness. The event is free and hybrid.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Zámoly Zámoly Mapping Party 2024-10-12 flag
København OSMmapperCPH 2024-10-13 flag
Grenoble Atelier d’octobre du groupe local de Grenoble 2024-10-14 flag
Missing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng] 2024-10-15
Lyon Réunion du groupe local de Lyon 2024-10-15 flag
San Jose South Bay Map Night 2024-10-16 flag
Bonn 181. OSM-Stammtisch Bonn 2024-10-15 flag
Flensburg OK Lab Flensburg Community OSM Treffen 2024-10-16 flag
Salt Lake City OSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2024-10-17 flag
Karlsruhe Stammtisch Karlsruhe 2024-10-16 flag
Atelier Pifomètre/Bano 2024-10-16
Bruxelles – Brussel Velopark mapathon @ Fietsberaad offices 2024-10-17 flag
Zagreb OSM-HR Meetup 2024-10-17 flag
Boucau Rencontre Mapadour (Groupe local Pays Basque – Sud Landes) 2024-10-18 flag
Hannover OSM-Stammtisch Hannover 2024-10-18 flag
Rouen Atelier découverte OpenStreetMap 2024-10-18 flag
Pamplona/Iruña GeoCamp ES 2024-10-19 flag
Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2024 2024-10-19 – 2024-10-20 flag
Yelahanka taluku OSM Bengaluru Mapping Party 2024-10-19 flag
Cabecera Municipal Duitama Estado del Mapa – Duitama 2024 2024-10-19 flag
Nonnweiler Craftmapping Höckerlinie Otzenhausen 2024-10-19 flag
Kalyani Nagar OSM Mapping Party at TomTom 2024-10-19 flag
Toulouse Rencontre du groupe local de Toulouse 2024-10-19 flag
[Online] 18th Annual General Meeting of the OpenStreetMap Foundation 2024-10-19
Amsterdam A Synesthete’s Atlas: Cartographic Improvisations Between Eric Theise and Edward Schocker 2024-10-19 flag
Mumbai Mumbai Online Remote Mapping Pre-Party 2024-10-20 flag
Berlin DRK & HeiGIT Online Beginner Mapathon 2024-10-22 flag
City of Edinburgh OSM Edinburgh pub meetup 2024-10-22 flag
Berlin OSM-Verkehrswende #63 2024-10-22 flag
Lübeck 147. OSM-Stammtisch Lübeck und Umgebung 2024-10-24 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2024-10-25
Bologna OpenStreetMap al Linux Day di Bologna 2024-10-26 flag
中正區 台北城內商家mapping party暨慶賀MozTW 3.0喬遷之喜 2024-10-26 flag
Mumbai Mumbai Mapping Party 2024-10-26 flag
City of South Perth Social Mapping Sunday: Perth Zoo FREE TICKETS 2024-10-27 flag
Bremer Mappertreffen 2024-10-28
Saint-Étienne Rencontre Saint-Étienne et sud Loire 2024-10-28 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, YoViajo, barefootstache, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Nå er jeg altså tilbake!

Hei alle sammen (altså… dere som følger meg fortsatt og kan god norsk). Jeg har bestemt meg for å komme meg tilbake og hjelpe med kartredigering! Jeg hadde vært fraværende særlig lenge, men nå skal jeg ikke det. Jeg skal hjelpe med å oppdatere kartet der jeg studerer i utlandet (Denver i USA) og… trur det er alt da! Ha det fint dere :)

Hei alle sammen (altså… dere som følger meg fortsatt og kan god norsk). Jeg har bestemt meg for å komme meg tilbake og hjelpe med kartredigering! Jeg hadde vært fraværende særlig lenge, men nå skal jeg ikke det. Jeg skal hjelpe med å oppdatere kartet der jeg studerer i utlandet (Denver i USA) og… trur det er alt da! Ha det fint dere :)

Saturday, 12. October 2024

OpenStreetMap Blog

2024 OSMF Board Election – Online voting is open until 19 October at 16:00 UTC, when the Annual General Meeting will commence

This weekend take the opportunity to read the board candidates’ answers and manifestos and vote in the 2024 OSM Foundation Board election! The OpaVote voting emails will be sent to eligible OSM Foundation members this Saturday 12 October 2024, after 16:00 UTC and will link directly to the voting page – listing each candidate in […]
OpenStreetMap Foundation logo
Official OSM logo by Ken Vermette, CC-BY-SA 3.0 & trademarks apply.

This weekend take the opportunity to read the board candidates’ answers and manifestos and vote in the 2024 OSM Foundation Board election!

The OpaVote voting emails will be sent to eligible OSM Foundation members this Saturday 12 October 2024, after 16:00 UTC and will link directly to the voting page – listing each candidate in random order and allowing you to rank the candidates in order of preference.

Eligibility to vote

You are eligible to vote in the election if

  • you have been a member for the full 90 days prior to the date of the Annual General Meeting (which will take place on 19 October 2024), and
  • your membership is not in arrears 7 days before the date of the Annual General Meeting, and
  • you are a natural person.

OpaVote email

The email from the OpaVote online voting platform will be sent to the email address associated with your OSM Foundation membership, and

  • the subject of the email will be: [OpenStreetMap Foundation] Vote for 2024 Board Elections [some_random_letters],
  • the sender will be:

If you believe you should have received a voting email but can’t find it by Sunday, 13 October, please check your spam folder. If it’s still missing, send a message to the email address mentioned here.

Voting information and answers to frequent questions

You can find more information about voting and answers to frequently asked questions on this page.

Please make sure to read the warning on the page before voting.

Deadline for voting: Saturday 19 October at 16:00 UTC

The polls will remain accessible for one week, closing on Saturday 19 October 2024 at 16:00 UTC, when the Annual General Meeting will commence. We kindly ask you to vote in advance.

Do you want to translate this and other blog posts in another language..? Send an email to with subject: Helping with translations in [your language]

The OpenStreetMap Foundation is a not-for-profit organisation, formed to support the OpenStreetMap Project. It is dedicated to encouraging the growth, development and distribution of free geospatial data for anyone to use and share. The OpenStreetMap Foundation owns and maintains the infrastructure of the OpenStreetMap project, is financially supported by membership fees and donations, and organises the annual, international State of the Map conference. Our volunteer Working Groups and small core staff work to support the OpenStreetMap project. Join the OpenStreetMap Foundation for just £15 a year or for free if you are an active OpenStreetMap contributor.

Get notified about new blog posts: Subscribe to the English RSS feed (feeds also available for other languages)

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

OSM 15 Puzzle

I recently finished this mini-project where I implemented the classic 15 puzzle game but using the standard OpenStreetMap tiles as the sliding pieces!

While there are many implementations of this game online and in app stores (some even let you upload your own image), as far as I know, not one directly uses OSM slippy map tiles for the pieces. I figured this would be a nifty side coding

I recently finished this mini-project where I implemented the classic 15 puzzle game but using the standard OpenStreetMap tiles as the sliding pieces!

While there are many implementations of this game online and in app stores (some even let you upload your own image), as far as I know, not one directly uses OSM slippy map tiles for the pieces. I figured this would be a nifty side coding project and it was fun to do!

Currently you can play any of 20 map locations. Enjoy! 🎉

Play the game here:

Screenshot of a web app showing the classic 15 puzzle sliding game (scrambled) where each tile shows 1/16 of the whole world in Mercator projection Scrambled puzzle showing the whole world in Mercator projection

Screenshot of a web app showing the classic 15 puzzle sliding game (scrambled) where each tile shows 1/16 of the area around Haneda Airport in Tokyo, Japan Scrambled puzzle showing the Shibuya Station in Tokyo, Japan

Screenshot of a web app showing the classic 15 puzzle sliding game (solved) where each tile shows 1/16 of the area around the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., United States Solved puzzle showing the Pentagon in Arlington, Virginia, United States

Screenshot of a web app showing a selection menu titled, “Choose Map”. The choices are: World, Europe, Southeast Asia, Aegean Sea, Ireland, South Korea, Tasmania, Lesotho, Hawai‘i, Rio de Janeiro, San Francisco, Barcelona, London, Schiphol [AMS], Haneda [HND], Paris, Pentagon, MoMA New York, Shibuya Station, and St. Peter’s Basilica. Map selection screen

Friday, 11. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Deridder la is my location leave it alone

to unauthoized user is my maps leave it alone get your own account use your own apple maps never use me ever

to unauthoized user is my maps leave it alone get your own account use your own apple maps never use me ever

je cherche des parcours accessible ouà du tout chemin autour de chez moi

j’habite villeneuve lès maguelone et je re herche des parcours pour vélo tout chemin autour de che moi. merci pour votre aide

j’habite villeneuve lès maguelone et je re herche des parcours pour vélo tout chemin autour de che moi. merci pour votre aide

Reflecting on SotM Nigeria 2024: A Memorable Experience!

It’s that time of the year again, and once more, I find myself sharing my experience from State of the Map Nigeria 2024. Unlike last year, when we didn’t have workshops, this time we were spoiled with multiple workshops, covering various topics that kept participants actively engaged. Plus, for those who missed any sessions, we now have everything recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel to

It’s that time of the year again, and once more, I find myself sharing my experience from State of the Map Nigeria 2024. Unlike last year, when we didn’t have workshops, this time we were spoiled with multiple workshops, covering various topics that kept participants actively engaged. Plus, for those who missed any sessions, we now have everything recorded and uploaded to our YouTube channel to revisit at any time!

Unfortunately, as the Programs Lead, I missed many of the live sessions myself. But during the few times I could sneak into a session, I was blown away by the depth and engagement. This conference had that special vibe, the kind that makes you wish it lasted longer. I’m confident that everyone who joined will be excited to return next year.

One of the things that stood out this year was the diversity in our participants. We had people coming from across the north, south, east of Nigeria, and even Ghana! Meeting new faces, like my new friend Calvin Menttor from Ghana, was an absolute pleasure. By the way, I finally got to see the Ghana cedi in person 😄.

To my Tech Crew, Joshua, and Justice, I must confess that I still mix your names up sometimes 😅, but it was a fantastic experience working with you both! Together, we made the media coordination a breeze (though, Justice, you did leave me to freeze by taking the duvet 😂).

Shout-out to my Logistics HoD, Olurunkosebi, and Welfare HoD, Titi. You both made my job so much easier! You ensured that meals arrived on time and that all the participants had a comfortable experience.

And I can’t forget Hajar from TomTom, who supported us with the mapping project used during the conference. Your contributions were invaluable, and we’re incredibly grateful.

Lastly, but by no means least, to the Chair of the Conference, Dr. Victor Sunday—thank you for not giving up on this journey and for leading us through it all. From the months of planning to the final delivery, you were the driving force that kept everything moving forward.

The last time I updated my OSM diary was after last year’s conference, and here I am again. I honestly can say that SotMNigeria2024 was a blast! I can’t wait for next year’s edition—whether it’s SotMGlobal2025 or SotMNigeria2025. Stay tuned for more updates in my next diary entry!

I also want to extend my heartfelt appreciation to AFRIGIST for hosting us. The experience was so inspiring that I hope to return to your school soon for my MSc. Fingers crossed!

Thank you to everyone who made this possible. The journey, the planning, the execution—it’s been an unforgettable experience.

Thank you, SotMNigeria2024, for a fantastic experience. #SotM #SotMNigeria #SotMNigeria2024 #UniqueMappersNetwork #AFRIGIST #TomTom #SpatialMatrix #SciStarters #OSMNigeria #OSM

Thursday, 10. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Updating Cooling Center Tags in Dhaka for Heatwave Relief Efforts

Heatwaves have become a growing concern in recent years, and this year they’ve hit Bangladesh harder than ever, posing serious health risks. Our team, Three Dot, is competing in the Forewarn Disaster Hackathon 2.0, where we’re developing an app to provide heatwave alerts and an AI assistant that offers crucial advice on heat-related health issues.

One of the key features of our solution

Heatwaves have become a growing concern in recent years, and this year they’ve hit Bangladesh harder than ever, posing serious health risks. Our team, Three Dot, is competing in the Forewarn Disaster Hackathon 2.0, where we’re developing an app to provide heatwave alerts and an AI assistant that offers crucial advice on heat-related health issues.

One of the key features of our solution is providing users with the location of the nearest cooling centers—places with public accessibility, where people can cool down safely. These could be shopping malls, super shops, or mosques—any space that’s well-ventilated and free for the public to stay in.

The challenge we faced is that such attributes don’t exist in OpenStreetMap (OSM) for Bangladesh. Drawing on my previous experience as the former president of YouthMappers at Eastern University, I took the initiative to map out potential cooling centers. We’re tagging these places with: 1) Cooling_center: yes and 2) Cooling_center_bd: yes, to create a reliable resource for users and develop our heatwave project on top of that. Initially, our target location is, Dhanmondi and Mohammadpur.

Our initial focus has been on mapping spaces open to the community, such as large shopping malls and mosques, so that people can find refuge during extreme heatwaves, even if just for a short time.


валерія середи трикутник

валерія середи трикутник

Wednesday, 09. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

SOTM Nairobi has given me the motivation to keep going.

When I finished high school, I joined the Rwanda Red Cross because I have always loved humanitarian work and felt a strong duty to help people in any way I could. Becoming a trainer with Rwanda Red Cross gave me a sense of purpose in humanitarian action. I first encountered Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (OSM) during a disaster response for landslides and flooding in Rwanda, where many lives were lo

When I finished high school, I joined the Rwanda Red Cross because I have always loved humanitarian work and felt a strong duty to help people in any way I could. Becoming a trainer with Rwanda Red Cross gave me a sense of purpose in humanitarian action. I first encountered Humanitarian OpenStreetMap (OSM) during a disaster response for landslides and flooding in Rwanda, where many lives were lost. As a volunteer with the Rwanda Red Cross, I was part of the response team. After witnessing the destruction of buildings and roads by the floods, I began to wonder how people could be helped to avoid living in areas prone to such disasters. I thought about the potential of maps to identify unsafe places but didn’t know how it could be done.

One day, a friend introduced me to OSM Rwanda after I expressed my curiosity about maps. I joined the community, and on my very first day, I was trained on the importance of mapping for humanitarian response. I learned how to map roads and buildings, and though it wasn’t easy at first, I was deeply motivated. My curiosity had found a solution, and I was determined to continue contributing to mapping.

I started attending more mapping sessions and OSM events, learning and growing my skills. Eventually, I became a trainer in OSM Rwanda, teaching newcomers about mapping. This role allowed me to learn even more, as teaching others exposed me to different aspects of mapping. Over time, I made significant contributions and applied for a scholarship to attend the State of the Map (SOTM) conference in Nairobi. I believed it would be a great opportunity to expand my knowledge, and I was thrilled when my application was accepted.


Attending my first-ever SOTM event was incredibly exciting. As the time approached, I was filled with expectations and excitement. When I finally arrived in Nairobi, I had the opportunity to meet people from different countries, learn from them, make new friends, and experience such an event for the first time.


SOTM Nairobi brought me a deep sense of fulfilment and motivation to continue contributing to humanitarian actions. I was happy to connect with fellow participants, share thoughts, and discuss how OSM projects were making an impact in their countries. It was especially inspiring to talk with young people and women who are also making contributions to OSM. Seeing their passion for mapping filled me with pride, especially as the highest female contributor to OSM in Rwanda. It made me feel that I was truly making a difference.

During the conference, I learned many new things, including how to use tools like Every Door and QGIS for analysis, and many innovations presentation. SOTM Nairobi was an amazing experience meeting friends from around the world who are driving humanitarian action together, especially my fellow women, was inspiring.

SOTM I had fun, gained knowledge, made friends, and shared experiences. I am committed to continuing my impact through mapping and improving my skills in OSM tools. I also aim to retain my position as the highest female mapping contributor in Rwanda and to train more volunteers even beyond Rwanda to global scale. I am incredibly grateful to Humanitarian OpenStreetMap for this opportunity, and I look forward to more opportunities to learn and make an even greater impact.

Welcome to Hamburg



Tuesday, 08. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Московский планетарий

Подправил Московский Планетарий. не на рекорд конечно, но тем не менее.

♦ Почти все части были, осталось только расставить высоту.

Пока работал, испытывал стойкое ощущение дежавью, как будто я делаю это второй раз.

Что на очереди, говорить не буду, чтобы не сглазить)

Подправил Московский Планетарий. не на рекорд конечно, но тем не менее.

Московский планетарий Почти все части были, осталось только расставить высоту.

Пока работал, испытывал стойкое ощущение дежавью, как будто я делаю это второй раз.

Что на очереди, говорить не буду, чтобы не сглазить)

#13537 - POI using Mapillary

This project is created to map POIs and landmarks using field-collected Mapillary but I couldn’t find this filter.

This project is created to map POIs and landmarks using field-collected Mapillary but I couldn’t find this filter.

OpenStreetMap Blog

A Year of Infrastructure Progress: Site Reliability Engineer 2023/2024 Update

As the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), my focus in the OpenStreetMap Operations Team over the last year has been on driving efficiency, improving resiliency, and scaling our infrastructure to support the continued growth of the OpenStreetMap project. From cloud migration to server upgrades, we’ve made several improvements since last year to better [

As the OpenStreetMap Foundation’s Senior Site Reliability Engineer (SRE), my focus in the OpenStreetMap Operations Team over the last year has been on driving efficiency, improving resiliency, and scaling our infrastructure to support the continued growth of the OpenStreetMap project. From cloud migration to server upgrades, we’ve made several improvements since last year to better position OpenStreetMap’s infrastructure to meet these resiliency and growth challenges.

Improving User Facing Services

Upgraded Rendering Services

The tile rendering infrastructure saw notable upgrades, including hardware and software optimisations, faster tile cache expiry to address vandalism, and automation to block non-attributing users. We now re-render low-zoom tiles daily, improving both performance and allowing a faster mapper feedback loop. The tile service is widely used and keeping up with demand is an ongoing challenge.

New Aerial Imagery Service

Launched a new aerial imagery service that supports GeoTIFF COGs. The service now hosts which is backed by 16TB of high-resolution imagery. The new service makes it easier to host additional imagery in the future.

Transition to Gmail Alternative & Spam Mitigation

After facing significant spam issues with the OSMF’s Google Workspace, I migrated OSMF email services to This has reduced the spam volume and improved administrative efficiency. We’re also in the process of transitioning historical OSMF Google Docs data to a self hosted service.

Dealing with DDoS Attacks and Vandalism

This year, we faced several Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attacks, including a major DDoS for ransom incident, which was reported to law enforcement. These attacks tested our infrastructure, but we’ve implemented measures to strengthen our resilience and better protect against future threats.

We also dealt with large-scale vandalism that affected OpenStreetMap services. Thanks to the swift response and adjustments made by the Operations team, we’ve reinforced our infrastructure to better handle abuse and ensure continuous service.

Planet Data Hosting on AWS S3

With the OpenStreetMap Operations Team I’ve moved our planet data hosting to AWS S3 with mirrors in both the EU and US, allowing us to fully reinstate the back catalog of historical data. Through AWS’s OpenData sponsorship, replication diffs and planet data are now more accessible.

Making Systems Easier to Manage

Full AWS Infrastructure Management Using OpenTofu

With the OpenStreetMap Operations Team I’ve successfully migrated all manually managed AWS resources to Infrastructure-as-Code (IAC) using OpenTofu (formerly Terraform). This transition allowed us to improve cost efficiency, enhance security by adopting a least privilege IAM model, and gain better visibility into expenditures through detailed billing tags. Additionally, we’ve integrated S3 Storage Analytics to further optimise our costs, set up additional backups, and implemented enhanced lifecycle rules.

Improved Service Outage Alerting

We implemented SMS-based alerting for critical service outages, alongside a sponsored PagerDuty account. These improvements ensure quicker response times and better coordination during outages, with full integration with Prometheus/Alertmanager and Statuscake in the works.

Technical Debt reduction

This year, we made progress in reducing technical debt by moving several legacy services to more maintainable solutions. For instance, we containerised old services, including legacy State of the Map websites that were previously running poorly maintained WordPress installations. This transition has improved the scalability, security, and long-term maintainability of these services.

Additionally, we replaced our custom source installation of OTRS with a Znuny package installation from Debian. This shift simplifies upgrades and reduces the maintenance burden, ensuring the system remains up to date and secure without custom modifications.

Ensuring Infrastructure Resilience Despite Hardware Failures

Over the past year, we’ve maintained a resilient infrastructure even in the face of hardware failures. We replaced numerous disks and RAM, ensuring minimal disruption to services. Our bespoke monitoring system allows us to detect early signs of hardware failure, enabling us to act quickly and replace faulty components before they cause significant issues. This proactive approach has been key to maintaining system uptime and reliability.

Upgrading Infrastructure

Cross-Site Replication of Backups

To ensure robust disaster recovery, I’ve established cross-account, cross-region replication for AWS S3 backups, enabling point-in-time recovery. This safeguards critical data and services, even in the face of major failures, providing long-term peace of mind.

High Availability Infrastructure

Key hardware upgrades in our Amsterdam, Dublin, and OSUOSL sites improved performance, storage capacity, and network reliability. New switches were installed in 2022, and we’ve now finished setting up a high availability (HA) configurations to ensure improved service, which we have continued improve the setup by moving to dual diverse uplinks to our ISP for better resilience.

Debian Migration

We are migrating from Ubuntu to Debian 12 (Bookworm) as our standard distribution. All new servers now run on Debian. Our chef configuration management has been updated with test code to ensure ongoing compatibility. This transition marks a shift towards greater long-term stability and security. Mastodon post celebrating the transition.

Looking Ahead

The year ahead brings exciting new opportunities as we build on our progress. Key priorities for 2024 / 2025 include:


Community Engagement & Outward Communication: Enhancing collaboration with the Communication Working Group (CWG) and improving our public-facing communication around service status and outages.

Improving Documentation and Onboarding: We’ll enhance onboarding documentation and conduct dedicated sessions to help new contributors get involved in operations more easily. This includes improving the reliability and coverage of our testing processes, ensuring smoother contributions and reducing the learning curve for new team members.

Planning and Optimizing

Capacity Planning for Infrastructure Growth: As OpenStreetMap and the demand on our services grow, we will ensure we can scale to meet demand. By anticipating future needs and balancing performance with cost-effective growth, we aim to maintain the service quality and availability our community expects.

Ongoing Cost Optimisation: We’ll continue to find ways to reduce costs by leveraging sponsorships like the AWS OpenData programme, ensuring sustainable operations.

Continuing to Reduce Technical Debt: We will continue simplifying our infrastructure by reducing the maintenance burden of legacy systems, such as increasing the use of containers. This will help streamline management tasks and allow us to focus on other improvements, making the infrastructure more efficient and scalable over time.

Continue Infrastructure Improvements

Implementation of High Availability Load Balancers: Rolling out the HA (VRRP + LVS + DSR) configuration for load balancers to improve system reliability and reduce potential downtime.

Finalising Prometheus Integration with PagerDuty: Completing the integration of Prometheus for monitoring and PagerDuty for streamlined alerting and incident response.

Complete the Transition to Full Debian Environment: Migrating all remaining services from Ubuntu to Debian for increased stability and security.

Enhancing Disaster Recovery & Backup Strategies: Further refining our recovery documentation and introducing additional backup measures across critical services are protected and recoverable in the event of failure.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Parabéns para o semanário weeklyOSM!

weeklyOSM está completando 10 anos e o conselho editorial agradece a todos os colaboradores! O semanário Wochennotiz ganhou um edição multilíngue em 2014 e vem publicando as novidades do mundo do OpenStreetMap, a cada semana, fortalecendo a comunidade mundial da cartografia livre.

Por Raquel Dezidério Souto ( e GeoCart-UFRJ)

Há 10 anos fortalecendo a comunidade gl
weeklyOSM está completando 10 anos e o conselho editorial agradece a todos os colaboradores!

O semanário Wochennotiz ganhou um edição multilíngue em 2014 e vem publicando as novidades do mundo do OpenStreetMap, a cada semana, fortalecendo a comunidade mundial da cartografia livre.

Por Raquel Dezidério Souto ( e GeoCart-UFRJ)


Há 10 anos fortalecendo a comunidade global

O semanário, originalmente em alemão, Wochennotiz, ganhou uma edição multilíngue - weeklyOSM , e vem produzindo informes semanais sobre os avanços no OpenStreetMap, em diversas áreas de aplicação.

Em 2014, o semanário contava com uma equipe reduzida, que foi pioneira na tradução dos artigos para seis idiomas. Atualmente, a weeklyOSM conta com mais de cinquenta colaboradores, que criam, revisam e editam conteúdos, traduzidos para quinze idiomas. As seções atuais da publicação são:

  • Mapeamento
  • Comunidade
  • Fundação OpenStreetMap
  • Eventos
  • Mapas
  • OSM em ação
  • Dados abertos
  • Licenças
  • Software
  • Atualizações
  • Você sabia que…
  • OSM na mídia
  • Outros assuntos “geo”
  • Próximos eventos

Algumas apresentações

Assista à entrevista com os fundadores da weeklyOSM nesta direção. Parabéns para os fundadores, com destaque para Manfred Reiter (aka derFred), coordenador, TheFive, quem criou a plataforma OSMBC para edição dos artigos, e Laura Barroso, quem criou o APP para dispositivos móveis. Parabéns! (login com sua conta OSM)

Cartões comemorativos

Veja aqui a categoria na Wikimedia Commons com os cartões comemorativos, em diferentes idiomas.


Time Brasil

A equipe do Português do Brasil da weeklyOSM parabeniza por este importante marco! E agradece por fazer parte da história recente da publicação.

time_Brasil® é uma marca registrada. GeoCart - Laboratório de Cartografia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (Brasil).

Monday, 07. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

نمایندگی فونیکس گودرزی۳۹۹

خدمات پس از فروش فونیکس گودرزی۳۹۹

خدمات پس از فروش فونیکس گودرزی۳۹۹

Joined OpenStreetMap as a user & future editor

Learning as I go…

Learning as I go…

Sunday, 06. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries


Oggi ho aggiunto le informazioni al mio profilo

Oggi ho aggiunto le informazioni al mio profilo


weeklyOSM 741

  26/09/2024-02/10/2024 GeoMob celebrates OSM’s 20th birthday[1] | © GeoMob Mapping Kai Michael Poppe has submitted an automated edit proposal to fix the fixme=name inconsistencies of OSM objects. Community Alan Grant discussed various factors that complicate point of interest (POI) mapping, including the instability of POIs due to the accelerated turnover of retail outlets and̷



lead picture

GeoMob celebrates OSM’s 20th birthday[1] | © GeoMob


  • Kai Michael Poppe has submitted an automated edit proposal to fix the fixme=name inconsistencies of OSM objects.


  • Alan Grant discussed various factors that complicate point of interest (POI) mapping, including the instability of POIs due to the accelerated turnover of retail outlets and the overly specific characteristics of each POI, which are difficult to represent with OSM tags.
  • Pieter Vander Vennet explained the rationale for why anonymous contributions to OpenStreetMap via MapComplete are forbidden.

OpenStreetMap Foundation

  • Christoph Hormann shared his thoughts after reviewing the manifestos of this year’s OSMF board candidates and has created his own for his fictional candidate.


  • [1] Geomob shared a summary thread of the recent Geomob London event held at the UCL, the birthplace of OpenStreetMap, in celebration of 20 years of OpenStreetMap.
  • Katja Haferkorn announced that the upcoming FOSSGIS conference is scheduled for 26 to 29 March 2025, in the Schloss Münster, Germany. The event is being organised in collaboration with FOSSGIS e.V. and the Institute for Geoinformatics at the University of Münster. Those interested in contributing to the programme can submit proposals through the call for participation, which began on 5 October and will remain open until Tuesday 5 November.
  • FOSSGIS reported that the Dresden, Germany, OpenStreetMap community set up an OSM booth at the annual Chaos Computer Club Dresden (C3D2) conference on Saturday, offering a space for discussions and inquiries about OpenStreetMap. The booth featured OSM banners and flags, a large screen displaying live mapping activity in OSM via the ‘Show me the way’ tool, and a 300-piece puzzle showcasing various OSM map styles.


  • Jochen Topf has introduced OSM XRAY, a vector tiles service that includes all OSM data, intended to be used primarily for debugging purposes.
  • Michael Altfield has written a guide on how to generate vector-based topographic maps to print as large paper wall maps, using Inkscape and OpenStreetMap data.
  • Zsolt Ero has built OpenFreeMap, a free and open-source OSM hosting solution with customisable styles. The service is available for free on its public instance, or you can choose to self-host it.

OSM in action

  • Marcus Jaschen discovered an advertising banner featuring an embedded interactive OpenStreetMap map.
  • OpenBeta is a platform where members can collaboratively create open-source, open-licensed climbing data. Their home page features an OpenStreetMap-based display showcasing the latest contributions from users.
  • Taiwan’s Central Weather Administration has developed an OpenStreetMap-based interactive map to monitor the movement of Typhoon Krathon, a powerful typhoon originating in the west Pacific Ocean and currently moving along the coast of Taiwan as at early October 2024.
  • The State Chancellery of Mecklenburg-Vorpommern created a uMap interactive map to assist visitors attending the citizens’ festival for the Day of German Unity 2024, which was held 2 to 4 October, in the city of Schwerin.

Open Data

  • The call for proposals for the EU Open Data Days 2025 is open until Tuesday 22 October. This event seeks to showcase the potential of open data and gather data providers, enthusiasts, and users from across Europe and beyond.


  • Jean-Christophe Becquet, a board member of the French Federation of OSM Professionals, has endorsed the publication of the practical guide ‘Everything You Need to Know About the ODbL Licence’ (we reported earlier), describing it as an impressive educational initiative that clarifies the rights and responsibilities associated with this open licence.



  • Amanda McCann has significantly refactored her WaterwayMapOrg code to make use of the name=* tag for connecting river basins.
  • TrickyFoxy has released version 0.5 of better-osm-org, which includes several new features such as the visualisation of changesets, likes/dislikes, more hotkeys, and the ability to view older versions of map objects.

Did you know …

  • … that Stephan Bösch-Plepelits used PTMap to illustrate their proposed new public transportation route for Vienna, Austria? PTMap is a tool for visualising OSM public transportation route data.

OSM in the media

  • c’t, a German computer magazine, interviewed Tobias Zwick about StreetComplete for their ‘Open Source Spotlight’ newsletter.

Other “geo” things

  • Marguerite Catton, of France Culture, interviewed Sébastien Soriano, Director General of the French National Institute of Geographic and Forest Information (IGN), about IGN Maps , a smartphone application developed by the IGN that provides access to multiple map layers and geolocation services.
  • Switzerland and Italy have redefined a section of their border that crosses an Alpine peak due to the shifting glaciers altering the historically established boundary.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Essen FOSSGIS-OSM-Communitytreffen Nr. 22 2024-10-03 – 2024-10-06 flag
Montrouge Réunion des contributeurs de Montrouge et du Sud de Paris 2024-10-03 flag
Pontarlier Cartographie collaborative pour tous 2024-10-05 flag
Chanakya Puri Tehsil OSM India casual online mapathon 2024-10-06 flag
London London pub meet-up 2024-10-07 flag
中正區 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #69 2024-10-07 flag
München Münchner OSM-Treffen 2024-10-08 flag
Ifẹ̀ State of the Map Nigeria 2024 2024-10-09 – 2024-10-11 flag
Lorain County OpenStreetMap Midwest Meetup 2024-10-10 flag
Bochum Bochumer OSM Treffen 2024-10-10 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2024-10-11
København OSMmapperCPH 2024-10-13 flag
Missing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng] 2024-10-15
Lyon Réunion du groupe local de Lyon 2024-10-15 flag
San Jose South Bay Map Night 2024-10-16 flag
Bonn 181. OSM-Stammtisch Bonn 2024-10-15 flag
Salt Lake City OSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2024-10-17 flag
Karlsruhe Stammtisch Karlsruhe 2024-10-16 flag
Atelier Pifomètre/Bano 2024-10-16
Bruxelles – Brussel Velopark mapathon @ Fietsberaad offices 2024-10-17 flag
Hannover OSM-Stammtisch Hannover 2024-10-18 flag
Karlsruhe Karlsruhe Hack Weekend October 2024 2024-10-19 – 2024-10-20 flag
Pamplona/Iruña GeoCamp ES 2024-10-19 flag
Cabecera Municipal Duitama Estado del Mapa – Duitama 2024 2024-10-19 flag
Nonnweiler Craftmapping Höckerlinie Otzenhausen 2024-10-19 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Communauté toulousaine

Petite annonce, la communauté des cartographes libre toulousain (je trouve ça plus cool comme intitulé que contributeur à OpenStreetMap), est passé d’un mode de communication essentiellement centré autour d’une liste de diffusion au forum proposé par osm france.

On se retrouve donc ici pour discuter de nos rencontres mensuelles (auxquelles je ne participe pas, car trop loin, pas le bon j

Petite annonce, la communauté des cartographes libre toulousain (je trouve ça plus cool comme intitulé que contributeur à OpenStreetMap), est passé d’un mode de communication essentiellement centré autour d’une liste de diffusion au forum proposé par osm france.

On se retrouve donc ici pour discuter de nos rencontres mensuelles (auxquelles je ne participe pas, car trop loin, pas le bon jour). Des évènements où nous essayons d’être présent et pour l’organisation de carto fête future. Passez nous lire sur le forum si vous êtes dans le coin et nous faire un petit coucou.

Les toulousains tiendront un stand au devfest toulouse et sans doute au Capitole du libre (stand demandé, par encore de réponse).

Saturday, 05. October 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries


I started mapping a few weeks ago, sticking (mostly) to North Muirton in Perth for now as I have lived here for 50 years so I think I know it quite well. No doubt I’ll have done a few things wrong along the way but I’ll go back and fix, if and when I realise. As I write this, almost all the houses and flats in NM are at least drawn out with a few streets still to be tagged with the “basics”.

I started mapping a few weeks ago, sticking (mostly) to North Muirton in Perth for now as I have lived here for 50 years so I think I know it quite well. No doubt I’ll have done a few things wrong along the way but I’ll go back and fix, if and when I realise. As I write this, almost all the houses and flats in NM are at least drawn out with a few streets still to be tagged with the “basics”.

I intend to add (or finish)

  • Electricity Substations (all operated by SSE? - I think they all are)
  • Grit Bins
  • Public Benches
  • Garages (rented out by the local council)
  • Add all postcodes
  • Public pathways (miles of them!)
  • Back fences (the 6ft high ones around all the back gardens)
  • Grassy areas
  • Road crossings
  • Drying greens for the 8 and 4-block flats

Projekt opravy vedení linek MHD v Brně

Cíl je jasný - napravit všechny chyby a nepřesnosti linek MHD v Brně v režii DPMB. Běh na dlouhou trať, moc hodin práce, ale snad se to povede. Používám jen JOSM. V ID se nic s relacemi nedá pořádně dělat, Relatify je nepoužitelné. Týden přidaná zastávka tam v mapě chybí, bůh ví, kdy se to aktualizuje. Pak to někdo upravuje tímto nástrojem a udělá víc zmatku, než užitku, a zničí korektně trasova

Cíl je jasný - napravit všechny chyby a nepřesnosti linek MHD v Brně v režii DPMB. Běh na dlouhou trať, moc hodin práce, ale snad se to povede. Používám jen JOSM. V ID se nic s relacemi nedá pořádně dělat, Relatify je nepoužitelné. Týden přidaná zastávka tam v mapě chybí, bůh ví, kdy se to aktualizuje. Pak to někdo upravuje tímto nástrojem a udělá víc zmatku, než užitku, a zničí korektně trasovanou linku. To naštve! Nicméně, zde je aktuální stav:


⏳ - Aktuálně na tom pracuji

✓ - Zkontrolovaná a opravená trasa linky a všechny varianty.

✅ - Kompletní - zkontrolované a opravené i zastávky a tagy na lince dle v2.

❌ - Zatím na tomto neplánuji pracovat.

Regionální autobusy

304 Hotovo, musel jsem opravit, štvaly mě chyby zasahující do Brna.


x4 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)
40 Upravené trasy na Tovární a do Tuřan. Hotovo.
41 Opravené drobnosti, hotovo
42 Úprava zast. Řečkovice, hřbitov, hotovo.
44 ✅⏳ *** K úpravě od 10.11.24 (Bauerova a most u Škroupova)
46 Uprava Haškova (výstup), hotovo
47 Opraveno, hotovo.
48 Neupravováno, mimo DPMB
49 Hotovo
50 Opravena poloha Nem. Boh. a přidána zast. Bohunická. Hotovo.
E50 Opraveno, hotovo.
51 Opravena trasa, hotovo
52 Hotovo, upravený Mendlák a názvy
54 Hotovo, přidáno korektně jako okružní linka.
55 Hotovo
E56 Opraveno, hotovo.
57 Opraveno, hotovo. Disused vymazány.
58 Hotovo
62 Hotovo
64 Hotovo. Velké změny trasy v oblasti Židenic.
65 Hotovo
67 Hotovo
68 Hotovo
69 Hotovo
70 Hotovo
72 Hotovo
73 Neupravováno, mimo DPMB
74 Neupravováno, mimo DPMB
75 Hotovo, vymazána trasa jen do Slatina, vozovna (nadbytečná).
E75 Hotovo
E76 Hotovo
77 Hotovo
78 Opravené zastávky. Hotovo
80 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)
84 ✅⏳ *** K úpravě od 10.11.24 (Bauerova a most u Škroupova)
Š85 Hotovo, nová trasa.
Š86 Hotovo, nová trasa.
Š88 Hotovo, nová trasa.
N89 Upraveno, hotovo (výluka Údolní)
N90 Aktualizováno, hotovo.
N91 Aktualizováno, hotovo.
N92 Aktualizováno, hotovo.
N93 Hotovo.
N94 Hotovo
N95 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)


4 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)


30 Opravené trasy, přidány parciály. Hotovo
37 Hotovo, opraven Mendlák
38 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)
39 Hotovo (výluka Údolní)


