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OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 31

Хлорофіл: природний суперфуд для здоров'я та енергії

Сучасний ритм життя, погана екологія та неправильне харчування часто призводять до накопичення токсинів в організмі, нестачі енергії та проблем зі шкірою. Один із найкращих природних засобів для очищення та підтримки здоров’я – хлорофіл. Це зелений пігмент, що міститься в рослинах і водоростях, який не лише допомагає здійснювати фотосинтез, а й приносить величезну користь для людини. Дізнатися б 18 hours ago

Сучасний ритм життя, погана екологія та неправильне харчування часто призводять до накопичення токсинів в організмі, нестачі енергії та проблем зі шкірою. Один із найкращих природних засобів для очищення та підтримки здоров’я – хлорофіл. Це зелений пігмент, що міститься в рослинах і водоростях, який не лише допомагає здійснювати фотосинтез, а й приносить величезну користь для людини. Дізнатися більше про хлорофіл та обрати якісні добавки можна на сайті Біотус ось ссилка

Що таке хлорофіл та чому він такий корисний? Хлорофіл за своєю структурою дуже схожий на гемоглобін – основний компонент людської крові. Саме завдяки цьому він допомагає покращити насичення клітин киснем, підвищити рівень енергії та сприяє загальному оздоровленню організму.

Корисні властивості хлорофілу ✅ Очищення організму Хлорофіл є потужним детоксикатором, що сприяє виведенню токсинів і важких металів. Він підтримує роботу печінки та нирок, допомагаючи їм ефективніше очищати організм.

✅ Збагачення крові киснем Завдяки своїй схожості з гемоглобіном, хлорофіл сприяє покращенню кровотворення, підвищує рівень кисню в клітинах, що забезпечує більше енергії та витривалості.

✅ Антиоксидантний ефект Хлорофіл бореться зі шкідливими вільними радикалами, які є причиною передчасного старіння та різних захворювань.

✅ Оздоровлення шкіри Цей компонент допомагає зменшити запалення, прискорює загоєння ран, бореться з акне та робить шкіру більш сяючою.

✅ Покращення травлення Хлорофіл нормалізує роботу шлунково-кишкового тракту, підтримує корисну мікрофлору та сприяє здоровому травленню.

✅ Нейтралізація неприємного запаху Він діє як природний дезодорант, допомагаючи позбутися неприємного запаху з рота та тіла.

Як правильно приймати хлорофіл? 🔹 Форма випуску: хлорофіл доступний у капсулах, порошку або у вигляді рідкого екстракту.

🔹 Рекомендована доза: зазвичай рекомендується від 50 до 300 мг на день залежно від індивідуальних потреб.

🔹 Час прийому: хлорофіл можна додавати у воду або соки та вживати вранці чи протягом дня для підтримки енергії та детоксикації.

Де купити якісний хлорофіл? Щоб отримати максимальну користь від хлорофілу, важливо обирати лише якісні добавки. Ознайомитися з асортиментом та замовити натуральний хлорофіл можна на сайті Біотус.

18 hours ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 31



complete guide of uploader

Insta 360 X3 (但我用X2)


23 hours ago


complete guide of uploader

Insta 360 X3 (但我用X2)


23 hours ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 29

한국인으로서 오픈스트리트맵에 기여하기

한국에는 아직 오픈소스 및 사용자 기여에 대한 활발한 환경이 갖추어져있지 않다. 하지만 그러한 문화에서도 여러가지 변화가 있는데, “나무위키” 서비스이다. 한국어와 한국 사용자 위주로 갖추어져있는 나무위키는 대부분의 사용자가 간단한 로그인만으로 위키 글에 기여할 수 있는 온라인 플랫폼이다.

오픈스트리트맵에 기여하는 한국인 사용자로서, 한국에서 더욱 활발한 사용자 참여가 있도록 여러 가지 방법을 생각해보고 있다.

그 중, 내가 처음 시도하는 것은 위치 기반 서비스 어플 출시이다. 필자는 연세대학교 학생으로,

연세대학교 서쪽 구역인 소위 “서문” 지역을 기반으로 하는 앱을 제작하고 있다.

이 앱은, 학생을 위한 카페 및 음식점 연결, 학생끼리의 소개팅 3 days ago

한국에는 아직 오픈소스 및 사용자 기여에 대한 활발한 환경이 갖추어져있지 않다. 하지만 그러한 문화에서도 여러가지 변화가 있는데, “나무위키” 서비스이다. 한국어와 한국 사용자 위주로 갖추어져있는 나무위키는 대부분의 사용자가 간단한 로그인만으로 위키 글에 기여할 수 있는 온라인 플랫폼이다.

오픈스트리트맵에 기여하는 한국인 사용자로서, 한국에서 더욱 활발한 사용자 참여가 있도록 여러 가지 방법을 생각해보고 있다.

그 중, 내가 처음 시도하는 것은 위치 기반 서비스 어플 출시이다. 필자는 연세대학교 학생으로,

연세대학교 서쪽 구역인 소위 “서문” 지역을 기반으로 하는 앱을 제작하고 있다.

이 앱은, 학생을 위한 카페 및 음식점 연결, 학생끼리의 소개팅이나 미팅 주선, 나아가서는 지역 사회를 기반으로 학생 창업 문화를 증진시키고자 하는 목적을 가지고 있다.

오픈스트리트맵을 활용하므로서, 모두가 기여하며 효과를 받을 수 있는 오픈소스의 가능성을 연세대학교에서 시작하고자 한다.

(ios 기반으로 앱을 제작중이며, 2025년 2월 중순 이내로 앱스토어에 등록할 예정이다.)

3 days ago

Swiss OSM Association - Jan 27

New colocation sponsor Nine

At the end of 2024, we had to give up our server hosting in Winterthur due to reasons beyond our control and that of our former sponsor. Some readers may have seen our announcement on this topic last year. Thankfully, … Continue reading → 5 days ago

At the end of 2024, we had to give up our server hosting in Winterthur due to reasons beyond our control and that of our former sponsor. Some readers may have seen our announcement on this topic last year.

Thankfully, Nine very promptly agreed to support the Swiss OpenStreetMap community and SOSM with their colocation infrastructure. As a result, we relocated from Winterthur to Zurich in mid-December.

With the two servers we operate, we offer a variety of services that enable the OpenStreetMap community to improve the map and make valuable contributions. One of these servers is now hosted at Nine, and we would like to take this opportunity to express our heartfelt thanks for Nine’s generous support.

The colocation sponsorship allows us to operate the services on our own hardware in Switzerland. The second server remains with our longstanding colocation sponsor, Adfinis.

A big thank you to Nine and Adfinis—for their sponsorship, trust, and support!

5 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 27

OpenStreetMap NextGen DD #23 — MapLibre & Dark Theme

The twenty-third development diary brings substantial architectural changes to OpenStreetMap-NG, marking a pivotal moment in the project’s evolution. This update introduces MapLibre GL JS as our new mapping engine, comprehensive dark theme support, and various quality-of-life improvements that enhance both user experience and technical capabilities.

🔖 You can read other development diari 5 days ago

The twenty-third development diary brings substantial architectural changes to OpenStreetMap-NG, marking a pivotal moment in the project’s evolution. This update introduces MapLibre GL JS as our new mapping engine, comprehensive dark theme support, and various quality-of-life improvements that enhance both user experience and technical capabilities.

🔖 You can read other development diaries here:

⭐ This project is open-source — join us today:

🛈 This initiative is not affiliated with the OpenStreetMap Foundation.

Video Summary

Feel invited to watch this video summary that demonstrates improvements in action. The showcase provides a look at the new MapLibre GL JS integration, dark theme functionality, and various interface refinements that enhance the OpenStreetMap-NG experience.

⬇ Click the image below to play

or click here:

MapLibre GL JS

A significant leap forward in OpenStreetMap-NG’s technical evolution.

A major technological leap forward as OpenStreetMap-NG transitions from Leaflet to MapLibre GL JS. This foundational change unlocks significant potential for future enhancements, particularly in vector tile support. MapLibre GL JS brings modern mapping capabilities while maintaining the same set of funtionalities.

Already today, users will notice smoother map interactions and noticeably improved rendering performance across the website. Transitioning to MapLibre GL JS required extensive reworking of core mapping components - but this substantial engineering effort future-proofs OpenStreetMap-NG for years to come.

▶️ Watch video segment

Notes Overlay Enhancements

The notes overlay interaction experience has been refined with dynamic opacity changes on hover for better visibility. Note content previews now use standard web font sizing, greatly improving readability compared to the current OSM Ruby implementation. This enhancement particularly shines in areas with dense note clusters.

▶️ Watch video segment

Image Export Improvements

Several long-standing export issues have been addressed, including marker support in exported images and automatic OpenStreetMap attribution - fixing a 12-year-old issue. The new browser-based export processing delivers faster results, with a configurable attribution toggle in the export interface.

▶️ Watch video segment

Antimeridian Bug Fixes

The challenging 180th meridian area has received some love, with reliable image exports and stable custom region selection across the antimeridian. The system maintains consistent behavior when crossing the date line, eliminating previous rendering artifacts and export failures.

▶️ Watch video segment

Dark Theme

A comprehensive dark mode implementation includes system-preference detection with manual override options and seamless map tile switching between light and dark themes. The update eliminates page reload requirements for theme changes, maintains color consistency throughout the interface, and introduces green hover highlights replacing yellow for better dark mode visibility.

▶️ Watch video segment

🌠 Sponsors

This update was sponsored by 18 individual supporters on Liberapay and GitHub Sponsors. Thank you! 🦀

  • ~1847430
  • gileri (Eric G.)
  • mutipg
  • RedAuburn (Harry Bond)
  • ~1819511
  • AurimasF (Aurimas Fišeras)
  • starsep
  • gander (Adam Gąsowski)
  • owiecc (Szymon Bęczkowski)
  • kkalata (Kamil Kalata)
  • okainov (Oleg Kainov)
  • sunsurfr
  • bryceco
  • skfd (skyfallsdown)

Early supporters of the project receive something special: the time-limited OpenStreetMap-NG Founder profile badge. We believe in inclusive community building, so this unique reward is available to every supporter during the development phase, regardless of donation amount.

5 days ago

weeklyOSM - Jan 26

weeklyOSM 757

  16/01/2025-22/01/2025 MERCATOR:EXTREME [1] |, a Web map that displays distortions near the poles. © Drew Ross | map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors. Mapping A request for comments has been made for the mtb:scale:amtb=* proposal. It proposes a tagging scheme to classify mountain biking trails’ suitability for adaptive mountain biking (AMTB), considering the specific needs 6 days ago



MERCATOR:EXTREME [1] |, a Web map that displays distortions near the poles. © Drew Ross | map data © OpenStreetMap Contributors.

  • A request for comments has been made for the mtb:scale:amtb=* proposal. It proposes a tagging scheme to classify mountain biking trails’ suitability for adaptive mountain biking (AMTB), considering the specific needs of riders with mobility impairments. This scale extends the existing mtb:scale with additional attributes focusing on trail width, surface, gradient, and obstacles.
Mapping campaigns
  • Swiggy (an online food delivery service) and Ola (a ride-hailing service) are currently conducting organised editing in OpenStreetMap across India.
  • On Monday 20 January, Donald Trump, once again president of the USA, signed an executive order mandating that US federal agencies rename the northern half of the Gulf of Mexico to the ‘Gulf of America’ on all US federal maps and documents. In response, various reactions followed on the OSM community and the Mastodon instance that recall how OSM handles naming disputes.
  • InfosReseaux talked about how OpenStreetMap is helping with managing power grid assets. Accurate tagging and open data are really important in adapting grids to climate challenges. The post mentioned advanced tagging systems, tools like StreetComplete and Osmose, and how they work together with operators like Enedis. It also talks about what the French community has achieved, like reviewing 255,000 transmission towers, improving how power lines are described, and using AI and LiDAR to make improvements.
  • OpenCage is planning to restart their long-running interview series with OSM communities around the world. For the first edition, they decided to interview Amanda McCann, long-term OSM stalwart and the creator of WaterwayMap, a map of waterways from OpenStreetMap.
  • Thomas Froitzheim, at the ‘Nature.Tourism.Future’ symposium ♦►♦ of the German Hiking Association, highlighted ♦ both the opportunities and challenges of using OpenStreetMap for outdoor tourism, emphasising its potential to improve navigation and the development of hiking trails.
  • Anne-Karoline Distel, a violinist in ‘The Dubliners Experience’ band, is touring the Netherlands, capturing street-level images, and uploading them to Panoramax.
  • Emilio Mariscal from HOT is set to host ♦ a webinar, ‘Open Mapping with ChatMap’, on Thursday 30 January at 12:00 UTC in English. The event will explore groundbreaking ways to leverage WhatsApp, Telegram, and Signal for open mapping initiatives. Registration is now open here.
  • The State of the Map LATAM ♦►♦ 2025 Organising Committee is calling ♦►♦ for logo designs that represent OpenStreetMap, the State of the Map conference, and the spirit of Medellín, Colombia, the event’s host city. Designs must be original, recognisable, and open-licensed (CC BY SA). Submissions are due by Monday 3 February and the winner will receive SotM LatAm 2025 merchandise and recognition on the official event website.
  • 1 Drew Roos has developed MERCATOR:EXTREME, an interactive web map that displays the Mercator projection and its distortions near the poles. However, you can substitute any point on Earth as the pole, highlighting Mercator’s shortcomings in accurately visualising areas near the poles.
  • Historically there has been a bit of an issue with golf-course mappers using odd geometries for courses partly because some of the software that uses OSM data as a source for golf games, for example PGA Tour 2k23, didn’t understand some OSM constructs such as multipolygons. However, it sounds from a changeset comment like this issue might have been resolved and hopefully we’ll see fewer ‘odd geometries’ in the future.
  • Sven Geggus described improvements to the OpenStreetMap tile servers for rendering maps with localised names. This is done by adapting openstreetmap-carto-flex-l10n.lua and using the osml10n tool during the database import, which can allow users to achieve localisation in languages such as English, French, or Spanish.
OSM in action
  • Secret Melbourne showcased ‘City of Melbourne Cool Routes’, an interactive map that shows streets and spaces that are relatively cooler, helping you plan safe and comfortable journeys through the City of Melbourne.
  • AED Map allows ♦►♦ you to browse for nearby AED defibrillators on a map, providing first aiders quick access to this critical information. The code is available on GitHub.
  • Graphmasters specialises in real-time traffic solutions, providing dynamic navigation and route optimisation technologies. Its software addresses urban congestion, fleet management, and logistics challenges by integrating AI and real-time data. Its NUNAV routing engine utilises up-to-date data from OpenStreetMap across all its products.
  • HeiGIT tooted some metrics, made using ohsome, about contributions made to OpenStreetMap in 2024, describing the scale of OSM use and demonstrating the analytical capabilities of ohsome.
  • Digvijay Kumar highlighted Organic Maps as a privacy-focused open-source alternative to Google Maps built on OpenStreetMap data. It offers offline navigation, detailed maps, hiking and cycling routes, contour lines, and voice guidance, without ads or tracking.
  • KartaVoice is a web-based app that makes it easy to collect points of interest using AI, voice commands, and your device’s camera. It captures precise locations, estimates distances, and enables updates such as adding addresses. This streamlined process makes data collection faster than traditional manual methods.
  • A new round trip function for BRouter has been proposed, adding customisable parameters for starting direction, round-trip distance, and route behaviours like allowing the same path for return trips. This feature enables users to generate tailored circular routes, improving flexibility for navigation and routing tasks.
  • OwnTracks is an open source application for tracking your location privately and securely. It allows users to create a personal location journal or share their location with friends and family using open protocols. The application works with existing servers or self-hosted setups to ensure privacy.
  • Ilya Zverev is trying to improve EveryDoor by developing a process for uploading photos from mobile to Panoramax and asked about the OAuth authentication process.
  • Vespucci hinted at the addition of Panoramax support as a new feature in their upcoming version 21.0 release.
Did you know that …
  • … that the theoretical limit for the OSM object ID value is 9,223,372,036,854,775,807?
  • … that the German-style tile server offers a Latin-script rendering for place names? This contrasts with the default OSM standard tile layer, which prefers to show place names in the non-Latin scripts used by locals.
Other “geo” things
  • You can use ♦►♦ ‘Layer Color’, a QGIS plugin, to adjust the background colours of layers and groups in the layer window, in order to make the layer structure clearer and more structured, solely through improved optical differentiation.
  • Wille Marcel and Lane Goodman have shared some insights on visualising NASA’s polar geospatial data using 3D mapping libraries such as, MapLibre, and Mapbox Globe View. Their blog highlighted challenges with the Mercator projection near the poles and the process of refining tools for the CASEI platform to enable accurate data representation across polar regions. Open source solutions and experiments with Globe View visualisation were detailed to improve geospatial workflows.
Upcoming Events Where What Online When Country Chambéry Mapathon en ligne saison 24/25 CartONG ♦ 2025-01-27 ♦ Saint-Étienne Rencontre Saint-Étienne et sud Loire ♦ 2025-01-27 ♦ Stadtgebiet Bremen Bremer Mappertreffen ♦ 2025-01-27 ♦ City of Edinburgh Geomob Edinburgh ♦ 2025-01-28 ♦ Београд Srbija OpenStreetMap okupljanje ♦ 2025-01-28 ♦ Berlin OSM-Verkehrswende #65 ♦ ✓ 2025-01-28 ♦ MapRVA Map & Yap ♦ 2025-01-30 Zagreb OSM-HR Meetup (Zagreb) ♦ 2025-01-29 ♦ Düsseldorf Düsseldorfer OpenStreetMap-Treffen (online) ♦ 2025-01-29 ♦ Ugíjar Mapas y Tapas – Mapping Party! ♦ 2025-01-30 ♦ London Borough of Islington GeoMob London ♦ 2025-01-30 ♦ Salt Lake City OSM Utah Monthly Map Night ♦ 2025-02-05 ♦ Salzburg OSM Treffen Salzburg ♦ 2025-02-04 ♦ San Jose South Bay Map Night ♦ ✓ 2025-02-05 ♦ Missing Maps London: (Online) Mapathon [eng] ♦ 2025-02-04 Stuttgart Stuttgarter OpenStreetMap-Treffen ♦ 2025-02-05 ♦ iD Community Chat ♦ 2025-02-05 Montrouge Réunion des contributeurs de Montrouge et du Sud de Paris ♦ 2025-02-06 ♦ Guadalajara A Synesthete’s Atlas: Cartographic Improvisations between Eric Theise and Fernando Feria ♦ 2025-02-07 ♦ OSMF Engineering Working Group meeting ♦ 2025-02-07 中正區 OpenStreetMap x Wikidata Taipei #73 ♦ 2025-02-10 ♦

If you like to see your event here, please put it into the OSM calendar. Only data which is there, will appear in weeklyOSM.

This weeklyOSM was produced by PierZen, Raquel Dezidério Souto, Strubbl, TheSwavu, barefootstache, derFred, mcliquid.
We welcome link suggestions for the next issue via this form and look forward to your contributions.

6 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 24

Zemīte un tās apkārtnes atjaunošana

Jau dažus labus mēnešus strādāju pie Zemītes un tās apkātnes uzlabošanas.


Padarīt karti detalizētāku un precīzāku- pievienot kokus, izlabot māju kontūras, izveidot jaunas, iepriekš nekartētas ēkas, pievienot grāvjus, jaunus ceļus, izveidot katram nostūrim apzīmētu apgabalu kā lauks, krūms, zāle, mežs utt.

Kas izdarīts?

Līdz šim esmu pabeidzis kartēt divus apgabalus- izdar 8 days ago

Jau dažus labus mēnešus strādāju pie Zemītes un tās apkātnes uzlabošanas.


Padarīt karti detalizētāku un precīzāku- pievienot kokus, izlabot māju kontūras, izveidot jaunas, iepriekš nekartētas ēkas, pievienot grāvjus, jaunus ceļus, izveidot katram nostūrim apzīmētu apgabalu kā lauks, krūms, zāle, mežs utt.

Kas izdarīts?

Līdz šim esmu pabeidzis kartēt divus apgabalus- izdarīts ir viss, ko iepriekš minēju.

![Zaļās zonas- pabeigtie apgabali, dzeltenā zona- šobrīd strādāju](♦)

Bet kāpēc?

Kāpēc ne? Varbūt kādam nākotnē noderēs.

8 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 23

Stato avanzamento lavori s.m.g. seti fradis. = nuovi sentieri Seti Fradis mappati 2023 - 2024 - 2025

1) Sentiero 801: Sa Pala de Cunventu - Is Seddas de Trebini, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 2) Sentiero 802: Cunventu - Bruncu Poni Fogu, (Agro Sinnai) = mappato. 3) Sentiero 803: Bau Arrexini - Bruncu Monti Eccas, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 4) Sentiero 804: S’Incantu - Campu Omu Arcu Arriu Longu, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 5) Sentiero 805: Arcu Is Pedras Biancas - Arriu Sa Scova Mara Solinas, (Agro Sinnai 9 days ago

1) Sentiero 801: Sa Pala de Cunventu - Is Seddas de Trebini, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 2) Sentiero 802: Cunventu - Bruncu Poni Fogu, (Agro Sinnai) = mappato. 3) Sentiero 803: Bau Arrexini - Bruncu Monti Eccas, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 4) Sentiero 804: S’Incantu - Campu Omu Arcu Arriu Longu, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 5) Sentiero 805: Arcu Is Pedras Biancas - Arriu Sa Scova Mara Solinas, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 6) Sentiero 806: Arcu Sa Spina - Arcu Su Crabiolu, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 7) Sentiero 807: Bau S’Acua Callenti - Baccu sa Figu, (Agro Castiadas)= mappato. 8) Sentiero 403: Sa Pala de Su Scoffu - San Gregorio, (Agro Burcei - Sinnai)= mappato. 9) Sentiero 800A: Sa Sedda de Tullinu - Sa Guardia de Tullinu, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato. 10) Sentiero 800B: Arcu Fra Contini - Sa Ruxi de S’Arridelaxiu, (Agro Sinnai)= mappato.

9 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 23

second first log

i left the city

Last time i was in the city, went for coffee and made a post here about it. Now i dont see any post…

digital hallucination

Now im writing from a remote location artist studio. Should i pin it on the map? kontajnerlab

9 days ago
i left the city

Last time i was in the city, went for coffee and made a post here about it. Now i dont see any post…

digital hallucination

Now im writing from a remote location artist studio. Should i pin it on the map? kontajnerlab

9 days ago

OpenCage - Jan 23

Interview: WaterwayMap

We interview Amanda McCann, maker of WaterwayMap about the joys and pains of mapping waterways in OpenStreetMap 9 days ago

One of our 2025 new year’s resolutions was to restart our long-running interview series with OpenStreetMap communities around the world,and I am delighted to share that we are kicking that effort off today with an interview with Amanda McCann, maker of WaterwayMap

1. Who are you and what do you do? What got you into OpenStreetMap?

I’m Amanda McCann. I’m a queer trans woman from Ireland, who’s been living in Karlsruhe, Germany for 10+ years, working at Geofabrik, as a sysadmin. In my free time, I like hiking.

I have always been interested in open data, open source/free software, and a bit in maps. I got interested in OpenStreetMap in 2008. The “open data” aspect appealed to me, and it’s just fun! I’ve been hooked every since. The anarchistic free form nature keeps me interested. I’m always blown away by how good and wide and deep our data is, and how we’ve managed to do that by mostly staying small without hundreds of employees. I’ve been around OSM for years, spoken at conferences, helped organise events, been on the OSMF Board, and Communications WG.

The easiest way to contact me is on Mastodon/Fediverse: @amapanda or email:

Editor’s note: we would be remiss not to also mention that Amanda is a past #fridaygeotrivia winner, having taken home the emoji trophy back in November 2023!

Here’s a photo of me at the source of the Danube

2. What is WaterwayMap and why did you create it? Who uses it? is a map of waterways (rivers etc) from OpenStreetMap. Uniquely, it groups connected rivers together, colouring them the same, showing river networks. It also calculates downstream flow, and can draw rivers with more flow wider, producing maps like traditional maps of rivers. This allows the production of good maps, and the finding of errors in the data. All of this is calculated automatically from 100% pure OSM data. It also calculates some QA maps, such as loops in rivers in OSM. I initially wrote a tool (osm-lump-ways) to group roads with the same name together. I tried it with rivers, and it produced something that looked nice. I shared this with OSMers, and it was very well received. This was very encouraging, and I didn’t see anyone doing anything like this. So I got “swept along in the current”.

It’s mostly used by OSMers to look at the OSM data, but in a new way. I want to produce more details on individual rivers, so it can be a global internet resource.

3. What are the unique challenges and pleasures of mapping waterways in OpenStreetMap? What aspects of the projects should the rest of the world be aware of?

Most challenges are standard OSM data processing challenges, e.g. OSM is 99.9999…% correct, but not 100%. WWM is essentially a breath first search of a directed graph. Lots of graph processing algorithms require (e.g.) zero cycles in the graph. If you don’t remove them all, then the standard algorithms don’t work. So if you assume OSM data has zero errors, you’ll have problems. Lots of the algorithms don’t work very well parallel, because the whole world is connected together.

Since the map groups everything that’s connected together, a tiny little misttagged way somewhere can turn half a continent a different colour. That’s a unique problem!

It’s very enjoyable to slowly see a river network come together, and the data to be cleaned up. Since I started, so many OSMers have cleaned up the data (& continue to clean it up!). It’s also very cool to be able to load QGis and create a map that is visually very pleasing.

4. What is the best way for people to get involved?

Look at an area that interests you, see if the map(s) on WWM make sense, and if not, then edit OSM to make it correct! That’s the same as lots of “how to get involved in OSM” All the code & website is open source so if you think it’s classifying different tagging combinations wrongly, then open an issue. You can also use the same process to generate data, for your own area if you want.

I’d love people to make their own maps (e.g. with QGis) with the data that I generate.

5. What steps could the global OpenStreetMap community take to help support the mapping of waterways?

Nothing special, just map things well and as best as you can. Connect up ways. Check out WWM to see the results of your mapping.

6. Last year OpenStreetMap celebrated 20 years. As someone who has been very active in OSM in so many ways (mapper - in different local communities, software developer, on the OSMF board, etc) for a long time, where do you think the project will be in another 20 years?

Oh that’s a hard one! I’m terrible at making predictions!

I think the strength of OSM has come from it’s community of mappers who *care* about making a map. Throughout the years, I’ve seen many groups saying that is silly and we need to completely change to imports, or AI or whatever. Many of those groups have gradually realised that the “old fashioned” crowd sourced map approach seems to work best, and have moved towards doing that. So I have hope that we’re actually onto something right.

So my maybe optimistic prediction is that OSM in 20 years will look sorta like now. Craft mappers crowd sourcing a map! We’ll have more mappers, and more data, and the average amount of data will increase.

Thanks so much, Amanda. For the interview, for creating WaterwayMap, and for all your efforts for OpenStreetMap. I encourageeveryone to have a look at WaterwayMap, and of course dive into making corrections as needed.

The best way to stay informed about new WaterwayMaps developments is via social media

Happy waterway mapping,


Please let us know if your community would like to be part of our interview series here on our blog. If you are or know of someone we should interview, please get in touch, we’re always looking to promote people doing interesting things with open geo data.

9 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 31

OSM US Board Candidate Statement 2025

About me

I started mapping in June 2020 as a way to find parks and trails near my home in Redmond, Washington. My daughter loves adventures and provides huge motivation. I am a former compiler engineer and bring a passion for great tooling. I love being able to work with others on an expansive, vivid, and important project.

My mapping

Mapping continues to provide joy 19 hours ago

About me

I started mapping in June 2020 as a way to find parks and trails near my home in Redmond, Washington. My daughter loves adventures and provides huge motivation. I am a former compiler engineer and bring a passion for great tooling. I love being able to work with others on an expansive, vivid, and important project.

My mapping

Mapping continues to provide joy and satisfaction. I am astounded by the number of passionate, clever, and kind mappers that I have had the pleasure of collaborating with over the last two years. Most of my editing remains in the United States but who doesn’t love a little “vacation” every once in a while?

As a board member

OSM-US has achieved so much in the past two years that it’s difficult to list everything. More conferences, expanding working groups, even more hiring and fundraising.

  • 2 in-person State of the Map US conferences
  • 2 virtual-only Mapping USA conferences
  • 2 new working groups (Pedestrian and Imagery)
  • 4 strategic level memberships
  • 5 amazing staff members!!
  • Continued the charter projects program (OSMCha, MapRoulette, OpenHistoricalMap)
  • Started our community project program (OpenStreetMap Americana, OSM Slice, OSMMerge
  • …and more!

It’s been an enormous pleasure to work with my fellow board members and our Executive Director to continue the upward trend of this amazing organization. I hope to continue that work.

I have learned so much over my two-year term but I remain committed to the principles in my original position statement:

Great organizing makes contributing easier and more engaging. The working group model continues to grow and pay dividends. It remains one of the best ways to identify, engage with, and solve some of our biggest issues. The Education Working Group will soon be able to roll out sandboxed instances of OSM so that our newest mappers can safely play and learn. Our newest working group is tackling pedestrian infrastructure and has been hugely successful at bringing together various parties to help us all move collectively forward.

I believe the most successful map is the one we ALL build together. I have continued to engage productively with folks across the OSM-US Slack, Mastodon, community board, Discord, etc. Over this time I was asked to be part of the moderation team for the OSM Mastodon instance and have taken on the “helper” role in the OSM Discord. We don’t all need to be in the same spaces to make great maps but it is often helpful in my role as board member to have an expansive view of the community, even those outside the US.

The map today is great but the map tomorrow will be even better. It can be intimidating and difficult to know what work “needs” to be done. There are a million things to do and lots of energy to do them. Over the past two years I have facilitated numerous efforts to help folks direct their energy.

  • Created and coordinated on various tasking manager projects.
  • Built SmallTownBot and analyzed the results. (HUGE success!!)
  • Developed and maintained TIGERMap to help motivate folks to keep scrutinizing our roadways!

Some projects I will be working on this coming year to achieve a better map:

  • Expand the tooling for SmallTownBot to generate awareness of more unmapped places.
  • Continue to explore and evangelize vector-based QA maps like WAMap.
  • Begin exploration of the high resolution waterway data from USGS for potential import/guided mapping.

Please reach out if you have questions/concerns/just want to chat, I love to collaborate with and support the goals of other mappers. Nothing is immovable when we all work together.

19 hours ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 31

better-osm-org 0.8: ⚡️📸🏃‍♂️💬🫂🛰⌨️

Today I will talk about the new version 0.8 of userscript that adds several useful features to

⚡️ Faster rendering

My first PR was merged to openstreetmap-website code, and now the Map Data layer loads instantly. Be sure to try it. Thanks to the maintainers for help!

For the script, this means a huge acceleration in rendering 23 hours ago

Today I will talk about the new version 0.8 of userscript that adds several useful features to

⚡️ Faster rendering

My first PR was merged to openstreetmap-website code, and now the Map Data layer loads instantly. Be sure to try it. Thanks to the maintainers for help!

For the script, this means a huge acceleration in rendering large relations and GPS tracks (yes, tracks, read more!):

icon 👥 near relations is clickable 😉

📸 Photos from Panoramax, StreetComplete, Wikipedia Commons

Now they are displayed directly on the website. In notes, in tag history, and in changesets.

🏃‍♂️ Rendering of GPS tracks

Finally, by opening the starting coordinate of the track, you will be able to see the entire GPX track on the map:

Let me remind you that the Z key allows you to fit an object on the screen.

The track is also drawn when opening notes from StreetComplete

The rendering of tracks is still very simple, if you have any examples of successful visualizations, please share them.

💬 Comments on changesets

Now you don’t have to open the changesets to understand if there is an interesting discussion or if this is another revert of vandalism.

by the way, long links like * replaced by *

🫂 Edits of friends

Did you know that OSM has a friends feature? You can even follow their edits here:

better-osm-org can now filter changesets on this page. The script also tries to show around the username that it’s your friend.

Let’s be friends :)

🛰 Satellite image Switch (Firefox only)

Satellite images could be switched using the S key, or using the button on the side of the note. But what about Firefox for Android? And how do I find out about S? Now there is a button in the right panel for this.

Pressing the Shift key will show you the ESRI Beta images. But be patient, because they take longer to load.

📄 Experimental files viewer for geotagged photos, .gpx and .geojson files

If we can now quickly render data, then why not be able to open it from files? Just drag them onto the map:

p.s. for now, it’s more of a PoC, feel free to suggest your ideas.

⌨️ Hotkeys

Where without them? :)

  • ` — hide the geometry of the changeset from the map
  • T — toggle between compact and full tags diff mode
  • F — filter changesets
  • Hotkeys on user profile Page (H — user changesets history, T — tracks, D — Diary, C — comments, N — notes)
  • U — open user profile from changeset, note, …
  • Shift + U — open your profile

By the way, do you know about the new feature of the site?

As well as about the previous versions that I wrote about on the forum.

v0.7: 📝 Templates for comments on changesets and notes

so that you have the necessary link from the wiki at hand:) Buttons for commenting on changeset will only add text to the input field, without submitting.

🔍 In the list of relation members, you can now see ways on the map

In order not to clutter the map, relations are shown only on hover. Now the relation can be pinned.

  • shift + Z to zoom to bbox without taking into account relations
  • Q key to close the sidebar
  • C key open changeset from object version
  • In the settings, you can enable overzoom for the Map Data layer
0.6.1: ⏬ Display intermediate versions for ways

Now, when you click ⏬ on the way history page, all changes will be displayed, including in the tags and coordinates of nodes of the way

If there are too many versions, you will see the versions filter. The K/L combination also works, but I recommend you try it ScrollAnywhere to navigate through the map with the middle mouse button

⚠️ there may be problems if some nodes are hidden by moderators.


  • When you hover over the tag table, the number of tags is now displayed
  • Improved HDYC colors in the user profile (thanks @LouisXIV)
  • Fixing the color of human-readable wikidata extension cells in a dark theme
  • More tooltips
  • A small Easter egg. Try to find a New Year’s tree in your city (or map it!) (It’s open only on New Year’s holidays)
v0.5.7: 🔦 Dark theme for iD

⚔️ Edits wars detector


#️⃣ Clickable hashtags in comment of changesets

🔗 Clickable links to Panoramax and Mapillary, as well as highlighting fixme=

🔍 More Overpass links in Taginfo

p.s. The script also fixes broken links to Overpass Turbo on, if there is a space in the country or region name.

👁 Redactions bypass

Bypass Redactions (so far only tags) (even for edits before 2012! Data that is hidden is uploaded to GitHub

↩️ Shift+click for revert via JOSM. And clickable IDs in comments:

⌨️ New hotkeys:
  • shift + L — go to your location
  • shift + N — create new note (if some object was opened, his link wound prefilled in note text)

23 hours ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 30

Antalya Bölgesi Düzenleme Çalışması

Merhaba arkadaşlar, Antalya bölgesini düzenleyeceğim. Harita API’sinde koordinat ve isim ekleme özelliği var mı? Eğer varsa, çok basit bir şekilde tüm ülkeyi Google Places ile eşleştirebilirim.

2 days ago

Merhaba arkadaşlar, Antalya bölgesini düzenleyeceğim. Harita API’sinde koordinat ve isim ekleme özelliği var mı? Eğer varsa, çok basit bir şekilde tüm ülkeyi Google Places ile eşleştirebilirim.

2 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 28

An infamous "NAD83 to WGS84" affair

After reading this article How to transform data from NAD83 to WGS84 and based on my personal experience (taking RTK GNSS measurements with multi-frequency multi-constellation receiver hooked up to ORGN NTRIP caster referenced to NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00), I want to share some notes.

The article suggests QGIS as a tool just to proceed with warning potential users how it could easily go 4 days ago

After reading this article How to transform data from NAD83 to WGS84 and based on my personal experience (taking RTK GNSS measurements with multi-frequency multi-constellation receiver hooked up to ORGN NTRIP caster referenced to NAD83(2011) epoch 2010.00), I want to share some notes.

The article suggests QGIS as a tool just to proceed with warning potential users how it could easily go wrong with no warnings. However, it doesn’t provide any methods to verify the results or the method itself except for trusting the process. Since my first attempts (independent from the content of the article) to transform my observations have failed, I was looking for the verification method and found some.

First of all, as far as I understand QGIS uses GDAL/ORG and PROJ. This toolchain has a very useful command projinfo for testing the transformation. You’d need to understand WKT output that it will spit out, but you can much easier spot the situation when it’s going to use a ballpark low-precision transformation.

For instance, this query:

projinfo -s EPSG:6319 -t EPSG:7665

among many other things spits out this string:

Conversion from NAD83(2011) (geog3D) to NAD83(2011) (geocentric) + Inverse of ITRF2008 to NAD83(2011) (1) + Inverse of WGS 84 (G1762) to ITRF2008 (1) + Conversion from WGS 84 (G1762) (geocentric) to WGS 84 (G1762) (geog3D)

It explains in fairly good detail what it’s going to do and has some useful keywords such as geog3D which means that it expects input and provides output in degrees of latitude/longitude as well as ellipsoidal height, see EPSG:6319 for details. It also mentions 0.01 m at the beginning and in the context of OPERATIONACCURACY[0.01] which is pretty self-explanatory.

Then, you can actually attempt transforming an individual set of coordinates using cs2cs. The easiest way is to throw them into its input stream like this using echo:

echo 45.3260398861N 122.57538285W 107.533 | cs2cs EPSG:6319 EPSG:10605 --t_epoch 2025 -f "%.11f" -v --only-best=yes --no-ballpark

This command has some excessive parameters (the last three) since they only make sense when there are multiple possible transformations (see the output of projinfo, in this case, it clearly states Candidate operations found: 1 anyway).

EPSG:10605 is the most recent realization of WGS84, WGS 84 (G2296) and the target epoch parameter supplies the necessary context to the time-dependent transformation since WGS 84 (G2296) is a dynamic CRS (again, note the terms DYNAMIC and Time-dependent Coordinate Frame rotation (geocen) in the projinfo output). %.11f defines the decimal output format.

Going through various epochs (dates) and WGS84 realizations equivalent to, say, ITRF 2000, 2008, 2014, etc., you’ll see different results for the same input, showing a consistent drift. This is something that OSM doesn’t take into account at all. Consider that when trying to match more recent precision data to earlier precision data stored in the OSM database.

However, if you somehow picked a specific epoch and decided to convert your dataset into it, you can easily verify the result against the reference transformation. To do that, take one or more coordinate sets from your dataset (coordinates of one vertex or point), run them through the desired transformation using cs2cs, and do the same using NOAA/NGS Horizontal Time-Dependent Positioning tool. This tool supports both 2D (NADCON) and 3D (GEOCON) transformations.

HTDP doesn’t save you from the pain of trying to understand this matter and make an educated decision about it. But it does allow you to quickly try various transformation parameters.

This article isn’t meant to be a tutorial or a step-by-step instruction, so don’t treat it as such, and don’t demand it to be that.

4 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 27

The many facets of mapping cycling in the US.

Cycling is not one thing

To most people cycling is just something people do as exercise and if you’ve seen one bike you’ve seen them all. To someone that has become deeply embedded into the cycling community at a national level as my hometown area has become a cycling hub for every variety of biking there is my view of biking has become quite diverse and how I’ve approached mapping cycling has m 5 days ago

Cycling is not one thing

To most people cycling is just something people do as exercise and if you’ve seen one bike you’ve seen them all. To someone that has become deeply embedded into the cycling community at a national level as my hometown area has become a cycling hub for every variety of biking there is my view of biking has become quite diverse and how I’ve approached mapping cycling has matured and grown. I think a lot of people within the OSM community look at and scroll through pages and think, man it looks like you’ve got is all covered. However, I see this page I almost entirely see one type of cycling covered: Urban/Suburban Commuting.

So maybe a good place to start is to cover the variety of types of cycling that exist and how they are distinct and how they are also tangibly intertwined.

Even in listing these I tried to stop and logically break things in to categories like on-road, off-road, and closed circuit or hard-surface vs. soft surface of even high speed (sport) vs. low speed (recreation/commuting) but even here these starts to bleed together. For instance MTB racing has started to include gravel runs, so has cross country (XC), so has the Tour de France which is decidedly road.

Thus in no particular order here are some of the larger categories of biking and at a high level difference in how they function as it relates to biking.

Road Biking

Think tradition asphalt, curved handle bars, Lycra , fully human powered, and fast. From a mapping perspective this requires a lot of similar things to road mapping like speed limits but there is a particular interest in if roads have shoulders or if it’s an established mountain road that people train then there can be little difference.

Mountain Biking (MTB)

Think soft surface trails with berms, jumps, and technical features or just really steep downhills. These typically will have IMBA ratings as the key metric but because many of these navigate natural terrain they will commonly have bridges, tunnels, street crossings, and so forth that many times mean they need routes similar to highways to keep the IMBA and naming consistent. You may even ideally have Route Masters for cover all the trails that are part of a park or trail system to keep them associated with the Park or Land Manager. Something MTBers probably would love to see more racking of by trail is something missing from OSM right now which is a list of technical trail features (TTFs) Rock Gardens, Ladder Bridges, Wall Rides, Drops, Jumps, Skinnies, the list goes on.

Cyclo-cross (CX)

Light skinny but nobby wheels great for uphills but the typical lack of suspension make it a little worse for downhills with and small drops. These races tend to shorter and faster so there are tradeoffs to focus on speed but slighter risk of flat. Ironically CX might actually include bike dismount required stair sections which seems to not have anything to do with biking but these types of scrambles are build into CX courses.

Cross Country (XC)

Okay these are admittedly pretty close to Mountain Bikes but they are purpose built for racing generally but not always with less travel, more efficient pedaling, and lighter weight.

Urban/Suburban Commuting

This where you switch from not caring if you are sharing the road with cars (road biking) to that being the least ideal option and you want to know the route with the most separated multi-use, bike lane, and low speed mixed use routes you can find. Ideally the types you’d feel safe for your 7-8 year old riding along. As covered above a lot of what is cover on the bicycle page.


These either will be areas with lots of ride-able features something something like skate park or these can be purpose built closed course with high jumps huge wall climbs. These would be OSM Track but they would care about and have some cross over with the Technical Trail Features (TTFs) at MTBers but theirs would have some features dropped and different ones added.

Pump Track

This is distinct in that you start with a short burst of peddling and then pump the bike to maintain speed with really tight turns many of these are built to even be ridden slalom for competitive side by side racing. No Features here. Some of these will look more like a small closed loop trails but some are better of as just areas.


This is one of the fastest growing but hardest to map types of cycling on OSM because it focuses on back country gravel/dirt roads that most people consider to be for driving and moving around farm equipment only. If anything this is the one that I’ve had the most people on OSM come back behind and revert of overwrite changes made because mostly when I’ve asked because the through was if it’s not exclusively marked or signed in some ways then it should be left alone and people can just figure it out. Luckily our area has actually grown such a community and faced this type of push back in real like that they’ve actually start signing common routes in mass. That combine MUTCD Recreational and Caution symbology with Farming, Bike, and even hiking symbology as in addition to vehicle we have a lot of these in our area. See Respect Rural Road. These routes focus and prioritize gravel and then a bit of dirt over anything paved but then care about highway shoulders when rural routes don’t precisely align. They also look for bike=yes and grade.


To map biking can mean mapping roads sure but not just bike lanes and side paths but speeds/shoulder, soft surface single track, rural roads, or closed circuit, and even public land paths as bikes really cross the gambit of road and non-road infrastructure of every type.

5 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 27

Capturing the whole city of Salzburg with 360° imagery for Mapillary/Panoramax (Part 2)

Hello OSM Community,

I’m still working on capturing 360° images of the city of Salzburg for Mapillary and Panoramax. My goal is to enhance OSM data in Salzburg, especially in areas with notes that could be resolved with better visual context - something 360° images can provide.

Progress as of now

Route Planning Challenges

So, i tried some tools to plan a route efficie 5 days ago

Hello OSM Community,

I’m still working on capturing 360° images of the city of Salzburg for Mapillary and Panoramax. My goal is to enhance OSM data in Salzburg, especially in areas with notes that could be resolved with better visual context - something 360° images can provide.

Progress as of now

Route Planning Challenges

So, i tried some tools to plan a route efficiently to cover as many streets as possible without overlapping - essentially the Chinese Postman Problem.

  • Bikerouter: manual tedious labour involved to cover every street
  • everystreet challenge: no GPX download, so useless. No developtment.
  • RunEveryStreet: More automated approach, but key features missing and some bugs, and I didn’t get a response to my suggestions unfortunately.

Unfortunately, none of these tools fully met my needs, so i did it more practical.

The Solution I’m Using

OSMAnd’s built-in recording feature. I can record my route in real-time and have the GPX displayed at the same time directly on the map. This way, I can decide on the fly which streets to cover next. It also allows me to choose if i want to cycle a path or highway or not and no router is trying to get me back there. This flexibility worked much better for capturing pictures around Salzburg.

Managing the Photos for Upload (Moving Beyond the Mapillary GUI Uploader)

One of the biggest improvements has been switching from the Mapillary GUI uploader to their CLI tool. The command-line interface is significantly more efficient for handling large image sets. I used a powershell script to split images into smaller folders to avoid the problems i encountered with the GUI uploader, like freezing or crashing when processing too many images. With the GUI, the upload is much more robust.

I still have manually go through the pictures to remove duplicates, such as images taken at a red light or while I was checking my smartphone.

I’ve tried the Panoramax CLI tool, and I’m impressed how good it is. Integrates seamlessy into my workflow. Panoramax is already a strong alternative for hosting and 360° imagery. Every day the develelopment is ongoing, improving the integration in OSM-services like JOSM or Vespucci.

Interesting: Detroit’s Success with Street Coverage

In weeklyOSM 748, it was announced that Detroit has mapped 99.8% of its public roads using 360° imagery. The city’s Street View page showcases their success, and a great blog post by Mapillary highlights how Detroit has benefited from SLI (Street Level Imagery). Their approach demonstrates the incredible potential of using comprehensive street coverage to improve city planning and data accuracy.

Next Steps and Reflections

So, i learned a lot about tools and planning and improvisation. While efficient planning is helpful, the ability to adapt on the fly is just as, if not more, important. Switching from the GUI-Uploader to the CLI-Uploader has been a game-changer, saving me both time and frustration.

Next, I plan to continue expanding my coverage of Salzburg. My goal is to capture the entire city, street by street, and make this imagery accessible to everyone through both Mapillary and Panoramax. Maybe even the city is able to benefit from the SLI.

If you have suggestions for tools, workflows, or anything else that could support this project, please share! Let’s work together to make our maps even better.

Let’s keep mapping - one street at a time!

5 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 25

Mapping USA 2025

“Mapping USA 2025” welcomed participants to join virtually via Zoom for the two-day event between January 24th-25th with times from 11 AM to 3 PM ET. 🌍✨

At Mapping USA 2025 ,I presented my mapping progress while attending expert instructors who provided me access to useful resources which helped enhance my mapping quality. The event has strengthened my dedication towa 7 days ago

“Mapping USA 2025” welcomed participants to join virtually via Zoom for the two-day event between January 24th-25th with times from 11 AM to 3 PM ET. 🌍✨

At Mapping USA 2025 ,I presented my mapping progress while attending expert instructors who provided me access to useful resources which helped enhance my mapping quality. The event has strengthened my dedication toward open mapping alongside the collective spirit which our community powers. Let’s keep building important impacts together moving forward 🌟.

OpenStreetMap #CommunityImpact #StateoftheMapUS 7 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 25

دانش اموزان دیروز،مدیران امروز

به مدت ۲۵ سال در مدارس مختلف استان البرز، خاصه در منطقه ساوجبلاغ با سمت مدیر فعالیت داشتم، باتوجه به حفظ ارتباطات عاطفی خودم در طول سالهای عمر، مخصوصا بعد از بازنشستگی، از ظرفیت بکار گیری و همراهی عده ی زیادی از شاگردانم در امور اطلاع رسانی، نقشه خوانی و نقشه برداری، جمع اوری اطلاعات دقیق اماری مخصوصا ازنقاط محروم و کمتر رشد یافته را دارم

7 days ago

به مدت ۲۵ سال در مدارس مختلف استان البرز، خاصه در منطقه ساوجبلاغ با سمت مدیر فعالیت داشتم، باتوجه به حفظ ارتباطات عاطفی خودم در طول سالهای عمر، مخصوصا بعد از بازنشستگی، از ظرفیت بکار گیری و همراهی عده ی زیادی از شاگردانم در امور اطلاع رسانی، نقشه خوانی و نقشه برداری، جمع اوری اطلاعات دقیق اماری مخصوصا ازنقاط محروم و کمتر رشد یافته را دارم

7 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 23

My Journey in the World of OpenStreetMap (OSM) 🗾

9 days ago

9 days ago

Pascal Neis - Jan 23

Zwischen Wissenschaft und Kriminalität: Geldautomatensprengungen in Rheinland-Pfalz & Hessen

In den vergangenen Jahren kommt es in der gesamten Bundesrepublik Deutschland immer wieder zu Geldautomatensprengungen. Das Bundeskriminalamt veröffentlicht hierzu jährlich ein Bundeslagebild, das sowohl deskriptive Statistiken als auch weitere Informationen zu den Vorfällen in den einzelnen Bundesländern bietet. Auch in meiner Heimatgemeinde Hünstetten wurde bereits mehrfach ein Geldautomat gespre 9 days ago

In den vergangenen Jahren kommt es in der gesamten Bundesrepublik Deutschland immer wieder zu Geldautomatensprengungen. Das Bundeskriminalamt veröffentlicht hierzu jährlich ein Bundeslagebild, das sowohl deskriptive Statistiken als auch weitere Informationen zu den Vorfällen in den einzelnen Bundesländern bietet. Auch in meiner Heimatgemeinde Hünstetten wurde bereits mehrfach ein Geldautomat gesprengt und ausgeräumt. Für mich persönlich war dies unter anderem der Ursprung, sich dieses Phänomen einmal genauer mit Studierenden und im Kontext eines betreuten Lehrforschungsprojektes an der Hochschule Mainz anzuschauen.


© Beke Heeren-Pradt: Gesprengter Geldautomat in Hünstetten


Die Ergebnisse der umfangreicheren Untersuchung, die zusammen mit den Studierenden der Hochschule Mainz für das Land Rheinland-Pfalz durchgeführt wurde, sind jetzt in einer Open Access Publikation veröffentlicht. Im Fokus des Artikels stand nicht die Sprengung des Automaten an sich, sondern ein innovativer Lehransatz der anhand des Fallbeispiels die Geldautomatensprengungen untersucht. Die Studierenden haben bei ihren Untersuchungen auf der einen Seite versucht die Rolle der „Polizei“ und auf der anderen Seite die Rolle der „Räuber“ einzunehmen. Neben der Formulierung verschiedener Thesen zu dem genannten Fallbeispiel, umfasste das „Crime Mapping“ den größten Teil ihrer Analyse. Das bedeutet, beim „Crime Mapping“ geht es um die sogenannte Verbrechenskartierung und unter anderem um die Erkennung von Verbrechensmustern. Die folgende Abbildung zeigt zum Beispiel die gesprengten Geldautomaten (a) und Polizeidienststellen und deren Erreichbarkeit (b) in Rheinland-Pfalz.

Hintergrundkarte © OpenStreetMap Mitwirkende


Eine der vielen interessanten Thesen von den Studierenden konnte allerdings nicht bewiesen werden: „Beispielsweise ist die Polizeipräsenz auf dem Land zwar geringer, dies bedeutet aber nicht zwingend, dass dort im Vergleich die Geldautomaten gefährdeter sind.“ Der gesamte Artikel „Innovative Lehrmethoden in der GIScience am Beispiel von Crime Mapping mit Geldautomatensprengungen“ mit weiteren Abbildungen und Statistiken ist jetzt freizugänglich in der gis.Science abrufbar.

Die ersten Ergebnisse meiner Arbeit für das Land Hessen wurden daneben bereits Anfang 2023 in Zusammenarbeit mit Jan Eggers von der hessenschau veröffentlicht. Die Erkenntnis, die wir damals gewonnen haben, war wenig überraschend: In Hessen gibt es einen gewissen Zusammenhang zwischen der Häufigkeit von Sprengungen und einer guten Verkehrsanbindung.

© Jan Eggers


9 days ago

OpenStreetMap User's Diaries - Jan 22

How To Add Fire Hydrants (or Benches) in StreetComplete

In the upper-right corner of the main screen, you’ll see 3 buttons:

  • Upload
    • Looks like an “up arrow”.
  • Layers
    • This is the one we want!
  • Settings
    • Looks like “3 horizontal lines”.

(Note: This tutorial was created using StreetComplete v60.1 10 days ago

In the upper-right corner of the main screen, you’ll see 3 buttons:

  • Upload
    • Looks like an “up arrow”.
  • Layers
    • This is the one we want!
  • Settings
    • Looks like “3 horizontal lines”.

(Note: This tutorial was created using StreetComplete v60.1 on Android.)

Tutorial: Adding Fire Hydrants

1. Click on the “Layers” button.

2. Choose “Things”.

  • The icon will now turn into a green-and-white bullseye-looking symbol.
    • (You can now see objects like benches / fire hydrants on the map.)

3. Pinch+Zoom in really far:

  • You’ll see a crosshair appear on your screen.
    • (That’s the exact spot the object will be placed.)


  • Scroll on the map to move it to the exact location.

4. At the bottom-right of the screen:

  • Click the big red + button.

5. At the bottom of your screen:

  • Click on the “? Select” dropdown.
    • (You’ll now get a list of objects to choose from.)

This is where you can quickly choose from the 10 most popular objects:

  • Bench
  • Fire Hydrant
    • Choose this one!
  • Trash Can
  • Bicycle Parking
  • Recycling Bin
  • […]

6. Then:

  • Verify you moved the cursor to the right location.
  • Double-check you chose the correct object.
  • Click on the checkmark.

Congrats. You added it to the map! :)

Tips Tip #1: See A Bench? Take A Break!

If I’m mapping benches, I:

  • Sit right down.
  • Wait for the GPS to stabilize.
  • Do Steps 3->6.
    • Moving “the crosshair” directly over my “location dot”.

And while I’m taking a quick rest, I complete a few more quests around me too! :)

Tip #2: Other Small Things?

In Step 5, you can also add many other things by just:

  • Typing into the search box.

So if you’re in a park, you may want to add:

  • Drinking Water
    • This will trigger the “water fountain” quests.
  • Picnic Table

or some of the playground equipment:

  • Play Structure
    • This is the big thing with steps/slides/walls/bridges for kids to play on.
  • Swing
  • Seesaw

Or here are a few other objects you might come across while exploring:

  • Flagpole
  • Public Bookcase
    • These are those “free little libraries” that might randomly appear on your walks!
Extra Info

Side Note #1: If you like fire hydrants, then check out the map at:


StreetComplete is great for filling in all those blank gaps in your neighborhood! :)

Side Note #2: If you love adding in all these little things, you may also be interested in this great talk:

  • State of the Map US 2022: “Micromapping Phoenix City Parks” by Sean Whitcomb

@mycota did a fantastic job making parks look so much better! :)

Technical Note: These are the 2 main OSM tags discussed:

StreetComplete Name Tag Link Fire Hydrant emergency=fire_hydrant OSM Wiki Bench amenity=bench OSM Wiki

and then these bonus ones:

StreetComplete Name Tag Link Drinking Water amenity=drinking_water OSM Wiki Picnic Table leisure=picnic_table OSM Wiki   playground=* OSM Wiki Trash Can amenity=waste_basket OSM Wiki Public Bookcase amenity=public_bookcase OSM Wiki Flagpole man_made=flagpole OSM Wiki 10 days ago