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Thursday, 12. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

How to improve user experience

We can improve user experience by providing verified, detailed and relevant information to OpenStreetMap. Let’s make OpenStreetMap a little bit better every day!

We can improve user experience by providing verified, detailed and relevant information to OpenStreetMap. Let’s make OpenStreetMap a little bit better every day!

Wednesday, 11. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

SotM Nairobi: A Gathering Beyond Map

Now that I’ve taken a day off after the 14-hour bus trip from Nairobi to Dar es Salaam, I can finally sit and share my thoughts on State of the Map – the first time the global conference was held in Africa!!

Before starting my academic career last year, most of my 8+ years of work experience has been in the OSM and open mapping ecosystem. Check out my diary on OSM’s 19th birthday, where

Now that I’ve taken a day off after the 14-hour bus trip from Nairobi to Dar es Salaam, I can finally sit and share my thoughts on State of the Map – the first time the global conference was held in Africa!!

Before starting my academic career last year, most of my 8+ years of work experience has been in the OSM and open mapping ecosystem. Check out my diary on OSM’s 19th birthday, where I shared more about my journey in this amazing community. To quote myself from that diary (I’m becoming a real academic now, haha): “OSM is a project that needs communicators, developers, managers, strategists, etc., working together to unlock its true value within the community.”

I was thrilled to see this in action in Nairobi! I met so many people working on diverse projects ranging from environment, health, climate, disaster, urban planning, etc. Most importantly, meeting people like myself (non-tech folks) focused on community organizing, communications, project management, etc, all under the OSM umbrella. This is why gatherings like these are crucial – they remind us that OSM is not just a map.

The conference experience was mixed for me because I was part of the organizing committee this time, so I got to see both sides (organizing and attending). If I had to choose, I’d probably prefer attending. But hey, if we all choose that, there would be nothing to attend, right!?

There were so many great talks! My favourite was probably On the Ground. The duo presentation was both fun and thought-provoking, making me think about how I’ve been mapping and what I could improve. Another highlight was the lightning talks - seeing young students and recent graduates so excited to share their OSM work and dreams was inspiring. It shows how OSM is shaping the next generation—boosting their confidence, networks, and more!

Oh, and the social event was a blast! For the first time, I played golf, and it was so much fun! I owe golf lovers an apology because, yeah, I used to judge you all, haha. It was great making new friends and building meaningful connections, now that I’m in academia and leaning towards public health, it was exciting to connect with some academics in the OSM space, and I’m looking forward to potential collaborations.

Shoutout to OSM Kenya and the SotM Working Group for organizing such a fantastic conference. And a big thank you to the Open Summit Scholarship for funding my trip to Nairobi.

See y’all in Manila!!

Photo dump!

Here is everyone! Here is everyone!

I can count seven hands up, I don't know which presentation this was but looks like it was interesting! I can count seven hands up, I don’t know which presentation this was but looks like it was interesting! I mean, who doesn't want a selfie with Geoffrey :) I mean, who doesn’t want a selfie with Geoffrey :)

Perhaps the best view of my bus ride Perhaps the best view of my bus ride Matatu/'Nganya' ride with coolest ladies - low res pic with high res people, hehe! Matatu/’Nganya’ ride with coolest ladies - low-res pic with high-res people, hehe Some members of OSM TZ Some members of OSM TZ That's just me :) That’s just me :)

More photos here


wie heeft iets die ik kan toevoegen, of wie heeft mij een vraag. laat me weten

groeten van Fernando Van Der Burg

wie heeft iets die ik kan toevoegen, of wie heeft mij een vraag. laat me weten

groeten van Fernando Van Der Burg

Tuesday, 10. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Street map

Street Max Speed

Street Max Speed

Testing out this feature

This is a bit of an experiment on how to use this Diary thing!

9 September 2024

  • I just moved to Brooks, Alberta from Calgary.
  • After glancing at the ResultMaps page it seems like I might be the only active contributor in the area of Brooks/Newell County so that’s partly scary and partly exciting, as there’s still a lot of work to be done.
  • My first order of bu

This is a bit of an experiment on how to use this Diary thing!

9 September 2024

  • I just moved to Brooks, Alberta from Calgary.
  • After glancing at the ResultMaps page it seems like I might be the only active contributor in the area of Brooks/Newell County so that’s partly scary and partly exciting, as there’s still a lot of work to be done.
  • My first order of business will probably be figuring out why half the roads in town use an abbreviated “W” or “E” suffix as opposed to using the full word spelled out. I’ll have to work on standardizing that, although I’ll have to do some sleuthing to figure out the correct format for those.
  • I’m sure there will also be a lot of work to be done in terms of speed limits, sidewalks, stop signs, and other features that could be useful for navigation software.
  • Perhaps I’ll come back and do some editing in Calgary from time to time as well, particularly in the Taza Park area which continues to make steady construction progress.
  • I’m a busy man but love contributing to osm and hope to make some progress over the next couple of years. Thanks for reading my first diary entry~~!

Monday, 09. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

I have no idea what stop is.

I have no idea what stop is. Precisely saying, I have no idea what Site.key.table.entry.stop is.

Oh yes, it should be a variable of this site: I found it TranslateWikiNet as an untranslated-to-Japanese variable, Osm:Site.key.table.entry.stop/ja. And it should be a certain map feature (to which site.key.table.entry.* is dedicated to). But I have not been able to figure what it is: I spe

I have no idea what stop is. Precisely saying, I have no idea what Site.key.table.entry.stop is.

Oh yes, it should be a variable of this site: I found it TranslateWikiNet as an untranslated-to-Japanese variable, Osm:Site.key.table.entry.stop/ja. And it should be a certain map feature (to which site.key.table.entry.* is dedicated to). But I have not been able to figure what it is: I spent half a year already to pick it up on this website, vainly browsing here and there.

Any other language translations? Oh yes, I’ve noticed it since my first day of search. They’re Stop, Halte, 停车站 and so on. It lulls me to put it into 停留所 (ja: bus stop), but Google Image Search kept me from this temptation: it shows me some train station images too, which shouldn’t be called so in my language. Et voila, here we have Site.key.table.entry.bus stop already! So Site.key.table.entry.stop is likely for something else.

I find myself in a deadlock. Your suggestion will be appreciated. At best the pointer on this site, or on wiki, or screenshot. But for any input I’ll be grateful.

Getting the hang of things

Started using Open Street Map and have enrolled for Transportation, Agriculture, Disaster Prevention and Disaster Recovery
Started using Open Street Map and have enrolled for Transportation, Agriculture, Disaster Prevention and Disaster Recovery

Quién es quién en el Cementerio Inglés

♦ Entrada y libro de Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson sobre la historia del Cementerio Inglés de Málaga. Fuente: trabajo propio.

El Cementerio Inglés de Málaga celebrará un día de puertas abiertas el próximo 27 de septiembre con motivo del Día Mundial del Turismo. La entrada será gratuita entre las 9 y las 14 horas. Será una buena oportunidad para visitarlo y colaborar en la mejora del mapeado

Entrada y libro sobre el Cementerio Inglés Entrada y libro de Marjorie Grice-Hutchinson sobre la historia del Cementerio Inglés de Málaga. Fuente: trabajo propio.

El Cementerio Inglés de Málaga celebrará un día de puertas abiertas el próximo 27 de septiembre con motivo del Día Mundial del Turismo. La entrada será gratuita entre las 9 y las 14 horas. Será una buena oportunidad para visitarlo y colaborar en la mejora del mapeado de tumbas y arquitectura funeraria de Málaga.

Aunque la mayoría de tumbas significativas del Cementerio Inglés ya están en el mapa, algunas necesitan ser ubicadas con precisión, añadirles las inscripciones de las lápidas o documentarlas fotográficamente subiendo una imagen de la tumba a Wikimedia Commons: la categoría contenedora es Anglican Cemetery, Málaga.

Procuraré en los próximos días ofrecer un listado completo de las tumbas más significativas que se pueden visitar. En este mapa interactivo están todas las que he podido documentar hasta el momento. El mapa incluye una breve reseña biográfica del finado, una imagen de su tumba, sus inscripciones y algunos enlaces de interés. En la Wikipedia se pueden encontrar algunos artículos que he ido creando sobre las personalidades más relevantes enterradas en el cementerio, para quienes quieran ampliar la información.

El Cementerio Inglés se mantiene gracias a la venta de entradas y a las donaciones, por tanto, aunque la entrada sea gratuita con motivo del Día Mundial del Turismo, recomiendo hacer una donación el día de la visita. El dinero se destinará al mantenimiento y conservación del cementerio. Recientemente han estado restaurando algunos de sus monumentos más significativos, como la tumba de Noble, la tumba de George o el ángel de Annie, uno de los monumentos más representativos del cementerio.

Sunday, 08. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Nossa participação no State of the Map 2024!

O participou da edição do evento global do OpenStreetMap, que foi realizado em Nairobi (Kenya) As pesquisas que estão em andamento foram apresentadas no evento que reuniu os mapeadores do OSM em terras africanas

Tivemos grande satisfação em participar do SotM 2024, que foi realizado na cidade de Nairobi (Kenya), e mostrar um pouco de parte das pesquisas que estão em an

O participou da edição do evento global do OpenStreetMap, que foi realizado em Nairobi (Kenya)

As pesquisas que estão em andamento foram apresentadas no evento que reuniu os mapeadores do OSM em terras africanas

SotM 2024

Tivemos grande satisfação em participar do SotM 2024, que foi realizado na cidade de Nairobi (Kenya), e mostrar um pouco de parte das pesquisas que estão em andamento. Dois pôsteres foram apresentados e mais uma sessão auto-organizada (self-organized session), com os resultados parciais de três projetos, especificamente:

  • Plataforma colaborativa de mapeamento das zonas costeira e marinha;
  • HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro (Brasil);
  • Plataforma colaborativa de infraestrutura para redução de riscos de desastres na cidade de Maricá (Rio de Janeiro).
🦒 Apresentação oral

Mapping the Infrastructure for Disaster Risk Reduction with OpenStreetMap, uMap and Wordpress

PDF da apresentação Link para o projeto

Keynote "Mapping the Infrastructure for Disaster Risk Reduction with OpenStreetMap, uMap and Wordpress" to the SotM 2024 Nairobi, Kenya, 2024-09-08. Dr. Raquel Dezidério Souto (IVIDES DATA, Brazil). PDF version.

🦒 Pôsteres

MAPA-ZCM: Collaborative map of the marine and coastal zones with OpenStreetMap and OpenSeaMap

PDF do pôster Link para o projeto

imagem poster

HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro: teaching OpenStreetMap through university extension projects in Brazil

PDF do pôster Link para o projeto

logo YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro

imagem poster 2

🦒 Agradecimentos

A pesquisadora agradece aos(às) organizadores(as) do State of the Map 2024, pela oportunidade e parabeniza pelo excelente evento! Também agradece à parceria com as entidades participantes do HUB YouthMappers Rio de Janeiro, Brasil - UFRJ, UFRRJ, UERJ, UFF-Campos, UFF-Niterói e seus laboratórios associados. E, especialmente, ao projeto OpesStreetMap! E à comundidade africana de mapeadores(as), que são espetaculares!® é uma marca registrada.

imagem Kenya



weeklyOSM 737

29/08/2024-04/09/2024 Tricks and tips on how to draw buildings [1] | © Koreller | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors Mapping [1] Koreller showed us a series of tricks and tips on drawing buildings (and shapes in general) using JOSM with the best symmetry and alignment. Mapping campaigns Inspired by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games the…

Continue reading →


lead picture

Tricks and tips on how to draw buildings [1] | © Koreller | Map data © OpenStreetMap contributors


  • [1] Koreller showed us a series of tricks and tips on drawing buildings (and shapes in general) using JOSM with the best symmetry and alignment.

Mapping campaigns

  • Inspired by the Paris 2024 Olympic Games the UN Mappers hosted a mapping competition in August. Check out the final results.


  • Bastian Greshake Tzovaras wrote about why Panoramax is an important contribution to the open source mapping landscape.
  • In Episode 249 of the Geomob Podcast, Ed interviewed Jo Walsh, an early OpenStreetMap pioneer, exploring the beginnings of the open data movement, the rise of initiatives like OpenStreetMap, and the ongoing challenges and future prospects for open data.
  • Ceejay Abilay shared his experience of speaking at the OpenStreetMap in-person training event hosted by Grab Philippines and the OpenStreetMap Philippines Community.


  • SotM Latam 2024 has extended the deadline for submitting proposals until Tuesday 10 September. You can send your abstract of up to 500 words via the event’s Pretalx platform. Those who are unable to attend in person will be able to submit their presentation, in video format of up to 10 minutes, at a later stage. Registration is free.


  • Marcos Dione had an OpenStreetMap editing session with his kids and later asked if there was a staging tool for parents to review and correct their children’s edits. NeatNit recommended using the OSM sandbox instance for this purpose, while Matt Whilden suggested using the iD/Rapid export edits feature.

OSM research

  • A team of researchers has developed a suite of computer-assisted map design tools, aimed at creating maps accessible to visually impaired individuals, based on OSM data.
  • HeiGIT reported that they have assessed the completeness of OSM building data using new data. Results indicate that from 2023 to 2024 completeness in most areas of the world rose more slowly than in previous years.


  • Due to the introduction of a new class of anti-feature and problems with the F-Droid update, Organic Maps has been hidden from the default F-Droid search results for some users.
  • Yohan Boniface invites you to participate in the beta testing of a new version of uMap.
  • catme0w, a Google Summer of Code 2024 contributor, has shared their progress made on Stadia Maps’ Ferrostar project, an SDK for building turn-by-turn navigation applications.
  • The latest version of JOSM has a new option, ‘warn’, to only print warnings and errors to the terminal. This can be useful when collecting information to report a bug.
  • Miles Alan has developed Mepo, an OSM map viewer app for mobile and desktop Linux.
  • A bug in the Android version of Organic Maps 2024.08 is adding outdoor_seating=no to POIs when they are edited. The bug is currently being worked on.
  • Raymond Camden explained how to load CSV data into a Leaflet web map.


  • BuntingLabs has a fee-based service for downloading OpenStreetMap data as GeoJSON. You can filter by tags, select by bounding box, and export as GeoJSON, all in a single curl command.
  • Marquis de Geek has developed FlightSpy, a JavaScript application that generates an itinerary of what you’ll see from an aeroplane’s window throughout your entire journey. It uses both Flightradar and OSM data.


  • Beta 1.1.0 of the Panoramax Android app has been released. It allows you to conveniently contribute street images to the open Street View alternative from your mobile phone. The release has an APK attached, in case you want to give it a try.

Did you know …

Other “geo” things

  • Mountain biking in Germany’s forests will be still allowed , at least according to a new draft of the Federal Forest Act. A previous draft of the act last November (we reported earlier) caused significant concern in the biking community, as it proposed major restrictions on mountain biking.
  • Geoo is a geography learning game where you guess flags, capitals, and landmarks, and then compete with others on an online leaderboard.
  • In the latest episode of Developer Voice, Stadia Maps’ co-founder, Ian Wagner, discussed Ferrostar, Stadia Maps’ Rust-based open-source navigation SDK.

Upcoming Events

Where What Online When Country
Stadtgebiet Bremen 🗺🎂 [Bremen] Mobile Mappingparty mit Kuchen 2024-09-01 – 2024-10-01 flag
Nairobi State of the Map 2024 2024-09-06 – 2024-09-08 flag
Bengaluru IndiaFOSS 4.0 2024-09-06 – 2024-09-07 flag
København OSMmapperCPH 2024-09-08 flag
Grenoble Atelier de rentrée du groupe local OpenStreetMap de Grenoble 2024-09-09 flag
中正區 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #68 2024-09-09 flag
Hamburg Hamburger Mappertreffen 2024-09-10 flag
Salt Lake City OSM Utah Monthly Map Night 2024-09-12 flag
Stainach-Pürgg 14. Österreichischer OSM-Stammtisch (online) 2024-09-11 flag
Lorain County OpenStreetMap Midwest Meetup 2024-09-12 flag
Berlin 195. Berlin-Brandenburg OpenStreetMap Stammtisch 2024-09-12 flag
Bochum Bochumer OSM Treffen 2024-09-12 flag
München Münchner OSM-Treffen 2024-09-12 flag
OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting 2024-09-13
Lynnwood Mapping Lynnwood 2024-09-14 flag
Bielefeld OSM Ostwestfalen-Lippe 2024-09-16 flag
England OSM UK Online Chat 2024-09-16 flag
Missing Maps London: (Online) Mid-Month Mapathon [eng] 2024-09-17
Lyon Réunion du groupe local de Lyon 2024-09-17 flag
Bonn 180. OSM-Stammtisch Bonn 2024-09-17 flag
London Geomob London 2024-09-18 flag
Karlsruhe Stammtisch Karlsruhe 2024-09-18 flag
Kiel OSM auf den 22. Kieler Open Source und Linux Tagen 2024-09-19 – 2024-09-21 flag
Amsterdam Maptime Amsterdam End of Summer Meetup 2024-09-19 flag
Dresden Stammtisch Dresden 2024-09-19 flag
Dresden OSM auf den Datenspuren Dresden 2024-09-21 flag
Dublin OpenStreetMap Ireland AGM 2024 2024-09-21 flag
Lamego (Almacave e Sé) Dia do Software Livre 2024-09-21 – 2024-09-22 flag
Strasbourg 1er Atelier de cartographie sur OpenStreetMap 2024-09-23 flag
Arlon Rencontre OSM Luxembourg 2024-09-23 flag

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by MatthiasMatthias, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, rtnf.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

Saturday, 07. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Introduction to OpenStreetMap

Journal Entry No.1

1.) Learned how to use OpenStreetMap interface, studied tutorials and watched videos to learn how to utilize the software.

2.) Similarities to Angle Ranking, Clinical Notes, Detail Oriented observed in utilizing this software effectively and efficiently.

Time Spent today: 2 Hours

~ End of Note ~

Journal Entry No.1

1.) Learned how to use OpenStreetMap interface, studied tutorials and watched videos to learn how to utilize the software.

2.) Similarities to Angle Ranking, Clinical Notes, Detail Oriented observed in utilizing this software effectively and efficiently.

Time Spent today: 2 Hours

~ End of Note ~


・2024.8.29 時点では、japan.osm の全39,982,313レコード中、建物レコードは 23.230,411 (58%)であった。

・kanto.osmでは全8,871,868レコード中、建物レコードは 4,966,970(56%)であった。

・関東地方の建物マッピングが若干遅れているというわけではなく、 首都圏はマンションの比率が高いことが影響しているのであろう。 また、農村では住居以外の建物が多く、人口の割には建物の数が多いことも関係しているであろう。


・2024.8.29 時点では、japan.osm の全39,982,313レコード中、建物レコードは 23.230,411 (58%)であった。

・kanto.osmでは全8,871,868レコード中、建物レコードは 4,966,970(56%)であった。

・関東地方の建物マッピングが若干遅れているというわけではなく、 首都圏はマンションの比率が高いことが影響しているのであろう。 また、農村では住居以外の建物が多く、人口の割には建物の数が多いことも関係しているであろう。



Première entrée du “journal” ?

Première entrée du “journal” ?

Сьогодні відзначаємо два роки з виходу україномовної версії weeklyOSM!

Цей важливий етап став можливим завдяки нашій команді перекладачів: мені, darkonus, а також andygol і Gontsa. Два роки тому ми мріяли, щоб новини світу OpenStreetMap були доступні українською мовою, і тепер можемо бачити, як ця мрія реалізувалася.

Ми вважаємо, що наш внесок допомагає зблизити українську та світову спільноти, роблячи інформацію про OpenStreetMap доступнішою для українськи

Цей важливий етап став можливим завдяки нашій команді перекладачів: мені, darkonus, а також andygol і Gontsa. Два роки тому ми мріяли, щоб новини світу OpenStreetMap були доступні українською мовою, і тепер можемо бачити, як ця мрія реалізувалася.

Ми вважаємо, що наш внесок допомагає зблизити українську та світову спільноти, роблячи інформацію про OpenStreetMap доступнішою для українських користувачів.

Крім того, якщо у вас є цікаві новини чи події з OpenStreetMap, ви також можете їх додати до тижневика! Більше інформації про те як це зробити та просту інструкцію можна знайти тут.

Хоча випуски регулярно виходять, нам завжди буде корисна підтримка від зацікавлених читачів, які могли б допомогти з перекладом та редагуванням. Це дозволило б покращити якість тексту. Якщо ви хочете долучитися до нашої команди та допомогти, ми будемо раді вашій участі.


Friday, 06. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries


سوق تجاري

سوق تجاري

터널 및 교량 mapping 시 주의해야 할 부분

도로 상에 존재하는 터널이나 교량에 대하여, 해당 구간에 속한 도로의 name 태그를 수정하여 터널이름, 다리이름을 입력하는 경우가 빈번히 보입니다.

하지만 이는 원칙적으로 잘못된 방식이며, 공식적으로 권장되는 매핑 방식은 name 태그 대신 tunnel:name 내지는 bridge:name 태그를 사용하여 구조물 명칭을 표현하는 것입니다. 추가적으로 교량의 경우 구조물을 따라 area를 그리고, 거기에 man_made=bridge 태그를 붙여 나타냅니다. 그리고 해당 area의 name 태그에 교량 명칭을 입력합니다.

이런 매핑 방식을 사용하면 해당 도로 전체를 편집할 때에도 Overpass API 등으로 간편하게 작업할 수 있습니다.

도로 상에 존재하는 터널이나 교량에 대하여, 해당 구간에 속한 도로의 name 태그를 수정하여 터널이름, 다리이름을 입력하는 경우가 빈번히 보입니다.

하지만 이는 원칙적으로 잘못된 방식이며, 공식적으로 권장되는 매핑 방식은 name 태그 대신 tunnel:name 내지는 bridge:name 태그를 사용하여 구조물 명칭을 표현하는 것입니다. 추가적으로 교량의 경우 구조물을 따라 area를 그리고, 거기에 man_made=bridge 태그를 붙여 나타냅니다. 그리고 해당 area의 name 태그에 교량 명칭을 입력합니다.

이런 매핑 방식을 사용하면 해당 도로 전체를 편집할 때에도 Overpass API 등으로 간편하게 작업할 수 있습니다.

Propojení wikipedie a OSM

Teď nenapíšu nic objevného, protože to mnozí dávno znají.

Zajímavost a užitečnost map je založená na množství a kvalitě souvisejících informací , které jsou k základní mapě připojeny.

Každý mapový portál se snaží související údaje připojovat, u OSM je fajn, že to jde nejjednodušeji s Wikipedií, s Wikidaty.

Jednou z nejpraktičtějších stránek zobrazujících wikipedické info

Teď nenapíšu nic objevného, protože to mnozí dávno znají.

Zajímavost a užitečnost map je založená na množství a kvalitě souvisejících informací , které jsou k základní mapě připojeny.

Každý mapový portál se snaží související údaje připojovat, u OSM je fajn, že to jde nejjednodušeji s Wikipedií, s Wikidaty.

Jednou z nejpraktičtějších stránek zobrazujících wikipedické informace na mapě OSM je

Stránky jsou použitelné ve všech jazycích. Odkazy na Wikipedii se zobrazí v jazyce prostředí, v jazyce země kde je lokalita a v angličtině ke stejnému heslu na Wikipedii.

Strana je dobře čitelná i na mobilu, takže se dá použít jako rychlý turistický průvodce po zajímavostech a památkách.

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Thursday, 05. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries


Bugünde sağlıklı olmak için çaba sarf ediyorum

Bugünde sağlıklı olmak için çaba sarf ediyorum

The End of My HOTOSM Internship Journey

The end of a thing they say is better than the beginning, but my experience with HOTOSM was nothing short of good from the start to the end. On the 27th of May, I met with some of the amazing people I would be working with; Kshitij and Shola, my mentors, my co-intern, Azhar, Sam and Eden, her mentors. From the very first moment, I felt welcomed and although there was still that little feeling of

The end of a thing they say is better than the beginning, but my experience with HOTOSM was nothing short of good from the start to the end. On the 27th of May, I met with some of the amazing people I would be working with; Kshitij and Shola, my mentors, my co-intern, Azhar, Sam and Eden, her mentors. From the very first moment, I felt welcomed and although there was still that little feeling of doubt you get on your first day at anything, I was sure I would have a great time. Next, I met Petya, the most amazing and supportive coordinator.

It was my first time connecting and working with people from other parts of the world and it was a wonderful experience. Something interesting that hit me from the start was that almost everyone I spoke with was chatty. That was quite a new zone for me. I was used to just giving brief answers to describe myself or my day. But I saw that sharing made it an even friendlier environment. Petya once said, that “sharing is caring”, and I have truly learned that. Shared experiences help people bond and relate to you better. Speaking well instead of vaguely is something I have now adopted and getting better at.

Every Wednesday was a time to look forward to, as that was when I had weekly progress reviews with my mentors. I learned new things in interesting ways, laughed with them, and got to know about them. My mentors were so open to sharing and imparting their knowledge, it was a community that was truly invested in my growth in their ways. The time zone difference was interesting, my wonderful mentor, Kshitij who is almost 6 hours ahead of my time still always gave his Wednesday evenings to fix my task blockers and help me grow in my career. Although I could tell he enjoyed working, I knew that was a sacrifice he made every Wednesday and I am very grateful for that. Shola and I are in the same time zone but with different commitments, she still always showed up and reached out to ensure I was doing okay.

My mentors were so great and I felt very supported. The last call with them as regards my internship tasks was last Wednesday and oh the emotions I felt, I am going to miss that part of my Wednesdays. But I know it is not goodbye but see you later. Interestingly, Shola is working on a project where she asked that I join to help write tests, set up contributing guides and industry standards for open projects, and apply some of the skills I picked working on my tasks. And of course, I was glad to get on board with that. On one of our calls, Kshitij shared with me some resources that would help me learn more about AI, a field I am interested in growing in and I stated I would reach out with my progress. He shared that he was always down to give recommendations and I was welcome to contribute to more of his projects.

Nothing beats great feedback. And oh, how good it felt to receive heartwarming reviews from my mentor Kshitij for my contributions. And commendations from every other person for how great I have performed in my journey with them. It has nudged me to do better in the future and fully give myself to being valuable everywhere I go.

Hey, I now know that coffee chats are a thing. Oh, what phenomenal people I had coffee chats with. Ola, from whom I have learnt so much about Geospatial technology, Ramya and Afi are amazing women from whom I have learnt how to position myself for opportunities. Raiza, a great writer from whom I learnt how to use storytelling for change, a knowledge that was helpful for me in writing better blogs and in carrying out an environmental advocacy project in my community. My experience at HOTOSM has in no small measure helped me see how important it is to build one’s network, as great things don’t happen from isolation

HOTOSM, it is not goodbye, but see you later. HOTOSM does work that is dear to my heart and aligns with my career aspiration of working at the intersection of environmental data (the maps), tech and particularly AI for humanitarian development purposes. Choosing to intern here via Outreachy was no random decision from me, but an intentional one. I want to continue contributing to the great work that the team does in different ways in the future and to stay connected.

It is with much joy I share my experience here. I look forward to my journey from here and the opportunities to contribute my knowledge and previous experiences to other projects.

I am thankful for the journey. And thanks for coming with me! Namaste, Au revoir, Auf Wiedersehen, Chao, Adiós, Ka ọ dị, Odabo. Okay, I mean bye 👋🏼😄.

You can also read my other posts. I shared my tasks and things I learned.

Namaste - Hindu, Au revoir - French, Auf Wiedersehen - German, Adiós - Spanish, Ka ọ dị - Igbo (a Nigerian language), Odabo - Yoruba (a Nigerian language)


Je vous aime

Je vous aime

Viewing photo GPS locations on linux

I’m running linux as my desktop OS and couldn’t find a tool I was happy with for viewing the GPS coordinates stored in a photograph’s metadata (exif). I whipped up this quick-and-dirty shell script to do it for me.

~/.local/bin/photolocation :

xdg-open $(seq 1 4 | while read i; do exif "$1" -m --ifd=GPS -t=0x000$i; done  | tr '\n' ' ' | awk  '{printf ("%s%.6f %s%.6f\n",$1

I’m running linux as my desktop OS and couldn’t find a tool I was happy with for viewing the GPS coordinates stored in a photograph’s metadata (exif). I whipped up this quick-and-dirty shell script to do it for me.

~/.local/bin/photolocation :

xdg-open $(seq 1 4 | while read i; do exif "$1" -m --ifd=GPS -t=0x000$i; done  | tr '\n' ' ' | awk  '{printf ("%s%.6f %s%.6f\n",$1,$2+$3/60+$4/3600,$5,$6+$7/60+$8/3600)}' |sed 's/[NE]//;s/[SW]/-/;' | awk '{printf "" $1 "&mlon=" $2 "#map=18/" $1 "/" $2 "\n"}')

I also made a .desktop entry so I can run it from the file manager or from my image viewer by choosing “open with…”

.local/share/applications/photolocation.desktop :

[Desktop Entry]
Name=View location in OpenStreetMap
Exec=photolocation %f

Wednesday, 04. September 2024

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries

Co také dělá mapu přitažlivou a srozumitelnou

Stalo se samozřejmostí, že kvalita digitálních map je hodnocena podle toho, jak dobře se podle mapy dá navigovat autem, nebo jiným dopravním prostředkem - od startu až do cíle.

Proto je na navigačních mapách kladen důraz na přesné názvy ulic, jejich kategorie a mezinárodní číselná značení, na přesné dopravní situace křižovatek, odbočovací pruhy a aktuální objížďky.

Jenže když v

Stalo se samozřejmostí, že kvalita digitálních map je hodnocena podle toho, jak dobře se podle mapy dá navigovat autem, nebo jiným dopravním prostředkem - od startu až do cíle.

Proto je na navigačních mapách kladen důraz na přesné názvy ulic, jejich kategorie a mezinárodní číselná značení, na přesné dopravní situace křižovatek, odbočovací pruhy a aktuální objížďky.

Jenže když vystoupíme z auta uprostřed neznámé krajiny a potřebujeme se zeptat na specifické něco-někde… Jsme v koncích.

Potkáme třeba místního krajánka, nebo babičku u cesty. Sláva! Tito dobří lidé nám mohou poradit. Nikdy nezačnou ukazovat cestu tak, že by jmenovali číslo rychlostní silnice, číslo exitu a nebo typ mapového navigátoru. K tomu většinou ty mapy slouží dobře. Ptáme se jich na něco, co na mapách není.

Babička se orientuje v místě podle místní krajiny, podle zažitých místních názvů, krajinných dominant a záchytných bodů… Často je pro ní důležitá kaplička, boží muka, křížek… ale není pro ní zajímavá benzínová pumpa.

Když tyto malé body nejsou na mapě, vaše další orientace ve slepé mapě je mizerná a prakticky nevíte o čem ta dobrá žena před chvílí mluvila.

Teď vyjmenuji, co také stojí zato mapovat, i když to samozřejmě není tak důležité. Dělá to pouze mapu srozumitelnější. A krásnější.

Obyčejné detaily i místopis

Mezi obyčejné detaily se dá zařadit ve městech městský mobiliář (parkové lavičky, odpadkové koše, rozcestníky, informační tabule, …) ale v běžné otevřené krajině to mohou být i jednotlivé stromy stojící na viditelném místě, myslivecké posedy, nebo seníky. Jsou to přirozené orientační body, které jsou téměř trvalé. Takže proč by neměly být i na mapě?

Česká krajina je popsána obrovským množstvím místních názvů, které vychází z historie. Mohou to být názvy území, polí, lesů, původních a opuštěných sídel. Pokud o nich víte, tak je můžete zaznamenat i do mapy. Jako neobydlené místo.

Trávník a travnaté plochy

Travnaté plochy… to je spousta míst s různým charakterem, účelem a intenzitou lidské péče. Tráva roste všude, tak proč ji mapovat? … no mapuje se spíš její tvar, který defakto upřesňuje tvar a mocnost silničních komunikací vedle kterých ten trávník je.

Díky tvaru trávníku se dá na první pohled vidět, jestli je ten prostor spíš veřejná zeleň, nebo spíš neživý průmyslový objekt…

Trávníky na sídlištích dávají lepší informaci, jak je sídliště domestikované a jak moc je možné jej vnímat jako klidovou, obytnou oblast.

Stezky, zkratky a cestičky

Pokud chcete ve svém bydlišti vylepšit mapu k dokonalosti, můžete zaznamenat i ty nejmenší cestičky, které lidé používají. Jen je potřeba těm cestičkám dodat parametry, že jde o neformální pěšinu a že má nějakou kvalitu povrchu a že například není vhodná pro cyklisty. Tím se vyloučí z navigací pro cyklisty a ti raději pojedou po cyklistických cestách. Lesní cesty mívají také své názvy.

Návsi a centra sídel

Stojí zato se věnovat otevřenému prostranství u malých i větších sídel. Ať už je to náves malé vesnice, nebo je to náměstíčko na sídlišti, tak je to každopádně místo, kde se protíná více cest pro pěší, nebo pro vozidla… To místo má svou krajinnou hodnotu, proto také existují i vesnické památkové rezervace, které tuto kulturní hodnotu chrání. Centra původních vesnic znamenají soubory původních budov, ale i polohu a tvar návsi, její prvky jako je místní rybníček, staré stromy, nebo socha světce vytesaná do kamene.

Ale i bez přímé ochrany architektury je každá náves něčim specifická.. Je fajn ji v mapě lépe vyznačit, označit zatravněné plochy, polohu laviček, odstavné plochy pro zastavení vozem, zvoničky, nebo dětské prolézačky.

Když takovou náves uvidíte na mapě, bude vám srozumitelnější i ve skutečnosti, až ji navštívíte.

Náves obce Přídolí

Skupiny objektů, které si dokážete pamatovat

Někdy bývá vhod k dobrému zapamatování zakreslit skupinu jednotlivých objektů, které jsou v krajině vidět blízko sebe. Můžou to být například tři křížky… které jsou skutečně tři, nikoliv jeden.

Jindy to může být kombinace autobusové zastávky, vzrostlého stromu a kapličky.

Jindy to může být sloup elektrického vedení, strom, keř a ohrada … prostě kombinace dvou, tří a více objektů u sebe dává místu naprosto konkrétní identitu a když ji pak hledáte na mapě, můžete ji tam najít. Když to dokážete :)

Tak mapování detailů zdar.

OsmAPP 1.5.0 released

For those who doesn’t know, OsmAPP is trying to be the one integrated app for everyday use which runs both on web and on mobile. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, but fully opensource with privacy in mind. We have still some way to go, but it is getting much better recently.

Release 1.5.0 brought some great changes from wonderful contributors @Dlurak, @amenk, @loviuz and also f

For those who doesn’t know, OsmAPP is trying to be the one integrated app for everyday use which runs both on web and on mobile. It should be as easy to use as Google Maps, but fully opensource with privacy in mind. We have still some way to go, but it is getting much better recently.

Release 1.5.0 brought some great changes from wonderful contributors @Dlurak, @amenk, @loviuz and also from the core team @jvaclavik and me. See

In search of Opening Hours Editor

Opening hour widget was something I wanted to do for a long time. It always seemed as a big task, until I read a message from user @Mapspot on the OpenStreetMap Discord server: “A little 2x7 text box interface where you type the opening/closing time for each day would typically suffice”. What could be so hard about 2x7 boxes, right?

My first requirement was, that I cannot ruin existing advanced opening_hours. That meant, that I have to parse the value in my intermediate objects, then build the text again, and if it doesn’t match, lets tell user, that they should better use YoHours :-) This also brought some challenges, that Editor should be shown even when original text was Sa,Su ..., but after parsing it becomes Sa-Su ....

There were only a few expections like 24/7 which was quite easy to catch, and opening_hour without specified days, which is internally translated to Mo-Su ....

In the end, it took two days of work and it was so satisfying to see it working in the end. Some issues like Multiple images for feature or Wikimedia Upload, takes months to finish (or even almost a year in the second case), and this was ready in such a short time. Also worth mentioning is, that this was possible by @Dlurak’s work on the opening_hours renderer also featured in this release.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

One image is worth a thousand words

In the beggining there was the osmcz-app where Marián Kyral from the Czech community added images from Wikipedia, Wikidata and Commons. This same code lived in OsmAPP until this summer, when I decided to make a complete redesign, which is better compatible with Server-side-rendering (SSR), with the Open Climbing project, and which finally allowed showing multiple images from all available services.

It also had its challenges. Especially when I learned, that Wikipedia and Wikidata returns often the very same image, only one service escapes brackets to %28 and the second doesn’t. If more services resolves to the same URL, it is shown in the info tooltip along with their source tags.

In the end OsmAPP now shows images from the above mentioned services, adding Category pages from Wikimedia Commons, and panorama images from Mapillary (even with that panellum 360° viewer introduced by @Dlurak in 1.4.0).

The next step will be Upload to Wikimedia Commons, which is almost ready in #492.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

Lets think about mobile users first

When OsmAPP started using the Feature panel on mobile was a little more difficult. It always covered the whole screen, and the little violet preview button wasn’t up to the job.

Some amazing work was done by @jvaclavik. He upgraded Material UI library to version 5, and then was able to put the whole Feature Panel in to swipable drawer on mobile only. In OsmAPP it means browser size < 700px. So the app is fully responsive.

More details and screenshots in Pull Request

Small fixes worth mentioning

In FeaturePanel there are few enhancements – social media handles like contact:facebook etc. are clickable (thanks to @Dlurak), all airports now feature a runways table (thanks to @Dlurak again), and public transport stops now displays their line numbers even on stops without public_transport=stop_area relations (thanks to @amenk).

Did you know, you can execute overpass queries in OsmAPP? Simply type a poi category (like Restaurant) or type a tag (like amenity=* or amenity=pub). Or type any advanced query which can be rendered on a map. Start with op: or overpass: prefix, then type your query. It executed on current map area. Technically your query is inserted inside this instead of QUERY placeholder: [out:json][timeout:25][bbox:...];(QUERY;);out geom qt;

Italian translations was updated by @loviuz. There is a plan to move all the translation files to Transifex project (help is welcomed) - see #415

Project (beta)

A platform for managing climbing topos by community with using cartography-first approach. Content creation operates under a free license, enabling contributions similar to Wikipedia. All data is saved in public databases of OpenStreetMap and Wikimedia Commons.

It allows marking geometric climbing routes on images based on extensible tag wikimedia_common:path. is the same app as OsmAPP served on another domain – only difference is branding and default layers. OpenClimbing ambassador is @jvaclavik.


Fe that

Fe that